SAP HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA table - CUD 2011 Part A details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: CUD 2011 Part A
Field list for HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODFISCALE table field - TaxPayer RefNo. ▼Description: TaxPayer RefNo. |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PACOGNOME table field - Surname ▼Description: Surname |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PANOME table field - Name ▼Description: Name |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PASESSO table field - Gender ▼Description: Gender |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-DATANASC table field - Birth date ▼Description: Birth date |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-COMUNNASC table field - Birth municipality (or foreign state) ▼Description: Birth municipality (or foreign state) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PROVNASC table field - Province of birth (ID) ▼Description: Province of birth (ID) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PREVCOMPL table field - Suppl. Social Security ▼Description: Suppl. Social Security |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-DATAINSCR table field - Date of enrollment to fund ▼Description: Date of enrollment to fund |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-EVENTIECC table field - Extraordinary events ▼Description: Extraordinary events |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-COMUNEIAP table field - Municipality ▼Description: Municipality |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PROVIAP table field - Province (ID) ▼Description: Province (ID) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODCOMIAP table field - Municip. key ▼Description: Municip. key |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-COMUNEFAP table field - Municipality ▼Description: Municipality |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PROVFAP table field - Province (ID) ▼Description: Province (ID) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-COMUNIAC table field - Municipality ▼Description: Municipality |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-PROVIAC table field - Province (ID) ▼Description: Province (ID) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODCOMIAC table field - Municipality key ▼Description: Municipality key |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-FUSCOMUNEC table field - Municipality merging ▼Description: Municipality merging |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CATEGPART table field - Special categories (Table D) ▼Description: Special categories (Table D) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CASIESCLUPRE table field - Cases excluded from the prefilled declaration (obsolete) ▼Description: Cases excluded from the prefilled declaration (obsolete) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODFISCRAP table field - Representative tax number ▼Description: Representative tax number |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODFISCEST table field - Foreign tax number ▼Description: Foreign tax number |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-LOCRESEST table field - Foreign city of residence ▼Description: Foreign city of residence |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-VIANUMCIVI table field - street and house number ▼Description: street and house number |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CODSTATEST table field - Foreign country code (table G) ▼Description: Foreign country code (table G) |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-DATAEST table field - Date ▼Description: Date |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-FIRMASOST table field - withholding agent's signature ▼Description: withholding agent's signature |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-CASIESCLUP table field - Cases excluded from the prefilled declaration ▼Description: Cases excluded from the prefilled declaration |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-NONRESCHUM table field - Schumacker non-residents ▼Description: Schumacker non-residents |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-FUSIOCOMAC table field - Business combination of municipalities - Current year ▼Description: Business combination of municipalities - Current year |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-FUSIOCOMAP table field - Business combination of municipalities - Previous year ▼Description: Business combination of municipalities - Previous year |
HRPAYIT_S_CUD_PARTA-STATOESTER table field - Foreign State ▼Description: Foreign State |
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