SAP EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D table - Incident - Restricted Duty details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Incident - Restricted Duty
Field list for EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-DATETIME_CR table field - Date/Time of Item Creation ▼Description: Date/Time of Item Creation |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-USER_ID_CR table field - Object Created By ▼Description: Object Created By |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-DATETIME_CH table field - Date/Time of Item Change ▼Description: Date/Time of Item Change |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-USER_ID_CH table field - Object Changed By ▼Description: Object Changed By |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-NODE_KEY_REF table field - BO Reference Definition Key of the Subnode ▼Description: BO Reference Definition Key of the Subnode |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-KEY_REF table field - BO Reference Instance Key of the Subnode ▼Description: BO Reference Instance Key of the Subnode |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-TYPE table field - Category of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Category of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-SUBTYPE table field - Restricted Duty Type ▼Description: Restricted Duty Type |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-START_DATE table field - Start Date of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Start Date of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-END_DATE table field - Actual End Date of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Actual End Date of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-START_TIMESTAMP table field - Start Date/Time of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Start Date/Time of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-END_TIMESTAMP table field - End Date/Time of Restricted Duty ▼Description: End Date/Time of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-END_EST_DATE table field - Estimated End Date of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Estimated End Date of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-PERMANENT_IND table field - Permanent Restricted Duty ▼Description: Permanent Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-JOB_TRANSFER_IND table field - Job Transfer ▼Description: Job Transfer |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-WORK_DAY_MEAS table field - Actual Workdays of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Actual Workdays of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-CAL_DAY_MEAS table field - Actual Calendar Days of Restricted Duty ▼Description: Actual Calendar Days of Restricted Duty |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-CON_PAY_END_DATE table field - End Date of Absence Continued Payment ▼Description: End Date of Absence Continued Payment |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-FROM_PROXY_IND table field - Read Absence From Proxy ▼Description: Read Absence From Proxy |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-START_TIME_ZONE table field - Time Zone of Absence or Job Restriction Start ▼Description: Time Zone of Absence or Job Restriction Start |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-END_TIME_ZONE table field - Time Zone of Absence or Restriction End ▼Description: Time Zone of Absence or Restriction End |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-TXC_DESC_KEY table field - NodeID ▼Description: NodeID |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-START_TIME table field - Start Time of Absence or Restriction ▼Description: Start Time of Absence or Restriction |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-END_TIME table field - End Time of Absence or Restriction ▼Description: End Time of Absence or Restriction |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-PERS_NUMBER table field - Personnel Number ▼Description: Personnel Number |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-OBJECT_ID table field - Absence Object ID ▼Description: Absence Object ID |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-HR_MAST_DATA_IND table field - Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Absence Record ▼Description: Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Absence Record |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-IT_SAME_VAL_IND table field - Absence Infotype Record with Same Key Value ▼Description: Absence Infotype Record with Same Key Value |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-A_LOST_SH_MEAS table field - Shifts Lost During Absence ▼Description: Shifts Lost During Absence |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-PSG table field - Personal Subarea Group for Absences ▼Description: Personal Subarea Group for Absences |
EHHSSS_INC_DUTY_RESTRICTED_D-EEW_INC_RSTDY_D table field - Dummy function in length 1 ▼Description: Dummy function in length 1 |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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