SAP HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF table - structure for HNZCIRC0 details in SAP
SAP HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: structure for HNZCIRC0
Field list for HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-NAME table field - Employee full name ▼Description: Employee full name |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-STRAS table field - Employee street & house nbr. ▼Description: Employee street & house nbr. |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-LOCAT table field - Employee 2nd address line ▼Description: Employee 2nd address line |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ORT01 table field - Employee city address ▼Description: Employee city address |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-OCCUP table field - Employee occupation ▼Description: Employee occupation |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-TAXCD table field - Employee tax code ▼Description: Employee tax code |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-IRDNR table field - Employee IRD number ▼Description: Employee IRD number |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-CRTNO table field - IR Certificate number ▼Description: IR Certificate number |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ALW01_LINE1 table field - Allowance type1 ▼Description: Allowance type1 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ALW01_LINE2 table field - Allowance type2 ▼Description: Allowance type2 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ALW01_LINE3 table field - Allowance type3 ▼Description: Allowance type3 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ALW01_LINE4 table field - Allowance type4 ▼Description: Allowance type4 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-BEGDT table field - Begin date of employment ▼Description: Begin date of employment |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ENDDT table field - End date of employment ▼Description: End date of employment |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERNME table field - Employer full name ▼Description: Employer full name |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERAD1 table field - Employer address line 1 ▼Description: Employer address line 1 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERAD2 table field - Employer address line 2 ▼Description: Employer address line 2 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERAD3 table field - Employer address line 3 ▼Description: Employer address line 3 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERTNM table field - Employer trade name ▼Description: Employer trade name |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERSIG table field - Employer signatory ▼Description: Employer signatory |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-IRDAT table field - Date of the certificate run ▼Description: Date of the certificate run |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-STRYR table field - PAYE start year ▼Description: PAYE start year |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ENDYR table field - PAYE end year ▼Description: PAYE end year |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-EXPAY table field - Employee extra pays ▼Description: Employee extra pays |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-PAYED table field - Total PAYE deductions ▼Description: Total PAYE deductions |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-EARLP table field - Earnings liable for premium ▼Description: Earnings liable for premium |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ACCEP table field - ACC earner premium ▼Description: ACC earner premium |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-BETTX table field - Tax deductions ▼Description: Tax deductions |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-BETGR table field - Gross earnings ▼Description: Gross earnings |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-STAMT table field - Student loan repayment deduc ▼Description: Student loan repayment deduc |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-AMT01_LINE1 table field - amount paid1 ▼Description: amount paid1 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-AMT01_LINE2 table field - amount paid2 ▼Description: amount paid2 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-AMT01_LINE3 table field - amount paid3 ▼Description: amount paid3 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-AMT01_LINE4 table field - amount paid4 ▼Description: amount paid4 |
HNZCIRC0_STR_PDF-ERIRD table field - Employer IRD number ▼Description: Employer IRD number |
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