SAP BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC table - Apportionment Rule - Data - Change Fields details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Apportionment Rule - Data - Change Fields
Field list for BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-CHANGE_INDICATOR table field - Change Type ▼Description: Change Type |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-VALID_FROM table field - Date from when assignment is valid ▼Description: Date from when assignment is valid |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SETTLEMENT_VARIANT table field - Settlement variant ▼Description: Settlement variant |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-APPORTIONMENT_PURPOSE table field - Purpose of Apportionment ▼Description: Purpose of Apportionment |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-APPORTIONMENT_FACTOR table field - Apport.factor - percentage ▼Description: Apport.factor - percentage |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-MEASUREMENT table field - Measurement Type ▼Description: Measurement Type |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-VACANCY_PERCENTAGE table field - Vacancy percentage rate, borne by landlord ▼Description: Vacancy percentage rate, borne by landlord |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-REG_LOC_KEY_HEAT_DAYS table field - Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days ▼Description: Regional Location Key for Heating Value Days |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SETTL_UNIT_OBJECT_TYPE table field - Business Object Type of Object in Settlement Unit ▼Description: Business Object Type of Object in Settlement Unit |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SETTL_UNIT_OBJECT_ID table field - Part of ID of Object in Settlement Unit ▼Description: Part of ID of Object in Settlement Unit |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-TYPE_OF_PREDISTRIBUTION table field - Type of Predistribution ▼Description: Type of Predistribution |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-EQUIV_NUMBER table field - Equivalence Number ▼Description: Equivalence Number |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-CALC_METER_FROM_RO table field - Consumption Is Determined Using Assigned Rental Object ▼Description: Consumption Is Determined Using Assigned Rental Object |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SUM_EQUIV_NUMBER table field - Equivalence Number ▼Description: Equivalence Number |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SUM_EQUIV_NUMBER_UNIT table field - Measurement Unit for Assignment of Participating SUs ▼Description: Measurement Unit for Assignment of Participating SUs |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SUM_EQUIV_NUMBER_UNIT_ISO table field - ISO code for unit of measurement ▼Description: ISO code for unit of measurement |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-PERC_RATE_CROSS_SU table field - Percentage rate predistribution cross settlement unit ▼Description: Percentage rate predistribution cross settlement unit |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SETTL_UNIT_REST_OBJ_TYPE table field - Object Type of Remainder Object of Settlement Unit ▼Description: Object Type of Remainder Object of Settlement Unit |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-SETTL_UNIT_REST_OBJ_ID table field - Part of ID of Remainder Object of Settlement Unit ▼Description: Part of ID of Remainder Object of Settlement Unit |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-NEGATIVE_REST_ALLOWED table field - Negative Consumption Remainder Allowed ▼Description: Negative Consumption Remainder Allowed |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-CALC_TYPE_HEAT_CST_FORMULA table field - Calculation type of heating cost formula ▼Description: Calculation type of heating cost formula |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-HOT_WATER_VOLUME table field - V = measured volume of consumed hot water in m3 ▼Description: V = measured volume of consumed hot water in m3 |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-HOT_WATER_AVG_TEMP table field - TW = Measured or estimated average temperature of hot water ▼Description: TW = Measured or estimated average temperature of hot water |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-FUEL_TYPE table field - Fuel type ▼Description: Fuel type |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-FUEL_CALORIFIC_VAL table field - HV = Heating value of consumed fuel ▼Description: HV = Heating value of consumed fuel |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-TOTAL_CONS_THERM_UNITS table field - TotCons = Total consumption of heating units as entry value ▼Description: TotCons = Total consumption of heating units as entry value |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-FUEL_CONS table field - F = Fuel consumption ▼Description: F = Fuel consumption |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-THERM_UNITS_HOT_WATER table field - Q = heat consumption for hot water consumption ▼Description: Q = heat consumption for hot water consumption |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-HEAT_CONSUMED table field - H = heat consumed ▼Description: H = heat consumed |
BAPI_RE_APPORT_RULE_DATC-PERC_SHARE_HOT_WATER table field - Percentage share for hot water consumption ▼Description: Percentage share for hot water consumption |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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