SAP BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION table - Time Confirmation details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Time Confirmation
Field list for BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-ACTIVITY table field - Operation/Activity Number ▼Description: Operation/Activity Number |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-SUB_ACTIVITY table field - Suboperation ▼Description: Suboperation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-CONF_NO table field - Completion confirmation number for the operation ▼Description: Completion confirmation number for the operation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-SPLIT table field - Split Number (CHAR) ▼Description: Split Number (CHAR) |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-PROCSS_DEG table field - Confirmation: Degree of processing ▼Description: Confirmation: Degree of processing |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-WORK_CNTR table field - Work Center ▼Description: Work Center |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-FIN_CONF table field - Partial/Final Confirmation ▼Description: Partial/Final Confirmation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-CLEAR_RES table field - Clear Open Reservations ▼Description: Clear Open Reservations |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-DEV_REASON table field - Reason for Variance ▼Description: Reason for Variance |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_ACT_DUR table field - Unit for actual duration ▼Description: Unit for actual duration |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_ACT_DUR_ISO table field - Base unit of measure in ISO code ▼Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-ACTUAL_DUR table field - Duration (CHAR) ▼Description: Duration (CHAR) |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-END_DATE table field - Confirmed Finish Date of Execution ▼Description: Confirmed Finish Date of Execution |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-END_TIME table field - Confirmed Time for 'Finish Execution' ▼Description: Confirmed Time for 'Finish Execution' |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-START_DATE table field - Confirmed Start Date of Execution ▼Description: Confirmed Start Date of Execution |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-START_TIME table field - Confirmed Time for 'Start Execution' ▼Description: Confirmed Time for 'Start Execution' |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_WORK table field - Unit for work ▼Description: Unit for work |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_WORK_ISO table field - Base unit of measure in ISO code ▼Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-ACT_WORK table field - Actual Labor ▼Description: Actual Labor |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-ACT_TYPE table field - Activity Type for Confirmation ▼Description: Activity Type for Confirmation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-COMPLETE table field - Indicator: No Remaining Work Expected ▼Description: Indicator: No Remaining Work Expected |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-WAGE_TYPE table field - Wage type ▼Description: Wage type |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-CONF_TEXT table field - Confirmation text ▼Description: Confirmation text |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_REM_DUR table field - Unit for remaining duration ▼Description: Unit for remaining duration |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_REM_DUR_ISO table field - Base unit of measure in ISO code ▼Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-REM_DUR table field - Remaining Duration of Operation ▼Description: Remaining Duration of Operation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_REM_WRK table field - Unit of Measure for Remaining Work ▼Description: Unit of Measure for Remaining Work |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-UN_REM_WRK_ISO table field - Base unit of measure in ISO code ▼Description: Base unit of measure in ISO code |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-REM_WORK table field - Remaining Work ▼Description: Remaining Work |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-FCSTFINDAT table field - Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation ▼Description: Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-FCSTFINTIM table field - Forecast End Time of Operation from Confirmation ▼Description: Forecast End Time of Operation from Confirmation |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-PERS_NO table field - Personnel number ▼Description: Personnel number |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-PLANT table field - Plant ▼Description: Plant |
BAPI2088_TIME_CONFIRMATION-CALC_MOTIVE table field - Accounting Indicator ▼Description: Accounting Indicator |
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