SAP P03_COMP_L16 table - Comparison Fields of Payslip L16 details in SAP
SAP P03_COMP_L16 table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: P03_COMP_L16
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Comparison Fields of Payslip L16
Field list for P03_COMP_L16 table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
P03_COMP_L16-AUSVL table field - 1st Part of SI Number (Sequential Number) ▼Description: 1st Part of SI Number (Sequential Number) |
P03_COMP_L16-AUSVG table field - 2nd Part of SI Number (Birth Date) ▼Description: 2nd Part of SI Number (Birth Date) |
P03_COMP_L16-ANTIT table field - Title ▼Description: Title |
P03_COMP_L16-GESCH table field - Gender ▼Description: Gender |
P03_COMP_L16-ANADR table field - Employee's Residential Address ▼Description: Employee's Residential Address |
P03_COMP_L16-ANLKZ table field - Vehicle Country Key for Home Address ▼Description: Vehicle Country Key for Home Address |
P03_COMP_L16-ANPLZ table field - Postal Code of Residential Address ▼Description: Postal Code of Residential Address |
P03_COMP_L16-ANORT table field - Type of Residence ▼Description: Type of Residence |
P03_COMP_L16-LOHNB table field - Employer Assignment Unit ▼Description: Employer Assignment Unit |
P03_COMP_L16-AGNUM table field - Employer Tax Number ▼Description: Employer Tax Number |
P03_COMP_L16-AGFZA table field - Tax office number ▼Description: Tax office number |
P03_COMP_L16-AGDVR table field - Employer's Data Processing Number ▼Description: Employer's Data Processing Number |
P03_COMP_L16-AGNAM table field - Name of Employer ▼Description: Name of Employer |
P03_COMP_L16-AGTIT table field - Title of Employer ▼Description: Title of Employer |
P03_COMP_L16-AGADR table field - Address of Employer/Contracting Party/Benefits Provider ▼Description: Address of Employer/Contracting Party/Benefits Provider |
P03_COMP_L16-AGLKZ table field - Vehicle Country Key for Company Address of Empl./Contr.Party ▼Description: Vehicle Country Key for Company Address of Empl./Contr.Party |
P03_COMP_L16-AGZIP table field - Postal Code in Company Address of Employer, Contractng Party ▼Description: Postal Code in Company Address of Employer, Contractng Party |
P03_COMP_L16-AGORT table field - City in Company Address of Employer ▼Description: City in Company Address of Employer |
P03_COMP_L16-LVNUM table field - Tax Number of Payroll Service Provider ▼Description: Tax Number of Payroll Service Provider |
P03_COMP_L16-LVFZA table field - Tax Office Number of Payroll Service Provider ▼Description: Tax Office Number of Payroll Service Provider |
P03_COMP_L16-LVDVR table field - Data Processing Number of Payroll Service Provider ▼Description: Data Processing Number of Payroll Service Provider |
P03_COMP_L16-ARTL0 table field - Type of Payslip L16 ▼Description: Type of Payslip L16 |
P03_COMP_L16-UDV16 table field - Interruption of Work Relationship According to L16 ▼Description: Interruption of Work Relationship According to L16 |
P03_COMP_L16-SOZSL table field - Social Status (Last Status in Payslip Period) ▼Description: Social Status (Last Status in Payslip Period) |
P03_COMP_L16-SOZSA table field - Social Status for Last Salary in Payslip Period ▼Description: Social Status for Last Salary in Payslip Period |
P03_COMP_L16-SOZS2 table field - Social Status (If Worker w/ Tax-Free Amt for Agric. Laborer) ▼Description: Social Status (If Worker w/ Tax-Free Amt for Agric. Laborer) |
P03_COMP_L16-SOZS0 table field - Social Status ▼Description: Social Status |
P03_COMP_L16-TVOLL table field - No. of Days with Full-Time Employment in Payslip Period ▼Description: No. of Days with Full-Time Employment in Payslip Period |
P03_COMP_L16-TTEIL table field - No. of Days with Part-Time Employment in Payslip Period ▼Description: No. of Days with Part-Time Employment in Payslip Period |
P03_COMP_L16-KVOLL table field - Indicator: Employee Mainly in Full Employment ▼Description: Indicator: Employee Mainly in Full Employment |
P03_COMP_L16-KAVAB table field - Indicator: Tax Reduction for Single Earners Included ▼Description: Indicator: Tax Reduction for Single Earners Included |
P03_COMP_L16-KAEAB table field - Indicator: Tax Reduction for Single Parents Included ▼Description: Indicator: Tax Reduction for Single Parents Included |
P03_COMP_L16-STAKD table field - Number of Children of Employee (Tax) ▼Description: Number of Children of Employee (Tax) |
P03_COMP_L16-PASVL table field - SI Number of Spouse/Partner (Sequential Number) ▼Description: SI Number of Spouse/Partner (Sequential Number) |
P03_COMP_L16-PASVG table field - SI Number of Spouse/Partner (Date of Birth) ▼Description: SI Number of Spouse/Partner (Date of Birth) |
P03_COMP_L16-STBDT table field - Death Date ▼Description: Death Date |
P03_COMP_L16-PGVON table field - Date as of Which Nursing Allowance Is Received ▼Description: Date as of Which Nursing Allowance Is Received |
P03_COMP_L16-PGBIS table field - Date Until Which Nursing Allowance Is Received ▼Description: Date Until Which Nursing Allowance Is Received |
P03_COMP_L16-SEUVR table field - Increased Accident Annuity Exists (Checkbox) ▼Description: Increased Accident Annuity Exists (Checkbox) |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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