SAP ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT table - Draft table for reserve history details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT
Dictionary Type: Transparent table
Description: Draft table for reserve history
Field list for ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURANCECLAIM table field - Number of Claim ▼Description: Number of Claim |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMSUBCLM table field - Subclaim ▼Description: Subclaim |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRSRVTYPE table field - Reserve Type ▼Description: Reserve Type |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVECURRENCY table field - Currency of Reserve (Transactn Crcy) ▼Description: Currency of Reserve (Transactn Crcy) |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRSRVCHANGETIME table field - Changed: Date + Time ▼Description: Changed: Date + Time |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVEUUID table field - 16 Byte UUID in 16 Bytes (Raw Format) ▼Description: 16 Byte UUID in 16 Bytes (Raw Format) |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMFINDAYPAYTAMOUNT table field - Expenditure per Reserve Type ▼Description: Expenditure per Reserve Type |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRSRVTYPENAME table field - Reserve Type Name ▼Description: Reserve Type Name |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVEHISTCHANGETIME table field - Field of type TIMS ▼Description: Field of type TIMS |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMCHANGEDATE table field - Posting Date ▼Description: Posting Date |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-GROSSRESERVEAMOUNT table field - Expenditure per Reserve Type ▼Description: Expenditure per Reserve Type |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVEAMOUNT table field - Expenditure per Reserve Type ▼Description: Expenditure per Reserve Type |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-POSTINGDATE table field - Posting Date ▼Description: Posting Date |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-FULLNAME table field - Description of Performer ▼Description: Description of Performer |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVECHANGEDBY table field - Changed By ▼Description: Changed By |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRSRVMETHODNAME table field - Reserving Method ▼Description: Reserving Method |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRSRVMETHODTEXT table field - Short Text for Fixed Values ▼Description: Short Text for Fixed Values |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVECHANGERSN table field - Reserve Change Reason ▼Description: Reserve Change Reason |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-INSURCLMRESERVECHANGERSNNAME table field - Name of Claim Reserve Change Reason ▼Description: Name of Claim Reserve Change Reason |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-DRAFTENTITYCREATIONDATETIME table field - Draft Created At ▼Description: Draft Created At |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-DRAFTENTITYLASTCHANGEDATETIME table field - Draft Last Changed At ▼Description: Draft Last Changed At |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-DRAFTADMINISTRATIVEDATAUUID table field - Draft Administration UUID ▼Description: Draft Administration UUID |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-DRAFTENTITYOPERATIONCODE table field - Draft - Operation Code ▼Description: Draft - Operation Code |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-HASACTIVEENTITY table field - Draft Flag 'Has Active Instance' ▼Description: Draft Flag 'Has Active Instance' |
ICLRSRVHISTDRAFT-DRAFTFIELDCHANGES table field - Draft Field Changes as BLOB ▼Description: Draft Field Changes as BLOB |
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