SAP PBRIALLATTRIB_S table - Project Billing Request Item Workable Structure details in SAP
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: PBRIALLATTRIB_S
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Project Billing Request Item Workable Structure
Field list for PBRIALLATTRIB_S table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJECTBILLINGREQUESTITEMUUID table field - Project Billing Request Item UUID ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item UUID |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLGELMNTENTRITMUUID table field - Project Billing Element Entry UUID ▼Description: Project Billing Element Entry UUID |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJECTBILLINGELEMENTUUID table field - Project Billing Element UUID ▼Description: Project Billing Element UUID |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-SALESDOCUMENTITEM table field - Item number of the SD document ▼Description: Item number of the SD document |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-BILLABLEREVENUEAMTINDOCCRCY table field - Billable Revenue ▼Description: Billable Revenue |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-NETPRICEAMOUNTINDOCCRCY table field - Net Price ▼Description: Net Price |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-MATERIAL table field - Material Number ▼Description: Material Number |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLINGREQUESTITEMLONGTEXT table field - Project Billling Request Item Long Text ▼Description: Project Billling Request Item Long Text |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-OPENQUANTITY table field - Project Billing Element Entry Open Quantity ▼Description: Project Billing Element Entry Open Quantity |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-OPENAMOUNTINTRANSCRCY table field - Open Amount in Transaction Currency ▼Description: Open Amount in Transaction Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-OPENAMOUNTINPROJECTCURRENCY table field - Open Amount in Project Currency ▼Description: Open Amount in Project Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-OPENAMOUNTINGLOBALCURRENCY table field - Open Amount in Global Currency ▼Description: Open Amount in Global Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-OPENREVENUEAMTINDOCCRCY table field - Open Revenue in Document Currency ▼Description: Open Revenue in Document Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEPOSTPONEDQUANTITY table field - To be Postponed Quantity ▼Description: To be Postponed Quantity |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEPOSTPONEDAMTINTRANSACCRCY table field - To be Postponed Amount in Transaction Currency ▼Description: To be Postponed Amount in Transaction Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEPOSTPONEDAMTINPROJECTCRCY table field - To be Postponed Amount in Project Currency ▼Description: To be Postponed Amount in Project Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEPOSTPONEDAMTINGLOBALCRCY table field - To be Postponed Amount in Global Currency ▼Description: To be Postponed Amount in Global Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEWRITTENOFFQUANTITY table field - Project Billing Element Entry: To be Written-off Quantity ▼Description: Project Billing Element Entry: To be Written-off Quantity |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEWRITTENOFFAMTINTRANSCRCY table field - To be Written-off Amount in Transaction Currency ▼Description: To be Written-off Amount in Transaction Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEWRITTENOFFAMTINPROJECTCRCY table field - To be Writen-off Amount in Project Currency ▼Description: To be Writen-off Amount in Project Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEWRITTENOFFAMTINGLOBALCRCY table field - To be Written-off Amount in Global Currency ▼Description: To be Written-off Amount in Global Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEBILLEDQUANTITY table field - Project Billing Element Entry: To be Billed Quantity ▼Description: Project Billing Element Entry: To be Billed Quantity |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEBILLEDAMTINTRANSCRCY table field - To be Billed Amount in Transaction Currency ▼Description: To be Billed Amount in Transaction Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEBILLEDAMTINPROJCURRENCY table field - To be Billed Amount in Project Currency ▼Description: To be Billed Amount in Project Currency |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-TOBEBILLEDAMTINGLOBCURRENCY table field - To be Billed Amount in Global Currecny ▼Description: To be Billed Amount in Global Currecny |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-SERVICESRENDEREDDATE table field - Date on which services are rendered ▼Description: Date on which services are rendered |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLGREQITMCRTEDBYUSER table field - Project Billing Request Item Created By ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Created By |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLGREQITMCRTEDATDTETME table field - Project Billing Request Item Created On ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Created On |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLGREQITMLASTCHGDBY table field - Project Billing Request Item Changed By ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Changed By |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-PROJBILLGREQITMLASTCHGDDTETME table field - Project Billing Request Item Changed On ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Changed On |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-MANUALBILLABILITYSELECTION table field - Project Billing Request Item Manual Billability Selection ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Manual Billability Selection |
PBRIALLATTRIB_S-MANUALBILLGSELFORPRJBLGREQITEM table field - Project Billing Request Item Manual Billability Selection ▼Description: Project Billing Request Item Manual Billability Selection |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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