SAP ORA_WPTOTALINFROW table - Oracle Monitoring: WP information: row details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: ORA_WPTOTALINFROW
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Oracle Monitoring: WP information: row
Field list for ORA_WPTOTALINFROW table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_NO table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPNO: Work process number ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPNO: Work process number |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_ITYPE table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPITYPE : Internal work process type ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPITYPE : Internal work process type |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_TYP table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPTYP: Type ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPTYP: Type |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_PID table field - Oracle Monitoring : WPPID: Work process PID ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring : WPPID: Work process PID |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_ISTATUS table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPISTATUS: Work process status ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPISTATUS: Work process status |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_STATUS table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPSTATUS: Work process status ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPSTATUS: Work process status |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_IWAIT table field - Oracle Monitorign: WPIWAITING: Reason for wait ▼Description: Oracle Monitorign: WPIWAITING: Reason for wait |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_WAITING table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITING: Work process is waiting ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITING: Work process is waiting |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_SEM table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPSEM: Semaphore, for which the work proc ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPSEM: Semaphore, for which the work proc |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_IRESTRT table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPIRESTART : Restart after error? ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPIRESTART : Restart after error? |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_RESTART table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPRESTART: Restart work process after dum ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPRESTART: Restart work process after dum |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_DUMPS table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPDUMPS: Number of dumps. ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPDUMPS: Number of dumps. |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_CPU table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPCPU: CPU ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPCPU: CPU |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_ELTIME table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPELZEIT: Previous execution time of requ ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPELZEIT: Previous execution time of requ |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_BNAME table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPBNAME: User currently served ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPBNAME: User currently served |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_REPORT table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPREPORT: Report currently being executed ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPREPORT: Report currently being executed |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_IACTION table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPIACTION: Current activity of the work p ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPIACTION: Current activity of the work p |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_ACTION table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPACTION: Currently activity of WP ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPACTION: Currently activity of WP |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_TABLE table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPTABLE: DB table last accessed by the WP ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPTABLE: DB table last accessed by the WP |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_SERVER table field - Oracle Monitoring: MSNAME: Servername ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: MSNAME: Servername |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_WAITINF table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITINF: add. wait information ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITINF: add. wait information |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_WAITTIM table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITTIME: Time when waiting started ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPWAITTIME: Time when waiting started |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_SEMSTAT table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPITYPE : Internal work process type ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPITYPE : Internal work process type |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-WP_INDEX table field - Oracle Monitoring: ORA_WPINDEX: Index of work process ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: ORA_WPINDEX: Index of work process |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-STARTDATE table field - Oracle Monitoring: Start date for dialog step ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: Start date for dialog step |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-STARTTIME table field - Oracle Monitoring: Start time for dialog step ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: Start time for dialog step |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-DYNPRONR table field - Oracle Monitoring: Screen number or transaction name ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: Screen number or transaction name |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-TCODE table field - Oracle Monitoring: Transaction code ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: Transaction code |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-CUAPROGRAM table field - Oracle Monitoring: CUA program name ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: CUA program name |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-FCODE table field - Oracle Monitoring: WPTOTINFFC:Function code ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: WPTOTINFFC:Function code |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-BTCJOBNAME table field - Oracle Monitoring:BTCJOB: Background job name ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring:BTCJOB: Background job name |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-BTCJOBCNT table field - Oracle Monitoring:_BTCJOBCNT:Job ID ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring:_BTCJOBCNT:Job ID |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-MEMSUM table field - Oracle Monitoring: MEMSUM: Extended memory ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring: MEMSUM: Extended memory |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW-PRIVSUM table field - Oracle Monitoring:Heap (private) Memory ▼Description: Oracle Monitoring:Heap (private) Memory |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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