SAP MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D table - Draft table for entity R_SUPPLIERCONFIRMATION details in SAP
SAP MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D
Dictionary Type: Transparent table
Description: Draft table for entity R_SUPPLIERCONFIRMATION
Field list for MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-SUPPLIERCONFIRMATION table field - Supplier Confirmation Number ▼Description: Supplier Confirmation Number |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-SUPLRCONFREFPURCHASEORDER table field - Reference Purchase Order ▼Description: Reference Purchase Order |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-LASTCHANGEDATETIME table field - Change Time Stamp ▼Description: Change Time Stamp |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-CREATEDBYUSER table field - Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object ▼Description: Name of Person Responsible for Creating the Object |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-CREATIONDATE table field - Date on which the record was created ▼Description: Date on which the record was created |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-PURCHASINGDOCUMENTTYPE table field - Purchasing Document Type ▼Description: Purchasing Document Type |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-PURCHASINGORGANIZATION table field - Purchasing organization ▼Description: Purchasing organization |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-PURCHASINGGROUP table field - Purchasing Group ▼Description: Purchasing Group |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-ISENDOFPURPOSEBLOCKED table field - Business Purpose Completed ▼Description: Business Purpose Completed |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-SUPLRCONFPROCESSINGSTATUS table field - Supplier Confirmation Processing State ▼Description: Supplier Confirmation Processing State |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-SUPPLIER table field - Vendor's account number ▼Description: Vendor's account number |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-DRAFTENTITYCREATIONDATETIME table field - Draft Created At ▼Description: Draft Created At |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-DRAFTENTITYLASTCHANGEDATETIME table field - Draft Last Changed At ▼Description: Draft Last Changed At |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-DRAFTADMINISTRATIVEDATAUUID table field - Draft Administration UUID ▼Description: Draft Administration UUID |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-DRAFTENTITYOPERATIONCODE table field - Draft - Operation Code ▼Description: Draft - Operation Code |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-HASACTIVEENTITY table field - Draft Flag 'Has Active Instance' ▼Description: Draft Flag 'Has Active Instance' |
MMPUR_SUPCONFH_D-DRAFTFIELDCHANGES table field - Draft Field Changes as BLOB ▼Description: Draft Field Changes as BLOB |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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