SAP BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT table - BAPI Structure for Student: Addit'l Pers. Data (Text Fields) details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: BAPI Structure for Student: Addit'l Pers. Data (Text Fields)
Field list for BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-RELIGION table field - Religious Denomination Key ▼Description: Religious Denomination Key |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-RELIGION_TXT table field - Religious Denomination Long Text ▼Description: Religious Denomination Long Text |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-ETHNIC_GRP table field - Ethnic Origin ▼Description: Ethnic Origin |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-ETHNIC_GRP_TXT table field - Ethnic Origin (Description) ▼Description: Ethnic Origin (Description) |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-JOB table field - Student's Job ▼Description: Student's Job |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-JOB_TXT table field - Text length 25 ▼Description: Text length 25 |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-SOCIAL_GRP table field - Social Class ▼Description: Social Class |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-SOCIAL_GRP_TXT table field - Social Class (Description) ▼Description: Social Class (Description) |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-SERVICE_STATUS table field - Service Status ▼Description: Service Status |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-SERVICE_STATUS_TXT table field - Text length 25 ▼Description: Text length 25 |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-SERVICE_NUMBER table field - Service Number ▼Description: Service Number |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-VETERAN_NUMBER table field - Veteran Administration Number ▼Description: Veteran Administration Number |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-DRIVERS_LICENSE_NO table field - Driver's License Number ▼Description: Driver's License Number |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-DRIVERS_LICENSE_COUNTRY table field - Country/Region in Which Driver's License Was Acquired ▼Description: Country/Region in Which Driver's License Was Acquired |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-DRIVERS_LICENSE_COUNTRY_ISO table field - ISO Code of the Country/Region ▼Description: ISO Code of the Country/Region |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-NAMEOFLICENCECOUNTRY table field - Name of Country/Region (Short) ▼Description: Name of Country/Region (Short) |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-DRIVERS_LICENSE_REGION table field - Region in Which Driver's License Was Issued ▼Description: Region in Which Driver's License Was Issued |
BAPISTUDENT_ADDPERSONALT-NAMEOFLICENSESTATE table field - Description ▼Description: Description |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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