SAP HRPAYDE_EHVS table - HR-DEH: Work Table Salary and Wage Structure details in SAP
SAP HRPAYDE_EHVS table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: HRPAYDE_EHVS
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: HR-DEH: Work Table Salary and Wage Structure
Field list for HRPAYDE_EHVS table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-WERKS_ABSENDER table field - Personnel Area ▼Description: Personnel Area |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BTRTL_ABSENDER table field - Personnel Subarea ▼Description: Personnel Subarea |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-WERKS table field - Personnel Area ▼Description: Personnel Area |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BTRTL table field - Personnel Subarea ▼Description: Personnel Subarea |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-STAT_BTRNR table field - Statistics Company Number ▼Description: Statistics Company Number |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-WERKS_TXT table field - Personnel Area Text ▼Description: Personnel Area Text |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BTRTL_TXT table field - Personnel Subarea Text ▼Description: Personnel Subarea Text |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-PERNR table field - Personnel Number ▼Description: Personnel Number |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-LFDNR table field - Sequence Number ▼Description: Sequence Number |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-RVNUM table field - Pension Insurance Number ▼Description: Pension Insurance Number |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-TARIF table field - Pay Scale Group/Earnings Group ▼Description: Pay Scale Group/Earnings Group |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-TARIFNR table field - Sequence Number of Collective Agreement/NumVerdienstregelung ▼Description: Sequence Number of Collective Agreement/NumVerdienstregelung |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-LSTGR table field - Remun. Group ▼Description: Remun. Group |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-GESCH table field - Gender ▼Description: Gender |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-GEBJH table field - Year of Birth ▼Description: Year of Birth |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-HIRE table field - Entry Date ▼Description: Entry Date |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-PGRD3 table field - DEUEV: Person Group Key ▼Description: DEUEV: Person Group Key |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-TTSC table field - DEUEV Occupational Code ▼Description: DEUEV Occupational Code |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-VNSA table field - Column 15: Field A of Insurance No. ▼Description: Column 15: Field A of Insurance No. |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-VNSB table field - Column 16: Field B of Insurance No. ▼Description: Column 16: Field B of Insurance No. |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-VART table field - Column 17: Employment Contract Type ▼Description: Column 17: Employment Contract Type |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-WOABZ table field - Weekly Working Time/Wochenarbeitszeit ▼Description: Weekly Working Time/Wochenarbeitszeit |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-ANZHL19 table field - Total Paid Hours/Paid Working Hours/ArbeitsstundenBezahlt ▼Description: Total Paid Hours/Paid Working Hours/ArbeitsstundenBezahlt |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-ANZHL20 table field - Paid Overtime Hours/UeberstundenBezahlt ▼Description: Paid Overtime Hours/UeberstundenBezahlt |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG21 table field - Total Gross (Period)/MVerdienstGesamt ▼Description: Total Gross (Period)/MVerdienstGesamt |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG22 table field - Overtime (Period)/MVerdienstDavonUeberstd ▼Description: Overtime (Period)/MVerdienstDavonUeberstd |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG23 table field - Shift Work Bonus (Period)/MVerdienstDavonZuschlaege ▼Description: Shift Work Bonus (Period)/MVerdienstDavonZuschlaege |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG24 table field - Employment Tax (Period)/MVerdienstDavonSteuerSoli ▼Description: Employment Tax (Period)/MVerdienstDavonSteuerSoli |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG25 table field - SI Contributions EE MVerdienstDavonSV ▼Description: SI Contributions EE MVerdienstDavonSV |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-SVTAGE table field - SI-Liable Days/SVArbeitstageGesamt ▼Description: SI-Liable Days/SVArbeitstageGesamt |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG27 table field - Gross Remuneration (Year)/JVerdienstGesamt ▼Description: Gross Remuneration (Year)/JVerdienstGesamt |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG28 table field - Special Payment (Year)/JVerdienstDavonSonstBez ▼Description: Special Payment (Year)/JVerdienstDavonSonstBez |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-URLAUB table field - Leave Entitlement ▼Description: Leave Entitlement |
HRPAYDE_EHVS-BETRG37 table field - Remuneration Conv. (Yr)/JVerdienstDavonEntgeltumwandlund ▼Description: Remuneration Conv. (Yr)/JVerdienstDavonEntgeltumwandlund |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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