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REARALVVIAR02-KZ table field - Checkbox
Description: Checkbox Field Name: KZ Data Element: XFELD Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KZ
REARALVVIAR02-MANDT table field - Client
Description: Client Field Name: MANDT Data Element: MANDT Data Type: CLNT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T000 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MANDT MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MANDT
REARALVVIAR02-SIDGDEMAND table field - Rental Request Identification (Global ID)
Description: Rental Request Identification (Global ID) Field Name: SIDGDEMAND Data Element: RESADSGDEMAND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: RESADSGDEMAND MemoryID: REAR AppClass: SHLP: MCAR01 SHLP Field: SIDGDEMAND ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field SIDGDEMAND
REARALVVIAR02-RERF table field - Entered By
Description: Entered By Field Name: RERF Data Element: RERF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SYCHAR12 MemoryID: AppClass: SYST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RERF
REARALVVIAR02-DERF table field - First Entered On
Description: First Entered On Field Name: DERF Data Element: DERF Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DERF
REARALVVIAR02-TERF table field - Time of Creation
Description: Time of Creation Field Name: TERF Data Element: TERF Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TIMES MemoryID: AppClass: PP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TERF
REARALVVIAR02-REHER table field - Source of Initial Entry
Description: Source of Initial Entry Field Name: REHER Data Element: REHER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR10 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REHER
REARALVVIAR02-RBEAR table field - Employee ID
Description: Employee ID Field Name: RBEAR Data Element: RBEAR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SYCHAR12 MemoryID: AppClass: SYST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RBEAR
REARALVVIAR02-DBEAR table field - Last Edited On
Description: Last Edited On Field Name: DBEAR Data Element: DBEAR Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DBEAR
REARALVVIAR02-TBEAR table field - Last Edited At
Description: Last Edited At Field Name: TBEAR Data Element: TBEAR Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TIMES MemoryID: AppClass: PP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TBEAR
REARALVVIAR02-RBHER table field - Editing Source
Description: Editing Source Field Name: RBHER Data Element: RBHER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR10 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RBHER
REARALVVIAR02-JDELETE table field - Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag
Description: Real Estate Deletion Indicator/Flag Field Name: JDELETE Data Element: JLOESCH Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: JLOESCH MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JDELETE
REARALVVIAR02-SPARTID table field - Identification of Offering/Searching Party (User ID)
Description: Identification of Offering/Searching Party (User ID) Field Name: SPARTID Data Element: RESADSPARTID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: VIAR03 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSPARTID MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SPARTID
REARALVVIAR02-SIDLDEMAND table field - Rental Request Identification (Local ID)
Description: Rental Request Identification (Local ID) Field Name: SIDLDEMAND Data Element: RESADSLDEMAND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSLIDENT MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SIDLDEMAND
REARALVVIAR02-SOBJGROUP table field - Rental object group
Description: Rental object group Field Name: SOBJGROUP Data Element: RESADSOBJGROUP Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: TIVAR02 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSOBJGROUP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SOBJGROUP
REARALVVIAR02-XMEMOTEXT table field - Memo Text For The Request (User-Defined Text)
Description: Memo Text For The Request (User-Defined Text) Field Name: XMEMOTEXT Data Element: RESADXMEMOTEXT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 85(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADXMEMOTEXT MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XMEMOTEXT
REARALVVIAR02-DFREEFROM table field - from
Description: from Field Name: DFREEFROM Data Element: RESADDFREEFROMDE Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATS MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DFREEFROM
REARALVVIAR02-DFREETILL table field - Limited lease in until
Description: Limited lease in until Field Name: DFREETILL Data Element: RESADDFREETILLDE Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATS MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DFREETILL
REARALVVIAR02-CURRKEY table field - Currency
Description: Currency Field Name: CURRKEY Data Element: RESADCURRKEY Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CURRKEY
REARALVVIAR02-AREAKEY table field - Area unit
Description: Area unit Field Name: AREAKEY Data Element: RESADAREAKEY Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T006 Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field AREAKEY
REARALVVIAR02-SAQUISIT table field - Acquisition Form (Rent or Purchase)
Description: Acquisition Form (Rent or Purchase) Field Name: SAQUISIT Data Element: RESADSAQUISIT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSAQUISIT MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SAQUISIT
REARALVVIAR02-PRENTEXCL table field - Total Net Monthly Rent
Description: Total Net Monthly Rent Field Name: PRENTEXCL Data Element: RESADPRENTEXCL Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADPRENTALL MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRENTEXCL
REARALVVIAR02-PRENTINCL table field - Total Gross Monthly Rent
Description: Total Gross Monthly Rent Field Name: PRENTINCL Data Element: RESADPRENTINCL Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADPRENTALL MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRENTINCL
REARALVVIAR02-PRENTAREAEXCL table field - Net Rent per Area Unit and Year
Description: Net Rent per Area Unit and Year Field Name: PRENTAREAEXCL Data Element: RESADPRENTAREAEXCL Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADPRENTAREA MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRENTAREAEXCL
REARALVVIAR02-PRENTAREAINCL table field - Gross Rent per Area Unit and Year
Description: Gross Rent per Area Unit and Year Field Name: PRENTAREAINCL Data Element: RESADPRENTAREAINCL Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADPRENTAREA MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRENTAREAINCL
REARALVVIAR02-PSIZEALL table field - Total area
Description: Total area Field Name: PSIZEALL Data Element: RESADPSIZEALL Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 14(4) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVBFLART MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PSIZEALL
REARALVVIAR02-PSIZEUSE table field - Residential/Usable Space
Description: Residential/Usable Space Field Name: PSIZEUSE Data Element: RESADPSIZEUSE Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 14(4) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVBFLART MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PSIZEUSE
REARALVVIAR02-NROOMFULL table field - Number of Full Rooms
Description: Number of Full Rooms Field Name: NROOMFULL Data Element: RESADNROOMFULL Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADNROOMFULL MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NROOMFULL
REARALVVIAR02-NROOMHALF table field - Number of Half Rooms
Description: Number of Half Rooms Field Name: NROOMHALF Data Element: RESADNROOMHALF Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADNROOMHALF MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NROOMHALF
REARALVVIAR02-SFLOORCOD table field - Floor Selection
Description: Floor Selection Field Name: SFLOORCOD Data Element: RESADSFLOORCOD Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSFLOORCOD MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SFLOORCOD
REARALVVIAR02-JFLOOREXC table field - Exclude Floor
Description: Exclude Floor Field Name: JFLOOREXC Data Element: RESADJFLOOREXC Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JFLOOREXC
REARALVVIAR02-SLOCALGRP table field - District Location Group Rental Request
Description: District Location Group Rental Request Field Name: SLOCALGRP Data Element: RESADSLOCALGRP Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TIVAR14 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSLOCALGRP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SLOCALGRP
REARALVVIAR02-STRAFFROU table field - Transport connections
Description: Transport connections Field Name: STRAFFROU Data Element: RESADSTRAFFROU Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: TIVAR06 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field STRAFFROU
REARALVVIAR02-DBUILDDAT table field - Building date
Description: Building date Field Name: DBUILDDAT Data Element: RESADDBUILDDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATS MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DBUILDDAT
REARALVVIAR02-DRSTORDAT table field - Modernization Date
Description: Modernization Date Field Name: DRSTORDAT Data Element: RESADRSTORDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATS MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DRSTORDAT
REARALVVIAR02-SAGEGROUP table field - Building Age Class
Description: Building Age Class Field Name: SAGEGROUP Data Element: RESADSAGEGROUP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSNEWBUILD MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SAGEGROUP
REARALVVIAR02-CFAFCODE table field - Fixtures and Fittings Characteristic String
Description: Fixtures and Fittings Characteristic String Field Name: CFAFCODE Data Element: RESADCFAFCODE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADCFAFCODE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CFAFCODE
REARALVVIAR02-SPARKGRP table field - Group of Real Estate Object Parking Spaces
Description: Group of Real Estate Object Parking Spaces Field Name: SPARKGRP Data Element: RESADSPARKGRP Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: TIVAR12 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADSPARKGRP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SPARKGRP
REARALVVIAR02-OCCUPOBLIGO table field - Occupancy obligation key
Description: Occupancy obligation key Field Name: OCCUPOBLIGO Data Element: RBELBIND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIV31 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RBELBIND MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCCUPOBLIGO
REARALVVIAR02-OCCUPOBLIGO2 table field - Occupancy obligation key
Description: Occupancy obligation key Field Name: OCCUPOBLIGO2 Data Element: RBELBIND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIV31 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RBELBIND MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCCUPOBLIGO2
REARALVVIAR02-OCCUPOBLIGO3 table field - Occupancy obligation key
Description: Occupancy obligation key Field Name: OCCUPOBLIGO3 Data Element: RBELBIND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIV31 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RBELBIND MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCCUPOBLIGO3
REARALVVIAR02-OCCUPOBLIGO4 table field - Occupancy obligation key
Description: Occupancy obligation key Field Name: OCCUPOBLIGO4 Data Element: RBELBIND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIV31 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RBELBIND MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field OCCUPOBLIGO4
REARALVVIAR02-JISPUBLIC table field - Offer is Available
Description: Offer is Available Field Name: JISPUBLIC Data Element: RESADJISPUBLIC Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JISPUBLIC
REARALVVIAR02-JAUTOINFO table field - Automatic Notification
Description: Automatic Notification Field Name: JAUTOINFO Data Element: RESADJAUTOINFO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JAUTOINFO
REARALVVIAR02-ZIPSTRING table field - Character String With Zip Code Details For Rental Request
Description: Character String With Zip Code Details For Rental Request Field Name: ZIPSTRING Data Element: RESADZIPSTRING Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADZIPSTRING MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZIPSTRING
REARALVVIAR02-SCOUNTRY table field - Country/Region Key
Description: Country/Region Key Field Name: SCOUNTRY Data Element: LAND1 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T005 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: LAND1 MemoryID: LND AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SCOUNTRY
REARALVVIAR02-SREGIO table field - Region (State, Province, County)
Description: Region (State, Province, County) Field Name: SREGIO Data Element: REGIO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T005S Conversion Routine: Domain Name: REGIO MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SREGIO
REARALVVIAR02-SCOUNC table field - County Code
Description: County Code Field Name: SCOUNC Data Element: COUNC Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T005E Conversion Routine: Domain Name: COUNC MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SCOUNC
REARALVVIAR02-SCITYC table field - City Code
Description: City Code Field Name: SCITYC Data Element: CITYC Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T005G Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CITYC MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SCITYC
REARALVVIAR02-ZIPCODE table field - Postal Code
Description: Postal Code Field Name: ZIPCODE Data Element: PSTLZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PSTLZ MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZIPCODE
REARALVVIAR02-LOCATION table field - City
Description: City Field Name: LOCATION Data Element: ORT01_GP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT35 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LOCATION
REARALVVIAR02-SUBLOCAT table field - District
Description: District Field Name: SUBLOCAT Data Element: ORT02_GP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT35 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SUBLOCAT
REARALVVIAR02-STREET table field - Street and House Number
Description: Street and House Number Field Name: STREET Data Element: STRAS_GP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT35 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field STREET
REARALVVIAR02-INTRENO table field - Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
Description: Internal Real Estate Master Data Code Field Name: INTRENO Data Element: VVINTRENO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 13(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVINTRENO MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field INTRENO
REARALVVIAR02-AUTHGRP table field - Authorization group
Description: Authorization group Field Name: AUTHGRP Data Element: VVBERGRP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVBERGRP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUTHGRP
REARALVVIAR02-PROCESSMARK table field - Processing Indicator for Rental Request
Description: Processing Indicator for Rental Request Field Name: PROCESSMARK Data Element: VVIBEARKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVC1 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PROCESSMARK
REARALVVIAR02-PRESELECTION table field - Preselection Indicator for Rental Request
Description: Preselection Indicator for Rental Request Field Name: PRESELECTION Data Element: VVIVORMKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVC2 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRESELECTION
REARALVVIAR02-PROCESSSTAT table field - Rental Request Processing Status
Description: Rental Request Processing Status Field Name: PROCESSSTAT Data Element: VVIBSTAT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVC3 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PROCESSSTAT
REARALVVIAR02-PARTFROM table field - Source of Prospect
Description: Source of Prospect Field Name: PARTFROM Data Element: VVIPARTFROM Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVP1 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARTFROM
REARALVVIAR02-PARTWHY table field - Reason for Acquisition
Description: Reason for Acquisition Field Name: PARTWHY Data Element: VVIPARTWHY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVP2 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARTWHY
REARALVVIAR02-PARTWAY table field - Enquiry method
Description: Enquiry method Field Name: PARTWAY Data Element: VVIWAY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVP3 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARTWAY
REARALVVIAR02-DAPPLY table field - Date application was received
Description: Date application was received Field Name: DAPPLY Data Element: DEINB Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DDAT MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DAPPLY
REARALVVIAR02-SCRDSTNDG table field - Credit standing application
Description: Credit standing application Field Name: SCRDSTNDG Data Element: SBONI Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: TIV62 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SBONI MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SCRDSTNDG
REARALVVIAR02-XCRDSTNDG table field - Reason for credit standing
Description: Reason for credit standing Field Name: XCRDSTNDG Data Element: XWBONI Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 50(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XTEXT50 MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XCRDSTNDG
REARALVVIAR02-NNUMPERS table field - Number of persons
Description: Number of persons Field Name: NNUMPERS Data Element: APERS Data Type: DEC length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DEC3 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NNUMPERS
REARALVVIAR02-XPASSPORT table field - Passport number
Description: Passport number Field Name: XPASSPORT Data Element: XPASSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 18(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR18 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPASSPORT
REARALVVIAR02-DPASSSUB table field - Date of submission of passport
Description: Date of submission of passport Field Name: DPASSSUB Data Element: DPASSV Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DDAT MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DPASSSUB
REARALVVIAR02-JWBS table field - Indicator: Accommodation entitlement certificate exists
Description: Indicator: Accommodation entitlement certificate exists Field Name: JWBS Data Element: JWBS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JWBS
REARALVVIAR02-DWBS table field - Accommodation entitlement certificate from
Description: Accommodation entitlement certificate from Field Name: DWBS Data Element: WBSDATUM Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DWBS
REARALVVIAR02-DWBSVALID table field - Accommodation entitlement certificate valid to
Description: Accommodation entitlement certificate valid to Field Name: DWBSVALID Data Element: WBSGUELT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DWBSVALID
REARALVVIAR02-DWBSREFUSE table field - Accommodation entitlement certificate refused on
Description: Accommodation entitlement certificate refused on Field Name: DWBSREFUSE Data Element: WBSABL Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DWBSREFUSE
REARALVVIAR02-WBSPRIORITY table field - Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate
Description: Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate Field Name: WBSPRIORITY Data Element: VVWBSDRING Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVB7 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSPRIORITY
REARALVVIAR02-WBSPERSON table field - Accomm.entitlement certif: Special group of people
Description: Accomm.entitlement certif: Special group of people Field Name: WBSPERSON Data Element: WBSPERS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TIVB8 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSPERSON
REARALVVIAR02-WBSAPPEND table field - Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif.
Description: Additional information for accomm.entitlemnt certif. Field Name: WBSAPPEND Data Element: WBSZUS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: TIVB9 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR8 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSAPPEND
REARALVVIAR02-WBSNROOMFULL table field - No. of rooms accommodation entitlement certificate
Description: No. of rooms accommodation entitlement certificate Field Name: WBSNROOMFULL Data Element: WBSAZIMM Data Type: DEC length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DEC3 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSNROOMFULL
REARALVVIAR02-WBSNROOMHALF table field - Half room accommodation entitlement certificate
Description: Half room accommodation entitlement certificate Field Name: WBSNROOMHALF Data Element: WBSAHALBZI Data Type: DEC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DEC2 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSNROOMHALF
REARALVVIAR02-WBSAREAKEY table field - Area Unit
Description: Area Unit Field Name: WBSAREAKEY Data Element: FEINS Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T006 Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: FEH AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field WBSAREAKEY
REARALVVIAR02-WBSPSIZE table field - Area factor accommodation entitlement certificate
Description: Area factor accommodation entitlement certificate Field Name: WBSPSIZE Data Element: WBSFQM Data Type: QUAN length (Dec): 14(4) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVBFLART MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSPSIZE
REARALVVIAR02-WBSREFERENCE table field - Accommodation entitlement certificate reference no.
Description: Accommodation entitlement certificate reference no. Field Name: WBSREFERENCE Data Element: WBSGS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT20 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSREFERENCE
REARALVVIAR02-WBSMEMO table field - Memo on accommodation entitlement certificate
Description: Memo on accommodation entitlement certificate Field Name: WBSMEMO Data Element: WBSINFO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WBSMEMO
REARALVVIAR02-INCOME_CUR table field - Currency of Net Income
Description: Currency of Net Income Field Name: INCOME_CUR Data Element: VVINCOME_CUR Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field INCOME_CUR
REARALVVIAR02-NET_INCOME table field - Annual Net Income
Description: Annual Net Income Field Name: NET_INCOME Data Element: VVNET_INCOME Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 15(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV8 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NET_INCOME
REARALVVIAR02-NATION table field - Nationality
Description: Nationality Field Name: NATION Data Element: VVNATION Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T005 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: LAND1 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NATION
REARALVVIAR02-PARTNR table field - Business Partner Number
Description: Business Partner Number Field Name: PARTNR Data Element: BP_PARTNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: BP000 Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: BP_PARTNR MemoryID: BPN AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field PARTNR
REARALVVIAR02-SBWNR table field - Application number
Description: Application number Field Name: SBWNR Data Element: SBWNR Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 7(0) Check table: VIMI11 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SBWNR MemoryID: OWK AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SBWNR
REARALVVIAR02-SMIWUNR table field - Rent request number
Description: Rent request number Field Name: SMIWUNR Data Element: SMIWUNR Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: VIMI12 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SMIWUNR MemoryID: OUK AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SMIWUNR
REARALVVIAR02-XOBJGROUP table field - Object Group Text
Description: Object Group Text Field Name: XOBJGROUP Data Element: RESADXOBJGROUP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADXOBJGROUP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XOBJGROUP
REARALVVIAR02-XLOCALGRP table field - District Location Group Text
Description: District Location Group Text Field Name: XLOCALGRP Data Element: RESADXLOCALGRP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADXLOCALGRP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XLOCALGRP
REARALVVIAR02-XTRAFFROU table field - Text for Transport Connections
Description: Text for Transport Connections Field Name: XTRAFFROU Data Element: RESADXTRAFFROU Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XTEXT30 MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XTRAFFROU
REARALVVIAR02-XPARKGRP table field - Text For Group of Real Estate Object Parking Spaces
Description: Text For Group of Real Estate Object Parking Spaces Field Name: XPARKGRP Data Element: RESADXPARKGRP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: RESADXPARKGRP MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPARKGRP
REARALVVIAR02-XOCCUPOBLIGO table field - Occupancy obligation name
Description: Occupancy obligation name Field Name: XOCCUPOBLIGO Data Element: XMBELBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XOCCUPOBLIGO
REARALVVIAR02-XOCCUPOBLIGO2 table field - Occupancy obligation name
Description: Occupancy obligation name Field Name: XOCCUPOBLIGO2 Data Element: XMBELBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XOCCUPOBLIGO2
REARALVVIAR02-XOCCUPOBLIGO3 table field - Occupancy obligation name
Description: Occupancy obligation name Field Name: XOCCUPOBLIGO3 Data Element: XMBELBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XOCCUPOBLIGO3
REARALVVIAR02-XOCCUPOBLIGO4 table field - Occupancy obligation name
Description: Occupancy obligation name Field Name: XOCCUPOBLIGO4 Data Element: XMBELBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XOCCUPOBLIGO4
REARALVVIAR02-XPROCESSMARK table field - Normal name (30 characters)
Description: Normal name (30 characters) Field Name: XPROCESSMARK Data Element: XMBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPROCESSMARK
REARALVVIAR02-XPRESELECTION table field - Normal name (30 characters)
Description: Normal name (30 characters) Field Name: XPRESELECTION Data Element: XMBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPRESELECTION
REARALVVIAR02-XPROCESSSTAT table field - Normal name (30 characters)
Description: Normal name (30 characters) Field Name: XPROCESSSTAT Data Element: XMBEZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPROCESSSTAT
REARALVVIAR02-XXCRDSTNDG table field - Description of credit standing of application
Description: Description of credit standing of application Field Name: XXCRDSTNDG Data Element: XMBONI Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XXCRDSTNDG
REARALVVIAR02-XWBSPRIORITY table field - Name of level of priority for AEC
Description: Name of level of priority for AEC Field Name: XWBSPRIORITY Data Element: VVXWBSDR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XWBSPRIORITY
REARALVVIAR02-XWBSPERSON table field - AEC Special groups of people - Description
Description: AEC Special groups of people - Description Field Name: XWBSPERSON Data Element: VVXWBSPERS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XWBSPERSON
REARALVVIAR02-XWBSAPPEND table field - on accomm.entitlement cert. - Description
Description: on accomm.entitlement cert. - Description Field Name: XWBSAPPEND Data Element: XWBSZUS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XMBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVVI SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XWBSAPPEND
REARALVVIAR02-XPARTNR table field - Name of applicant
Description: Name of applicant Field Name: XPARTNR Data Element: XBEWERBER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 60(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XLBEZ MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field XPARTNR