SAP HRVPREBK table - Table of prebookings made for a business event type details in SAP
SAP HRVPREBK table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: HRVPREBK
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Table of prebookings made for a business event type
Field list for HRVPREBK table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
HRVPREBK-PICK table field - Single-Character Flag ▼Description: Single-Character Flag |
HRVPREBK-EVETTYP table field - Object Type ▼Description: Object Type |
HRVPREBK-EVETID table field - Object ID ▼Description: Object ID |
HRVPREBK-PARTYP table field - Object Type ▼Description: Object Type |
HRVPREBK-PARTYP_TXT table field - Object Type Text ▼Description: Object Type Text |
HRVPREBK-PARID table field - ID of Related Object ▼Description: ID of Related Object |
HRVPREBK-PARSHT table field - Object Abbreviation ▼Description: Object Abbreviation |
HRVPREBK-PARTXT table field - Object Name ▼Description: Object Name |
HRVPREBK-EMPTYP table field - Object Type ▼Description: Object Type |
HRVPREBK-EMPTYP_TXT table field - Object Type Text ▼Description: Object Type Text |
HRVPREBK-EMPID table field - ID of Related Object ▼Description: ID of Related Object |
HRVPREBK-EMPSHT table field - Object Abbreviation ▼Description: Object Abbreviation |
HRVPREBK-EMPTXT table field - Object Name ▼Description: Object Name |
HRVPREBK-PRIOX table field - Booking Priority ▼Description: Booking Priority |
HRVPREBK-MANZL table field - Number of persons prebooked in company prebooking ▼Description: Number of persons prebooked in company prebooking |
HRVPREBK-BUDAT table field - Date of prebooking ▼Description: Date of prebooking |
HRVPREBK-LANGU table field - Language Key ▼Description: Language Key |
HRVPREBK-PREBEG table field - Start Date ▼Description: Start Date |
HRVPREBK-PREEND table field - End Date ▼Description: End Date |
HRVPREBK-LOCID table field - Business Event Location ▼Description: Business Event Location |
HRVPREBK-EVLOC table field - Business event location name ▼Description: Business event location name |
HRVPREBK-LOCTX table field - Name of the business event location ▼Description: Name of the business event location |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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