SAP KSA01 table - Administration for Cost Center Accrual details in SAP

SAP KSA01 table summary

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Object Name: KSA01
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Administration for Cost Center Accrual

Field list for KSA01 table on an S/4 SAP system

KSA01-MANDT table field - Client

Description: Client
Field Name: MANDT
Data Element: MANDT
Data Type: CLNT
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: T000
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: MANDT
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field MANDT

KSA01-KOKRS table field - Controlling Area

Description: Controlling Area
Field Name: KOKRS
Data Element: KOKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TKA01
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: CACCD
MemoryID: CAC
AppClass: KS
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KOKRS

KSA01-KOKRS_TXT table field - Name of the controlling area

Description: Name of the controlling area
Field Name: KOKRS_TXT
Data Element: BEZEI
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 25(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: TEXT25
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KOKRS_TXT

KSA01-IST_PLAN table field - Overhead Type

Description: Overhead Type
Field Name: IST_PLAN
Data Element: KOSZA
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 1(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: AUFZA
AppClass: KA
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field IST_PLAN

KSA01-VERSION table field - Version

Description: Version
Field Name: VERSION
Data Element: VERSN
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: TKA09
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: COVERSI
MemoryID: KVS
AppClass: KE
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field VERSION

KSA01-BISGJ table field - Valid to Fiscal Year

Description: Valid to Fiscal Year
Field Name: BISGJ
Data Element: BGJAHR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: GJAHR
Domain Name: GJAHR
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: GJAHR

See all SAP tables containing field BISGJ

KSA01-BISPE table field - To period (for validity ranges)

Description: To period (for validity ranges)
Field Name: BISPE
Data Element: BISPE
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: POPER
MemoryID: BPE
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field BISPE

KSA01-VONGJ table field - Valid From Fiscal Year

Description: Valid From Fiscal Year
Field Name: VONGJ
Data Element: VGJAHR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: GJAHR
Domain Name: GJAHR
MemoryID: GJR
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: GJAHR

See all SAP tables containing field VONGJ

KSA01-VONPE table field - From period (for validity ranges)

Description: From period (for validity ranges)
Field Name: VONPE
Data Element: VONPE
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: POPER
MemoryID: VPE
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field VONPE

KSA01-KVEWE table field - Usage of the condition table

Description: Usage of the condition table
Field Name: KVEWE
Data Element: KVEWE
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 1(0)
Check table: T681V
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: KVEWE
MemoryID: KVW
AppClass: VF
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KVEWE

KSA01-KAPPL table field - Application

Description: Application
Field Name: KAPPL
Data Element: KAPPL
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 2(0)
Check table: T681A
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: KAPPL
MemoryID: KAP
AppClass: VF
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KAPPL

KSA01-KALSM table field - Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...)

Description: Procedure (Pricing, Output Control, Acct. Det., Costing,...)
Field Name: KALSM
Data Element: KALSM_D
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table: T683
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: KALSM
AppClass: VF
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KALSM

KSA01-KALSM_TXT table field - Description

Description: Description
Field Name: KALSM_TXT
Data Element: VTXTM
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 30(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: TEXT30
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KALSM_TXT


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