SAP EKES_CONV_QTY table - Contains Qty Conversn Factors btw. Delivery UoM & Order UoM details in SAP

SAP EKES_CONV_QTY table summary

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Object Name: EKES_CONV_QTY
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Contains Qty Conversn Factors btw. Delivery UoM & Order UoM

Field list for EKES_CONV_QTY table on an S/4 SAP system

EKES_CONV_QTY-EBELN table field - Purchasing Document Number

Description: Purchasing Document Number
Field Name: EBELN
Data Element: EBELN
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: *
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: EBELN
MemoryID: BES
AppClass: ME
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field EBELN

EKES_CONV_QTY-EBELP table field - Item Number of Purchasing Document

Description: Item Number of Purchasing Document
Field Name: EBELP
Data Element: EBELP
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 5(0)
Check table: *
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: EBELP
MemoryID: BSP
AppClass: ME
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field EBELP

EKES_CONV_QTY-EINDT table field - Item delivery date

Description: Item delivery date
Field Name: EINDT
Data Element: EINDT
Data Type: DATS
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: DATUM
AppClass: TEST
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field EINDT

EKES_CONV_QTY-VBELN table field - Sales and Distribution Document Number

Description: Sales and Distribution Document Number
Field Name: VBELN
Data Element: VBELN
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: *
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: VBELN
MemoryID: AUN
AppClass: V
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field VBELN

EKES_CONV_QTY-VBELP table field - Sales document item

Description: Sales document item
Field Name: VBELP
Data Element: VBELP
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table: *
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: POSNR
AppClass: V
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field VBELP

EKES_CONV_QTY-UMREZ table field - Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU

Description: Numerator (factor) for conversion of sales quantity into SKU
Field Name: UMREZ
Data Element: UMVKZ
Data Type: DEC
length (Dec): 5(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: UMBSZ
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field UMREZ

EKES_CONV_QTY-UMREN table field - Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales Qty into SKU

Description: Denominator (divisor) for conversion of sales Qty into SKU
Field Name: UMREN
Data Element: UMVKN
Data Type: DEC
length (Dec): 5(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: UMBSN
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field UMREN

EKES_CONV_QTY-LGMNG table field - Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units

Description: Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units
Field Name: LGMNG
Data Element: LGMNG
Data Type: QUAN
length (Dec): 13(3)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: MENG13
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field LGMNG


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