Details |
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-MANDT table field - Client
Description: Client Field Name: MANDT Data Element: MANDT Data Type: CLNT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MANDT MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MANDT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-VRSIOID table field - ODM: Version
Description: ODM: Version Field Name: VRSIOID Data Element: /SCMB/ODM_VRSIOID Data Type: RAW length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/ODM_VRSIOID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VRSIOID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-ORDID table field - ODM: Order Document ID
Description: ODM: Order Document ID Field Name: ORDID Data Element: /SCMB/ODM_ORDID Data Type: RAW length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/ODM_ORDID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ORDID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-ITMID table field - ODM: Item ID
Description: ODM: Item ID Field Name: ITMID Data Element: /SCMB/ODM_ITMID Data Type: RAW length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/ODM_ITMID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ITMID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-ORTYPE table field - ODM: Order Document Type
Description: ODM: Order Document Type Field Name: ORTYPE Data Element: /SCMB/ODM_ORTYPE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/ODM_ORTYPE MemoryID: /SCMB/ODM_ORTYPE AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ORTYPE
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-SEQ_NR table field - Packing Material Sequence
Description: Packing Material Sequence Field Name: SEQ_NR Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_PKG_SEQ Data Type: INT4 length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_PKG_SEQ MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SEQ_NR
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-ROOT_SEQ_NR table field - Higher-Level Packing Material Sequence
Description: Higher-Level Packing Material Sequence Field Name: ROOT_SEQ_NR Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_ROOT_PKG_SEQ Data Type: INT4 length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_PKG_SEQ MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ROOT_SEQ_NR
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-LOWEST_PKG_LVL table field - Packaging Material: Lowest Level?
Description: Packaging Material: Lowest Level? Field Name: LOWEST_PKG_LVL Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_LOWEST_PACKAGE_LVL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BOOLE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LOWEST_PKG_LVL
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-PACKAGE_TYPE table field - Type of Packaging
Description: Type of Packaging Field Name: PACKAGE_TYPE Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_TYPE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_TYPE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PACKAGE_TYPE
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-PACKAGE_TYPE_DSC table field - Description for Type of Packaging
Description: Description for Type of Packaging Field Name: PACKAGE_TYPE_DSC Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_TYPE_DESCR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_TYPE_DESCR MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PACKAGE_TYPE_DSC
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-PACKPROD_ID table field - Product ID
Description: Product ID Field Name: PACKPROD_ID Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_MATID Data Type: RAW length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_MATID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PACKPROD_ID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-PACKPROD_NR table field - Product Number
Description: Product Number Field Name: PACKPROD_NR Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_MAT_EXT_ID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: MATN1 Domain Name: /SCMB/MDL_PRODUCT_NO MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: /SCMB/MDL_SH_PROD SHLP Field: MATNR ConvExit: MATN1 See all SAP tables containing field PACKPROD_NR
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-PACKAGE_QTY table field - Number of Packages
Description: Number of Packages Field Name: PACKAGE_QTY Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_QTY Data Type: INT4 length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_PACKAGE_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PACKAGE_QTY
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-HEIGHT table field - Quantity
Description: Quantity Field Name: HEIGHT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 31(14) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HEIGHT
Description: Unit Field Name: HEIGHT_UNIT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_UOM Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field HEIGHT_UNIT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-LENGTH table field - Quantity
Description: Quantity Field Name: LENGTH Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 31(14) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LENGTH
Description: Unit Field Name: LENGTH_UNIT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_UOM Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field LENGTH_UNIT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-WIDTH table field - Quantity
Description: Quantity Field Name: WIDTH Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 31(14) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WIDTH
Description: Unit Field Name: WIDTH_UNIT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_UOM Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field WIDTH_UNIT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-VOL table field - Quantity
Description: Quantity Field Name: VOL Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 31(14) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VOL
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-VOL_UNIT table field - Unit
Description: Unit Field Name: VOL_UNIT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_UOM Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field VOL_UNIT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-WEIGHT table field - Quantity
Description: Quantity Field Name: WEIGHT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 31(14) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_QUANTITY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WEIGHT
Description: Unit Field Name: WEIGHT_UNIT Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_UOM Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field WEIGHT_UNIT
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-HANDL_INS_CODE table field - Handling Instructions, Code
Description: Handling Instructions, Code Field Name: HANDL_INS_CODE Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_HANDL_INS_CODE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_HANDL_INS_CODE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HANDL_INS_CODE
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-HUID table field - Handling Unit Identification (ODM)
Description: Handling Unit Identification (ODM) Field Name: HUID Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_HUID Data Type: RAW length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_HUID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HUID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-HU_EXT_NR table field - External Handling Unit Number
Description: External Handling Unit Number Field Name: HU_EXT_NR Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_HU_EXT_NR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 18(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_HU_EXT_NR MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HU_EXT_NR
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-HU_NR table field - Readable Handling Unit Identification
Description: Readable Handling Unit Identification Field Name: HU_NR Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_HU_ID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_HU_ID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HU_NR
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-EQUI_ID table field - Equipment Identification
Description: Equipment Identification Field Name: EQUI_ID Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_EQUI_ID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 17(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/TMDL_EQUI_ID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EQUI_ID
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-OBJCHG table field - ODM: Change Mode
Description: ODM: Change Mode Field Name: OBJCHG Data Element: /SCMB/ODM_OBJCHG Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: /SCMB/ODM_OBJCHG MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OBJCHG
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-CROSS_HU table field - Cross-Delivery Handling Unit
Description: Cross-Delivery Handling Unit Field Name: CROSS_HU Data Element: /SCMB/TMDL_CROSS_HU Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BOOLE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CROSS_HU
/SCMB/VTMDL_CDPKG-KZ table field - Type of Change
Description: Type of Change Field Name: KZ Data Element: CDCHNGIND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CDCHNGIND MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KZ