SAP P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT table - (De)registration data for HCIB details in SAP
SAP P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT
Dictionary Type: Transparent table
Description: (De)registration data for HCIB
Field list for P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-JUPER table field - Representing Legal Person ▼Description: Representing Legal Person |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-PABRJ table field - CAK for-year year ▼Description: CAK for-year year |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-PABRP table field - CAK for-period ▼Description: CAK for-period |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-PERNR table field - Personnel Number ▼Description: Personnel Number |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-SEQNO table field - Alphanumeric Symbol for CAK Files ▼Description: Alphanumeric Symbol for CAK Files |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-MUTATIE table field - Health Care Insurance Board amendment code ▼Description: Health Care Insurance Board amendment code |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-GESLACHT table field - Gender of insured person ▼Description: Gender of insured person |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-VOORLETTERS table field - Initials ▼Description: Initials |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-VOORVOEGSEL table field - Name Prefix ▼Description: Name Prefix |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-ACHTERNAAM table field - Last Name ▼Description: Last Name |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-PARTNERNAAM table field - Partner Name ▼Description: Partner Name |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-GEBOORTEDATUM table field - Date of Birth for CAK ▼Description: Date of Birth for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-ADRES table field - Address for Health Care Insurance Board (De)Registration ▼Description: Address for Health Care Insurance Board (De)Registration |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-HUISNUMMER table field - House Number for HCIB (de)registration ▼Description: House Number for HCIB (de)registration |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-TOEVOEGING table field - House Number Supplement for HCIB ▼Description: House Number Supplement for HCIB |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-POSTCODE table field - Postal Code for CAK ▼Description: Postal Code for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-WOONPLAATS table field - City for CAK ▼Description: City for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-PROVINCIE table field - Province for HCIB ▼Description: Province for HCIB |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-WOONLAND table field - Country code for CAK ▼Description: Country code for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-SOFINUMMER table field - Social Security Number for CAK ▼Description: Social Security Number for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-ORGANISATIENR table field - Organizational code for CAK ▼Description: Organizational code for CAK |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-POLISNR table field - External registration number ▼Description: External registration number |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-REGISTRATIENR table field - External registration number ▼Description: External registration number |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-STARTDATUM table field - Effective Date End of Benefit, Relocation Date ▼Description: Effective Date End of Benefit, Relocation Date |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-ADRES2 table field - Address for Health Care Insurance Board (De)Registration ▼Description: Address for Health Care Insurance Board (De)Registration |
P05T_CVZ_REG_DAT-REDEN_MELDING table field - Notification Reason ▼Description: Notification Reason |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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