SAP P03_KZL16 table - Identifiers of Payslip Tax (L16) details in SAP
SAP P03_KZL16 table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: P03_KZL16
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Identifiers of Payslip Tax (L16)
Field list for P03_KZL16 table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
P03_KZL16-KZ210 table field - 210: Gross Pay Sec. 25 (W/o Sec. 26, W/o Family Allowance) ▼Description: 210: Gross Pay Sec. 25 (W/o Sec. 26, W/o Family Allowance) |
P03_KZL16-KZ215 table field - 215: Tax-Exempt Payments According to Section 68 ▼Description: 215: Tax-Exempt Payments According to Section 68 |
P03_KZL16-KZ220 table field - 220: Pmnts Acc. to Sec.67 Para.1+2 (Within Y/6 Before SI) ▼Description: 220: Pmnts Acc. to Sec.67 Para.1+2 (Within Y/6 Before SI) |
P03_KZL16-KZIEB table field - IEB: Total SI Contributions Deducted, CC, HS ▼Description: IEB: Total SI Contributions Deducted, CC, HS |
P03_KZL16-KZ225 table field - 225: SI Contribs for Payments Acc. to Key Fig. 220 ▼Description: 225: SI Contribs for Payments Acc. to Key Fig. 220 |
P03_KZL16-KZ226 table field - 226: SI Contrib. f. Pmnts Acc. to Sec. 67 Par. 3-8 ▼Description: 226: SI Contrib. f. Pmnts Acc. to Sec. 67 Par. 3-8 |
P03_KZL16-KZ230 table field - 230: Adjusted SI Contributions ▼Description: 230: Adjusted SI Contributions |
P03_KZL16-KZ240 table field - 240: Tax-Free Amt for Agricultural Laborer Acc. to Sec. 104 ▼Description: 240: Tax-Free Amt for Agricultural Laborer Acc. to Sec. 104 |
P03_KZL16-KZAUS table field - AUS: Emplymnt Abroad Acc. to Sec. 3 Par. 1, Lines 10 and 11 ▼Description: AUS: Emplymnt Abroad Acc. to Sec. 3 Par. 1, Lines 10 and 11 |
P03_KZL16-KZPEN table field - PEN: Commuter Rate Acc. to Sec. 16 Para. 1, Line 6 ▼Description: PEN: Commuter Rate Acc. to Sec. 16 Para. 1, Line 6 |
P03_KZL16-KZEFB table field - EFB: Deducted Voluntary Amounts Acc. to Sec. 16 Par. 1 L 3b ▼Description: EFB: Deducted Voluntary Amounts Acc. to Sec. 16 Par. 1 L 3b |
P03_KZL16-KZSTF table field - STF: Tax-Free or Flat-Rate-Taxed Pmnts Sec.67 (3-8) ▼Description: STF: Tax-Free or Flat-Rate-Taxed Pmnts Sec.67 (3-8) |
P03_KZL16-KZSSB table field - SSB: Other Tax-Exempt Payments ▼Description: SSB: Other Tax-Exempt Payments |
P03_KZL16-KZ243 table field - 243: Total Remaining Deductions ▼Description: 243: Total Remaining Deductions |
P03_KZL16-KZ245 table field - 245: Taxable Payments ▼Description: 245: Taxable Payments |
P03_KZL16-KZIEL table field - IEL: Total Employment Tax Deducted ▼Description: IEL: Total Employment Tax Deducted |
P03_KZL16-KZABL table field - ABL: Deducted Empl.Tax w/ Fixed Rates Sec.67 Par.3-8 ▼Description: ABL: Deducted Empl.Tax w/ Fixed Rates Sec.67 Par.3-8 |
P03_KZL16-KZ260 table field - 260: Imputable Employment Tax ▼Description: 260: Imputable Employment Tax |
P03_KZL16-KZSOB table field - SOB: Other Payments Sec.67 (2,6,19) EmpTxRate ▼Description: SOB: Other Payments Sec.67 (2,6,19) EmpTxRate |
P03_KZL16-KZFB1 table field - FB1: Exemption Included According to Sec. 105 ▼Description: FB1: Exemption Included According to Sec. 105 |
P03_KZL16-KZVSV table field - VSV: SI Assessment Basis Used for Special Payments ▼Description: VSV: SI Assessment Basis Used for Special Payments |
P03_KZL16-KZFB2 table field - FB2: Exemption Included Acc. to Notification Acc. to Sec. 63 ▼Description: FB2: Exemption Included Acc. to Notification Acc. to Sec. 63 |
P03_KZL16-KZAUF table field - AUF: Church/OeGB Contributions Included in Recalculation ▼Description: AUF: Church/OeGB Contributions Included in Recalculation |
P03_KZL16-KZFB3 table field - FB3: Exemption Included According to Sec. 35 ▼Description: FB3: Exemption Included According to Sec. 35 |
P03_KZL16-KZNEB table field - NEB: Pmnts Not to Be Entered Sec.25 Par.1 Line 2a+3a ▼Description: NEB: Pmnts Not to Be Entered Sec.25 Par.1 Line 2a+3a |
P03_KZL16-KZPFG table field - KZPFG Nursing Allowance Paid ▼Description: KZPFG Nursing Allowance Paid |
P03_KZL16-KZSFB table field - SFB: Tax-Exempt Payments Acc. to Sec. 26 Line 4 ▼Description: SFB: Tax-Exempt Payments Acc. to Sec. 26 Line 4 |
P03_KZL16-KZHA1 table field - KZHA1 Hardship Compensation KZ245 Accident Pension ▼Description: KZHA1 Hardship Compensation KZ245 Accident Pension |
P03_KZL16-KZHA2 table field - KZHA2 Hardshp Comp. KZ220 Accdnt Pens.(Sec.67 Par1+2 Bef.SI) ▼Description: KZHA2 Hardshp Comp. KZ220 Accdnt Pens.(Sec.67 Par1+2 Bef.SI) |
P03_KZL16-KZHA3 table field - KZHA3 Hardship Cmpsn KZ225 Accident Pens. (Withheld SI Con.) ▼Description: KZHA3 Hardship Cmpsn KZ225 Accident Pens. (Withheld SI Con.) |
P03_KZL16-KZAPK table field - KZAPK Employer's Contributions to Foreign Pension Funds ▼Description: KZAPK Employer's Contributions to Foreign Pension Funds |
P03_KZL16-KZENT table field - KZENT Income for Aid Workers ▼Description: KZENT Income for Aid Workers |
P03_KZL16-KZPRE table field - KZPRE Lump Sum Travel Expense Allowance ▼Description: KZPRE Lump Sum Travel Expense Allowance |
P03_KZL16-KZFAB table field - FAB: Family Bonus Plus ▼Description: FAB: Family Bonus Plus |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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