SAP FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS table - Commodity Deals Data details in SAP
SAP FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Commodity Deals Data
Field list for FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CONT_BACK table field - Commodity Contango / Backwardation ▼Description: Commodity Contango / Backwardation |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CONTRACT_DATE table field - Contract Conclusion Date ▼Description: Contract Conclusion Date |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CONTRACT_PRICE table field - Commodity Contract Price ▼Description: Commodity Contract Price |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CONTRACT_TYPE table field - Contract Type ▼Description: Contract Type |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-COUNTERPARTY table field - Counterparty ▼Description: Counterparty |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CTY_SPOT_PRICE table field - Commodity spot price ▼Description: Commodity spot price |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-DEAL_NUMBER table field - Position-Generating Financial Transaction ▼Description: Position-Generating Financial Transaction |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-END_TERM table field - End of Term ▼Description: End of Term |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-PORTFOLIO table field - Portfolio ▼Description: Portfolio |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-PRODUCT_CAT table field - Product Category ▼Description: Product Category |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-SIDE table field - Direction of Transaction ▼Description: Direction of Transaction |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-START_TERM table field - Start of Term ▼Description: Start of Term |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-TRADER table field - Trader ▼Description: Trader |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-TRANSACTION_TYPE table field - Financial Transaction Type ▼Description: Financial Transaction Type |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-QUANTITY_IN table field - Incoming Commodity Quantity ▼Description: Incoming Commodity Quantity |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-UOM_IN table field - Unit of Measure for Incoming Commodity ▼Description: Unit of Measure for Incoming Commodity |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CTY_PRICE_IN table field - Incoming Comodity Price ▼Description: Incoming Comodity Price |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-QUANTITY_OUT table field - Outgoing Commodity Quantity ▼Description: Outgoing Commodity Quantity |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-UOM_OUT table field - Unit of Measure for Outgoing Commodity ▼Description: Unit of Measure for Outgoing Commodity |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-CTY_PRICE_OUT table field - Outgoing Commodity Price ▼Description: Outgoing Commodity Price |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-PRICE_CURR_UNIT table field - Currency Unit of the Rate ▼Description: Currency Unit of the Rate |
FTI_CTY_POSN_DEALS-PRICE_UOM table field - Unit of Measure for the Commodity ▼Description: Unit of Measure for the Commodity |
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