SAP RJHMSTAND table - IS-M/AM: Structure for Contract Standing details in SAP
SAP RJHMSTAND table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: RJHMSTAND
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: IS-M/AM: Structure for Contract Standing
Field list for RJHMSTAND table on an SAP system
Details |
RJHMSTAND-VTNR table field - IS-M: Contract Number ▼Description: IS-M: Contract Number |
RJHMSTAND-MEINH table field - IS-M/AM: Unit of Measurement for Quantity in the Contract ▼Description: IS-M/AM: Unit of Measurement for Quantity in the Contract |
RJHMSTAND-AB_WEINH table field - IS-M: Currency Key for Contract ▼Description: IS-M: Currency Key for Contract |
RJHMSTAND-SAERBMO table field - Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qualifying for discount ▼Description: Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qualifying for discount |
RJHMSTAND-SAERBMM table field - IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments qualifying for discount ▼Description: IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments qualifying for discount |
RJHMSTAND-SAERBME table field - IS-M: Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Discount ▼Description: IS-M: Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Discount |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBOMO table field - IS-M: Total sales vol.all accept.assignments qual.for bonus ▼Description: IS-M: Total sales vol.all accept.assignments qual.for bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBOMM table field - IS-M: Total quantity of all accpt.assignments qual.for bonus ▼Description: IS-M: Total quantity of all accpt.assignments qual.for bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBOME table field - IS-M: Total Number All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Bonus ▼Description: IS-M: Total Number All Acc.Assignments Qualifying for Bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRNRMO table field - Total sales vol.all orig.acc.assignments count.towards disc. ▼Description: Total sales vol.all orig.acc.assignments count.towards disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRNRMM table field - Total qty all acc.original assignments count.towards disc. ▼Description: Total qty all acc.original assignments count.towards disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRNRME table field - Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Towards Disc. ▼Description: Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Towards Disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBNBMO table field - Total sales vol.of all acc.orig.assignments count.twrd bonus ▼Description: Total sales vol.of all acc.orig.assignments count.twrd bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBNBMM table field - Total qty of all original acc.assignments counting twrd bon. ▼Description: Total qty of all original acc.assignments counting twrd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBNBME table field - Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Twrds Bonus ▼Description: Total No.of All Acc.Original Assignments Count.Twrds Bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SAERFRRMO table field - Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qual.for dis.frm othr BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.all acc.assignments qual.for dis.frm othr BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAERFRRMM table field - Total qty all acc.assignments qual.for disc.from other BU ▼Description: Total qty all acc.assignments qual.for disc.from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAERFRRME table field - Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qual.for Discount From Other BU ▼Description: Total No.All Acc.Assignments Qual.for Discount From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBFRMO table field - Total sales vol. all acc.assign. qual.for bonus from othr BU ▼Description: Total sales vol. all acc.assign. qual.for bonus from othr BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBFRMM table field - Total qty of all accp.assignments qual.for bonus frm othr BU ▼Description: Total qty of all accp.assignments qual.for bonus frm othr BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEBFRME table field - Total Number of Assignments Qualify.for Bonus From Other BU ▼Description: Total Number of Assignments Qualify.for Bonus From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEFRMO table field - Total sales vol.of all accepted assignments from other BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.of all accepted assignments from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEFRMM table field - IS-M: Total quantity of all accept.assignments from other BU ▼Description: IS-M: Total quantity of all accept.assignments from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEFRME table field - IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other BU ▼Description: IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMFRBMO table field - Total sales vol.all acc.assign.count.twrds bonus frm othr BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.all acc.assign.count.twrds bonus frm othr BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMFRBMM table field - Total qty all acc.assignmnts count.twrds bonus from other BU ▼Description: Total qty all acc.assignmnts count.twrds bonus from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMFRBME table field - Total No.All Acc.Assignmnts Count.Twrds Bonus From Other BU ▼Description: Total No.All Acc.Assignmnts Count.Twrds Bonus From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SAEVBMO table field - IS-M: Total sales vol.all acc.assignments from other SA ▼Description: IS-M: Total sales vol.all acc.assignments from other SA |
RJHMSTAND-SAEVBMM table field - IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments from other sales area ▼Description: IS-M: Total qty all acc.assignments from other sales area |
RJHMSTAND-SAEVBME table field - IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other SA ▼Description: IS-M: Total Number of All Accepted Assignments From Other SA |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMAMO table field - IS-M: Total sales volume of all accepted manual assignments ▼Description: IS-M: Total sales volume of all accepted manual assignments |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMAMM table field - IS-M: Total quantity of all manual assignments accepted ▼Description: IS-M: Total quantity of all manual assignments accepted |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMAME table field - IS-M: Total Number of All Manual Assignments Accepted ▼Description: IS-M: Total Number of All Manual Assignments Accepted |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRMO table field - Total sales vol.from all acc.assignments count.toward disc. ▼Description: Total sales vol.from all acc.assignments count.toward disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRMM table field - Total qty of all acc.assignments counting towards discount ▼Description: Total qty of all acc.assignments counting towards discount |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMRME table field - IS-M: Total No.of All Acc.Assignments Counting Towards Disc. ▼Description: IS-M: Total No.of All Acc.Assignments Counting Towards Disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBMO table field - IS-M: Total sales vol.of all acc.assignments count.twd bon. ▼Description: IS-M: Total sales vol.of all acc.assignments count.twd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBMM table field - IS-M: Total qty of all accept.assignments counting twrd bon. ▼Description: IS-M: Total qty of all accept.assignments counting twrd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SAEMBME table field - IS-M: Total No.All Accept.Assignments Which Count Twrds Bon. ▼Description: IS-M: Total No.All Accept.Assignments Which Count Twrds Bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRBMO table field - Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for disc. ▼Description: Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRBMM table field - Total qty all billed assignments qualifying for discount ▼Description: Total qty all billed assignments qualifying for discount |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRBME table field - IS-M: Total No.All Bill.Assignments Qualifying for Discount ▼Description: IS-M: Total No.All Bill.Assignments Qualifying for Discount |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBOMO table field - Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for bonus ▼Description: Total sales vol.all billed assignments qualifying for bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBOMM table field - Total qty of all billed assignments qualifying for bonus ▼Description: Total qty of all billed assignments qualifying for bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBOME table field - Total Number of All Billed Assignments Qualifying for Bonus ▼Description: Total Number of All Billed Assignments Qualifying for Bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRNRMO table field - Total sales vol.all billed orig.assignments count.twrd disc. ▼Description: Total sales vol.all billed orig.assignments count.twrd disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRNRMM table field - Total qty all billed original assignments count.twrd disc. ▼Description: Total qty all billed original assignments count.twrd disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRNRME table field - Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Disc. ▼Description: Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBNBMO table field - Total sales vol.all bill.original assignments count.twd bon. ▼Description: Total sales vol.all bill.original assignments count.twd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBNBMM table field - Total qty of all billed original assignments count.twrd bon. ▼Description: Total qty of all billed original assignments count.twrd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBNBME table field - Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Bonus ▼Description: Total No.of All Billed Original Assignments Count.Twrd Bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRFRRMO table field - Total sales vol.all bill.assignm.qual.for disc from other BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.all bill.assignm.qual.for disc from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRFRRMM table field - Total qty all billed assignments qual.for disc.from other BU ▼Description: Total qty all billed assignments qual.for disc.from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKRFRRME table field - Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Disc.From Other BU ▼Description: Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Disc.From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBFRMO table field - Total sales vol.all bill.assign.qual.for bonus from other BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.all bill.assign.qual.for bonus from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBFRMM table field - Total qty all billed assignments qual.for bonus frm other BU ▼Description: Total qty all billed assignments qual.for bonus frm other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKBFRME table field - Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Bonus From Other BU ▼Description: Total No.All Billed Assignments Qual.for Bonus From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKFRMO table field - Total sales volume of all billed assignments from other BU ▼Description: Total sales volume of all billed assignments from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKFRMM table field - Total quantity of all billed assignments from other BU ▼Description: Total quantity of all billed assignments from other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKFRME table field - Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other BU ▼Description: Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMFRBMO table field - Total sales vol.all bill.assign.count.twrd bon.from othr BU ▼Description: Total sales vol.all bill.assign.count.twrd bon.from othr BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMFRBMM table field - Total qty all billed assignments count.twrd bonus frm oth.BU ▼Description: Total qty all billed assignments count.twrd bonus frm oth.BU |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMFRBME table field - Total No.of All Bill.Assignments From Othr BU Count.Twrd Bon ▼Description: Total No.of All Bill.Assignments From Othr BU Count.Twrd Bon |
RJHMSTAND-SFKVBMO table field - Total sales vol. from all billed assignments from other SAs ▼Description: Total sales vol. from all billed assignments from other SAs |
RJHMSTAND-SFKVBMM table field - Total quantity all billed assignments from other SA ▼Description: Total quantity all billed assignments from other SA |
RJHMSTAND-SFKVBME table field - Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other SA ▼Description: Total Number of All Billed Assignments From Other SA |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMAMO table field - Total sales volume of all billed manual assignments ▼Description: Total sales volume of all billed manual assignments |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMAMM table field - IS-M: Total quantity of all billed manual assignments ▼Description: IS-M: Total quantity of all billed manual assignments |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMAME table field - IS-M: Total Number of All Billed Manual Assignments ▼Description: IS-M: Total Number of All Billed Manual Assignments |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRMO table field - Total sales vol.all billed assignments count.toward discount ▼Description: Total sales vol.all billed assignments count.toward discount |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRMM table field - Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd disc. ▼Description: Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMRME table field - Total Number of All Billed Assignments Counting Toward Disc. ▼Description: Total Number of All Billed Assignments Counting Toward Disc. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBMO table field - Total sales vol.all billed assignments counting twrd bonus ▼Description: Total sales vol.all billed assignments counting twrd bonus |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBMM table field - Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd bon. ▼Description: Total quantity of all billed assignments counting twrd bon. |
RJHMSTAND-SFKMBME table field - Total Number of All Billed Assignments That Count Twrd Bonus ▼Description: Total Number of All Billed Assignments That Count Twrd Bonus |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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