SAP MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY table - Central Contract Header Distr. modify structure for API details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Central Contract Header Distr. modify structure for API
Field list for MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CENTRALPURCHASECONTRACT table field - Purchasing Document Number ▼Description: Purchasing Document Number |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-DISTRIBUTIONKEY table field - Distribution Number of Central Purchasing Document ▼Description: Distribution Number of Central Purchasing Document |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PURCHASINGDOCUMENTCATEGORY table field - Purchasing Document Category ▼Description: Purchasing Document Category |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PURCHASINGDOCUMENTTYPE table field - Purchasing Document Type ▼Description: Purchasing Document Type |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PURCHASINGINFORECORDUPDATECODE table field - Indicator: Update Info Record ▼Description: Indicator: Update Info Record |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PURCHASINGORGANIZATION table field - Purchasing organization ▼Description: Purchasing organization |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-COMPANYCODE table field - Company Code ▼Description: Company Code |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PLANT table field - Plant ▼Description: Plant |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-STORAGELOCATION table field - Storage location ▼Description: Storage location |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-DOCUMENTCURRENCY table field - Currency Key ▼Description: Currency Key |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PURCHASINGGROUP table field - Purchasing Group ▼Description: Purchasing Group |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-SOURCELISTISUPDATED table field - Checkbox ▼Description: Checkbox |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-SOURCELISTRESTRICTION table field - Source List Restriction Indicator ▼Description: Source List Restriction Indicator |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PAYMENTTERMS table field - Terms of Payment Key ▼Description: Terms of Payment Key |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CASHDISCOUNT1DAYS table field - Cash discount days 1 ▼Description: Cash discount days 1 |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CASHDISCOUNT2DAYS table field - Cash discount days 2 ▼Description: Cash discount days 2 |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-NETPAYMENTDAYS table field - Net Payment Terms Period ▼Description: Net Payment Terms Period |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CASHDISCOUNT1PERCENT table field - Cash discount percentage 1 ▼Description: Cash discount percentage 1 |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CASHDISCOUNT2PERCENT table field - Cash Discount Percentage 2 ▼Description: Cash Discount Percentage 2 |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-CNTRLPURCONTRDISTRIBUTIONPCT table field - Distribution Percentage in Central Purchasing Document ▼Description: Distribution Percentage in Central Purchasing Document |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-TARGETAMOUNT table field - Target Value for Header Area per Distribution ▼Description: Target Value for Header Area per Distribution |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PROCUREMENTHUBSOURCESYSTEM table field - Logical System ▼Description: Logical System |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-ISDELETED table field - Truth Value: True/False ▼Description: Truth Value: True/False |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-PROCMTHUBCOMPANYCODEGROUPINGID table field - Grouping ID for Company Codes ▼Description: Grouping ID for Company Codes |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-REFERENCEDISTRIBUTIONNUMBER table field - Distribution Number of Central Purchasing Document ▼Description: Distribution Number of Central Purchasing Document |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-DELIVERYADDRESSTYPE table field - Source of the Delivery Address ▼Description: Source of the Delivery Address |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-DUMMY_EKPODISTR_INCL_EEW_PS table field - Element for Extensibility of Purchasing Doc Distribution ▼Description: Element for Extensibility of Purchasing Doc Distribution |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-INCOTERMSCLASSIFICATION table field - Incoterms (Part 1) ▼Description: Incoterms (Part 1) |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-INCOTERMSLOCATION1 table field - Incoterms Location 1 ▼Description: Incoterms Location 1 |
MMPUR_S_CCTR_API_HDRDIS_MODIFY-SHIPPINGINSTRUCTION table field - Shipping Instructions ▼Description: Shipping Instructions |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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