SAP BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI table - Header Data Bid Inviation (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI) details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Header Data Bid Inviation (BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI)
Field list for BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI table on an SAP system
Details |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-GUID table field - Globally Unique identifier ▼Description: Globally Unique identifier |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-DESCRIPTION table field - Name of SRM Document ▼Description: Name of SRM Document |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-START_TIME table field - Time Stamp for Start Time of an Auction/Bid Inv. ▼Description: Time Stamp for Start Time of an Auction/Bid Inv. |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-BID_TYPE table field - Type of RFx ▼Description: Type of RFx |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-OPEN_TIME table field - Opening Date and Time of the Bid Invitation ▼Description: Opening Date and Time of the Bid Invitation |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-APPLIC_BY table field - Bidder Registration Deadline ▼Description: Bidder Registration Deadline |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-QUOT_DEAD table field - Submission Deadline for the Bid ▼Description: Submission Deadline for the Bid |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-QUOT_DEAD_TIME table field - Time of Bid Submission Deadline ▼Description: Time of Bid Submission Deadline |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-BINDG_PER table field - Binding period for quotation ▼Description: Binding period for quotation |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-CATEGORY table field - Product Category GUID ▼Description: Product Category GUID |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-CATEGORY_ID table field - Product Category ID ▼Description: Product Category ID |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-CURRENCY table field - Currency Key ▼Description: Currency Key |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-TOTAL_VALUE table field - Total Value of Shopping Cart / Target Value of Contract ▼Description: Total Value of Shopping Cart / Target Value of Contract |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-VPER_START table field - Timeframe From ▼Description: Timeframe From |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-VPER_END table field - Timeframe To ▼Description: Timeframe To |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-PMNTTRMS table field - Terms of Payment Key ▼Description: Terms of Payment Key |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-GUARANTEED_MIN table field - Guaranteed Purchase Value (Public Sector ONLY!!) ▼Description: Guaranteed Purchase Value (Public Sector ONLY!!) |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-USE_CONDITIONS table field - Indicator: Detailed Price Info to be Entered in Bid ▼Description: Indicator: Detailed Price Info to be Entered in Bid |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-QUAN_FIX_IND table field - Fixed Quantity Specified ▼Description: Fixed Quantity Specified |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-ADD_ITEMS_IND table field - Indicates Whether Items may be Added ▼Description: Indicates Whether Items may be Added |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-SHOW_WEIGH_IND table field - Display Weighting to Bidders ▼Description: Display Weighting to Bidders |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-BID_ALL_ITMS_IND table field - You have to bid on all Items ▼Description: You have to bid on all Items |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-BID_CHG_ALLOWED table field - Bid May be Changed ▼Description: Bid May be Changed |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-PO_IND table field - Follow-On Document is a Purchase Order ▼Description: Follow-On Document is a Purchase Order |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-CTR_IND table field - Follow-On Document is a Contract ▼Description: Follow-On Document is a Contract |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-DESCR_LANGUAGE table field - Language Key of Description ▼Description: Language Key of Description |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-CO_CODE table field - Company Code in FI System ▼Description: Company Code in FI System |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-LOGSYS_FI table field - Logical System of FI System ▼Description: Logical System of FI System |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-COMPANY_CODE table field - Company Code ▼Description: Company Code |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-APPROVAL_IND table field - Approval Indicator ▼Description: Approval Indicator |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-PROCESS_TYPE table field - Business Transaction Type ▼Description: Business Transaction Type |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-OBJECT_ID table field - Transaction ID ▼Description: Transaction ID |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-EXT_DEM_LOGSYS table field - Logical System from where an External Requirement Comes ▼Description: Logical System from where an External Requirement Comes |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-TEMPLATE_TYPE table field - Template Type of CRM Transaction ▼Description: Template Type of CRM Transaction |
BBPS_BID_HEADER_IC_PA_BADI-TZONE table field - Time Zone for Date and Time Fields of Procurement Document ▼Description: Time Zone for Date and Time Fields of Procurement Document |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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