SAP BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR table - Attribute Structure of BUPA GenIL FS Fiscal Year Info Object details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Attribute Structure of BUPA GenIL FS Fiscal Year Info Object
Field list for BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-FISCAL_YR table field - Fiscal Year ▼Description: Fiscal Year |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-CURRENCY table field - Balance Sheet Currency ▼Description: Balance Sheet Currency |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-ISO_CODE table field - ISO currency code ▼Description: ISO currency code |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-DT_ST_MTG table field - Date of Annual Stockholders Meeting ▼Description: Date of Annual Stockholders Meeting |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-FY_START table field - Fiscal Year Start Date ▼Description: Fiscal Year Start Date |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-FY_END table field - Fiscal Year End Date ▼Description: Fiscal Year End Date |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-CLOSING table field - Year-End Closing ▼Description: Year-End Closing |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-DT_CLOSING table field - Year-End Closing Date for Fiscal Year ▼Description: Year-End Closing Date for Fiscal Year |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-CONS_ACCTS table field - Date of Consolidated Financial Statements of Group Company ▼Description: Date of Consolidated Financial Statements of Group Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-CAP_STOCK table field - Amount of Authorized Capital Stock for Company ▼Description: Amount of Authorized Capital Stock for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-STOCK_CAP table field - Amount of Issued Stock Capital for Company ▼Description: Amount of Issued Stock Capital for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-PART_CERTS table field - Amount of Participation Certificates Outstanding for Company ▼Description: Amount of Participation Certificates Outstanding for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-EQUITYCAP table field - Amount of Equity Capital for Company ▼Description: Amount of Equity Capital for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-GR_CONTRIB table field - Gross Premium ▼Description: Gross Premium |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-NET_CONTR table field - Net Premium ▼Description: Net Premium |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-SALES table field - Amount of Annual Sales for Company ▼Description: Amount of Annual Sales for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-SURPLUS table field - Amount of Annual Net Income/Net Loss for Company ▼Description: Amount of Annual Net Income/Net Loss for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-DIVIDEND table field - Dividend/Profit Distribution Amount for Company ▼Description: Dividend/Profit Distribution Amount for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-DEBT_RATIO table field - Debt Ratio in Years ▼Description: Debt Ratio in Years |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-PROFIT table field - Amount of Annual Profit/Loss for Organization ▼Description: Amount of Annual Profit/Loss for Organization |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-BS_TOTAL table field - Amount of Balance Sheet Total for Company ▼Description: Amount of Balance Sheet Total for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-CAP_RES table field - Amount of Capital Reserve for Company ▼Description: Amount of Capital Reserve for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-RETEARNST table field - Amount of Legal Revenue Reserves for Company ▼Description: Amount of Legal Revenue Reserves for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-RETEARNOS table field - Revenue Reserves for Own Stock ▼Description: Revenue Reserves for Own Stock |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-RETEARNART table field - Amount of Statutory Revenue Reserve for Company ▼Description: Amount of Statutory Revenue Reserve for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-RETEARNOTH table field - Amount of Other Revenue Reserves for Company ▼Description: Amount of Other Revenue Reserves for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-P_L_FORWRD table field - Amount of Profit/Loss Carried Forward for Company ▼Description: Amount of Profit/Loss Carried Forward for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-SUB_LIAB table field - Amount of Subordinated Liabilities for Company ▼Description: Amount of Subordinated Liabilities for Company |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-TOTCAPRETN table field - Return on Total Capital Employed for Company in Percent ▼Description: Return on Total Capital Employed for Company in Percent |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-DEBT_CL table field - Debt Clearance Period in Years ▼Description: Debt Clearance Period in Years |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-FIN_COEFF table field - Financing Coefficient in Percent ▼Description: Financing Coefficient in Percent |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-EQUIT_RAT table field - Equity Ratio of Company in Percent ▼Description: Equity Ratio of Company in Percent |
BSS_FSBPIL_FISCAL_YEAR-STAFF_COUNT table field - Number of Employees in Company ▼Description: Number of Employees in Company |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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