SAP DRAFT_QTA_ITEM table - Quota Arrangements Item Draft details in SAP
SAP DRAFT_QTA_ITEM table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: DRAFT_QTA_ITEM
Dictionary Type: Transparent table
Description: Quota Arrangements Item Draft
Field list for DRAFT_QTA_ITEM table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAITEMDRAFTUUID table field - UUID in X form (binary) ▼Description: UUID in X form (binary) |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAARRANGEMENTDRAFTUUID table field - UUID in X form (binary) ▼Description: UUID in X form (binary) |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAARRANGEMENT table field - Number of quota arrangement ▼Description: Number of quota arrangement |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAARRANGEMENTITEM table field - Quota arrangement item ▼Description: Quota arrangement item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MATERIALPROCUREMENTCATEGORY table field - Procurement Type ▼Description: Procurement Type |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MATERIALPROCUREMENTTYPE table field - Special procurement type ▼Description: Special procurement type |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-SUPPLIER table field - Vendor's account number ▼Description: Vendor's account number |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-SUPPLYINGPLANT table field - Plant from Which Material is Procured ▼Description: Plant from Which Material is Procured |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTA table field - Quota ▼Description: Quota |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTABASEQUANTITY table field - Quota Base Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item ▼Description: Quota Base Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAALLOCATEDQUANTITY table field - Allocated Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item ▼Description: Allocated Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTAMAXIMUMQUANTITY table field - Maximum Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item ▼Description: Maximum Quantity of Quota Arrangement Item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-PRODUCTIONVERSION table field - Production Version ▼Description: Production Version |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MATERIALMAXLOTSIZEQUANTITY table field - Maximum Lot Size per Quota Item ▼Description: Maximum Lot Size per Quota Item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MATERIALMINLOTSIZEQUANTITY table field - Minimum Lot Size per Quota Item ▼Description: Minimum Lot Size per Quota Item |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MATERIALROUNDINGPROFILE table field - Rounding Profile ▼Description: Rounding Profile |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-SOURCEOFSUPPLYISASSIGNEDONCE table field - Indicator: 'Once-Only' ▼Description: Indicator: 'Once-Only' |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MAXIMUMRELEASEQUANTITY table field - Maximum Release Quantity per Period ▼Description: Maximum Release Quantity per Period |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTARELEASEPERIODTYPE table field - Period to Which the Release Quantity Relates ▼Description: Period to Which the Release Quantity Relates |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-NUMBEROFQUOTARELEASEPERIOD table field - Number of Periods to Which the Release Quantity Relates ▼Description: Number of Periods to Which the Release Quantity Relates |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-QUOTADETERMINATIONPRIORITY table field - Priority for Determination of Sequence ▼Description: Priority for Determination of Sequence |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-MANUFACTURERMATERIAL table field - Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number ▼Description: Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-PLANNEDDELIVERYDURATIONINDAYS table field - Planned Delivery Time in Days ▼Description: Planned Delivery Time in Days |
DRAFT_QTA_ITEM-HASACTIVEENTITY table field - Draft - Indicator - Has active document ▼Description: Draft - Indicator - Has active document |
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