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PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-LBIMF table field - Labour Insurance Modifier
Description: Labour Insurance Modifier Field Name: LBIMF Data Element: P22J_LBIMF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: T5JL1 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_LBIMF MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LBIMF
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PAYTY table field - Payroll type
Description: Payroll type Field Name: PAYTY Data Element: PAYTY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PAYTY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PAYTY
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-RPMON table field - Selection month for legal report
Description: Selection month for legal report Field Name: RPMON Data Element: P22J_RPMON Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: KMONAT MemoryID: AppClass: SCAL SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RPMON
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-WERKS table field - Personnel Area
Description: Personnel Area Field Name: WERKS Data Element: PERSA Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T500P Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PERSA MemoryID: PBR AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WERKS
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-WERKSTX table field - Personnel Area Text
Description: Personnel Area Text Field Name: WERKSTX Data Element: PBTXT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT30 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WERKSTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BTRTL table field - Personnel Subarea
Description: Personnel Subarea Field Name: BTRTL Data Element: BTRTL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001P Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BTRTL MemoryID: PBS AppClass: PAST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BTRTL
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BTRTLTX table field - Personnel Subarea Text
Description: Personnel Subarea Text Field Name: BTRTLTX Data Element: BTRTX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 15(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT15 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BTRTLTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PERSG table field - Employee Group
Description: Employee Group Field Name: PERSG Data Element: PERSG Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: T501 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PERSG MemoryID: PRG AppClass: PSTA SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PERSG
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PERSGTX table field - Name of Employee Group
Description: Name of Employee Group Field Name: PERSGTX Data Element: PGTXT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT20 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PERSGTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PERSK table field - Employee Subgroup
Description: Employee Subgroup Field Name: PERSK Data Element: PERSK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: T503K Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PERSK MemoryID: PKR AppClass: PSTA SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PERSK
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PERSKTX table field - Name of Employee Subgroup
Description: Name of Employee Subgroup Field Name: PERSKTX Data Element: PKTXT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT20 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PERSKTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EX_LBIMF table field - Labour Insurance Modifier
Description: Labour Insurance Modifier Field Name: EX_LBIMF Data Element: P22J_LBIMF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_LBIMF MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EX_LBIMF
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EX_WERKS table field - External Personnel Area
Description: External Personnel Area Field Name: EX_WERKS Data Element: PJPSK_EX_WERKS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PERSA MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EX_WERKS
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EX_WERKSTX table field - External Personnel Area - Text
Description: External Personnel Area - Text Field Name: EX_WERKSTX Data Element: PJPSK_EX_WERKSTX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT30 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EX_WERKSTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EX_BTRTL table field - External Personnel Subarea
Description: External Personnel Subarea Field Name: EX_BTRTL Data Element: PJPSK_EX_BTRTL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BTRTL MemoryID: AppClass: PAST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EX_BTRTL
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EX_BTRTLTX table field - External Personnel Subarea - Text
Description: External Personnel Subarea - Text Field Name: EX_BTRTLTX Data Element: PJPSK_EX_BTRTLTX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 15(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT15 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EX_BTRTLTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-ORGEH table field - Organizational Unit External
Description: Organizational Unit External Field Name: ORGEH Data Element: PBAS_ORGEH Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ORGEH
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-POSIT table field - External position/work center key
Description: External position/work center key Field Name: POSIT Data Element: PBAS_POSIT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field POSIT
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-CONTTY table field - Shukko Contract Type
Description: Shukko Contract Type Field Name: CONTTY Data Element: PJPSK_CONTTY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PJPSK_CONTTY MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CONTTY
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-CONTTYTX table field - Shukko Contract Type Text
Description: Shukko Contract Type Text Field Name: CONTTYTX Data Element: PJPSK_CONTTY_T Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PJPSK_TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CONTTYTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PARTNER table field - Shukko Partner
Description: Shukko Partner Field Name: PARTNER Data Element: PJPSK_PARTNER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PJPSK_PARTNER MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARTNER
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PARTNERTX table field - Shukko Partner Text
Description: Shukko Partner Text Field Name: PARTNERTX Data Element: PJPSK_PARTNER_T Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PJPSK_TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARTNERTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-EI_INSURED table field - Employement Insurance Insured Status in External Assignment
Description: Employement Insurance Insured Status in External Assignment Field Name: EI_INSURED Data Element: PJPSK_EI_INSURED Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field EI_INSURED
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-WI_INSURED table field - Worker's Insurance Insured Status in External Assignment
Description: Worker's Insurance Insured Status in External Assignment Field Name: WI_INSURED Data Element: PJPSK_WI_INSURED Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WI_INSURED
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PERNR table field - Personnel Number
Description: Personnel Number Field Name: PERNR Data Element: PERNR_D Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PERNR MemoryID: PER AppClass: PB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PERNR
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-ENAME table field - Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant
Description: Formatted Name of Employee or Applicant Field Name: ENAME Data Element: EMNAM Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ENAME
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SNAME table field - Employee's Name (Sortable by LAST NAME FIRST NAME)
Description: Employee's Name (Sortable by LAST NAME FIRST NAME) Field Name: SNAME Data Element: SMNAM Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR30 MemoryID: AppClass: KKEK SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SNAME
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_EI table field - Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance
Description: Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance Field Name: SIIID_EI Data Element: PJP_SIIID_EI Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_SIII1 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_EI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_EITX table field - Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance Text (Infotype)
Description: Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance Text (Infotype) Field Name: SIIID_EITX Data Element: PJP_SIIID_EITX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 24(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT24 MemoryID: AppClass: FG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_EITX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_WI table field - Entitlement Status of Worker's Insurance
Description: Entitlement Status of Worker's Insurance Field Name: SIIID_WI Data Element: PJP_SIIID_WI Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_SIII1 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_WI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_WITX table field - Entitlement Status of Worker Insurance Text (Infotype)
Description: Entitlement Status of Worker Insurance Text (Infotype) Field Name: SIIID_WITX Data Element: PJP_SIIID_WITX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 24(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT24 MemoryID: AppClass: FG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_WITX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_EI_FPEND table field - Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance (FPEND)
Description: Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance (FPEND) Field Name: SIIID_EI_FPEND Data Element: PJP_SIIID_EI_FPEND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_SIII1 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_EI_FPEND
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_EITX_FPEND table field - Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance Text (Payroll RT)
Description: Entitlement Status of Employment Insurance Text (Payroll RT) Field Name: SIIID_EITX_FPEND Data Element: PJP_SIIID_EITX_FPEND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 24(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT24 MemoryID: AppClass: FG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_EITX_FPEND
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_WI_FPEND table field - Entitlement Status of Worker's Insurance
Description: Entitlement Status of Worker's Insurance Field Name: SIIID_WI_FPEND Data Element: PJP_SIIID_WI_FPEND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: P22J_SIII1 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_WI_FPEND
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-SIIID_WITX_FPEND table field - Entitlement Status of Worker Insurance Text (Payroll RT)
Description: Entitlement Status of Worker Insurance Text (Payroll RT) Field Name: SIIID_WITX_FPEND Data Element: PJP_SIIID_WITX_FPEND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 24(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT24 MemoryID: AppClass: FG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIIID_WITX_FPEND
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PAYTYTX table field - Payroll Type Text
Description: Payroll Type Text Field Name: PAYTYTX Data Element: PJP_PAYTYTX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 60(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DDTEXT MemoryID: AppClass: SDIC SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PAYTYTX
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PAYID table field - Payroll Identifier
Description: Payroll Identifier Field Name: PAYID Data Element: PAYID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR1 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PAYID
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-DETDA table field - Shoyo Determination Date
Description: Shoyo Determination Date Field Name: DETDA Data Element: P22J_SYDTD Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DETDA
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-FPPER table field - For-Period for Payroll (YYYYMM)
Description: For-Period for Payroll (YYYYMM) Field Name: FPPER Data Element: FAPER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR6 MemoryID: AppClass: SDIN SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FPPER
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-FPBEG table field - Start date of payroll period (FOR period)
Description: Start date of payroll period (FOR period) Field Name: FPBEG Data Element: FPBEG Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FPBEG
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-FPEND table field - End of payroll period (for-period)
Description: End of payroll period (for-period) Field Name: FPEND Data Element: FPEND Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FPEND
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-PAYDT table field - Pay date for payroll result
Description: Pay date for payroll result Field Name: PAYDT Data Element: PAY_DATE Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PAYDT
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-OCRSN table field - Reason for Off-Cycle Payroll
Description: Reason for Off-Cycle Payroll Field Name: OCRSN Data Element: PAY_OCRSN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T52OCR Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PAY_OCRSN MemoryID: OCR AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCRSN
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-OCCAT table field - Category for off-cycle reason
Description: Category for off-cycle reason Field Name: OCCAT Data Element: PAY_OCCAT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: T52OCC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PAY_OCCAT MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCCAT
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG107 table field - Payroll Amount: WT /107 -Wage Amount (Labour Insurance)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /107 -Wage Amount (Labour Insurance) Field Name: BETRG107 Data Element: PJP_BETRG107 Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG107
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG1E7 table field - Payroll Amount: WT /1E7 -Wage Amount (Employment Insurance)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /1E7 -Wage Amount (Employment Insurance) Field Name: BETRG1E7 Data Element: PJP_BETRG1E7 Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG1E7
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG1W7 table field - Payroll Amount: WT /1W7 -Wage Amount (Worker's Insurance)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /1W7 -Wage Amount (Worker's Insurance) Field Name: BETRG1W7 Data Element: PJP_BETRG1W7 Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG1W7
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG1EE table field - Payroll Amount: WT /1EE -Exemption Amount (EI)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /1EE -Exemption Amount (EI) Field Name: BETRG1EE Data Element: PJP_BETRG1EE Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG1EE
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG1S7 table field - Payroll Amount: WT /1E7 -Wage Amount (Employment Insurance)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /1E7 -Wage Amount (Employment Insurance) Field Name: BETRG1S7 Data Element: PJP_BETRG1E7 Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG1S7
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-BETRG1R7 table field - Payroll Amount: WT /1W7 -Wage Amount (Worker's Insurance)
Description: Payroll Amount: WT /1W7 -Wage Amount (Worker's Insurance) Field Name: BETRG1R7 Data Element: PJP_BETRG1W7 Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PRBETRG MemoryID: AppClass: PABR SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BETRG1R7
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-WAERS table field - Currency Key
Description: Currency Key Field Name: WAERS Data Element: WAERS Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: FWS AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WAERS
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_EI table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT_EI Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT_EI Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_EI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_WI table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT_WI Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT_WI Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_WI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_AGE table field - Counter for Aged EI Insurants
Description: Counter for Aged EI Insurants Field Name: REC_COUNT_AGE Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT_EE Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_AGE
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_SKEI table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT_SKEI Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT_EI Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_SKEI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_SKWI table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT_SKWI Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT_WI Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_SKWI
PJP_RPCLIAJ1_ALV-REC_COUNT_SK table field - Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV
Description: Dummy Field to Count Number of Records inALV Field Name: REC_COUNT_SK Data Element: PJP_ALV_REC_COUNT Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REC_COUNT_SK