SAP ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI table - Regulatory Repoting: Texas PR EDl Structure details in SAP
SAP ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: Regulatory Repoting: Texas PR EDl Structure
Field list for ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-REPORT_TYPE table field - Regulatory Reporting: Report Type ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Report Type |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-REPORT_ID table field - Row Index of Internal Tables ▼Description: Row Index of Internal Tables |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OPER_NO table field - Regulatory Reporting: Operator Number ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Operator Number |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-DISTRICT_NO table field - Regulatory Reporting: District ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: District |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-LSE_TYPE table field - Regulatory Reoprting: Lease Type (Oil/Gas/Permit) ▼Description: Regulatory Reoprting: Lease Type (Oil/Gas/Permit) |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-RRC_OIL_GAS_NO table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil/Gas Id Number ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil/Gas Id Number |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-DRILL_PRMT_NO table field - Regulatory Reporting: Texas Drilling Permit Number ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Texas Drilling Permit Number |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-API_NO table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas RRC ID ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas RRC ID |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-AC_INDICATOR table field - Current/Amended Report Indicator ▼Description: Current/Amended Report Indicator |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-LSE_TOT_ID table field - Regulatory Reporting: Lease Total Line Identicator ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Lease Total Line Identicator |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-CMGL_PRMT_NO table field - Texas Commingled Permit Number ▼Description: Texas Commingled Permit Number |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_CMGL_PRMT table field - Regulatory Reporting: Commingled Permit Number Remarks ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Commingled Permit Number Remarks |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-PROD_YEAR table field - Regulatory Reporting: Production Year ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Production Year |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-PROD_MONTH table field - Regulatory Reporting: Production Month ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Production Month |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_PROD table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Production ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Production |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_LSE table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Lease Field Fuel Sys. ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Lease Field Fuel Sys. |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_TRMN table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Transmission Line ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Transmission Line |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_PLANT table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Processing Plant ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Processing Plant |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_VENTED table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Vented or Flared ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Vented or Flared |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_GAS_DISP_VENTED table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Vent/Flare Remar ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Vent/Flare Remar |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_LIFT table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Lift ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Lift |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_PRESSURE table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Pressure maintenance ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Pressure maintenance |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_CARBON table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Carbon black ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Carbon black |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_CARB_PLT_NM table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Dispostion Carbon Black Plant Name ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Dispostion Carbon Black Plant Name |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_DISP_UNDERGROUND table field - Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Underground store ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Gas Disposition Underground store |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_PROD table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Production ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Production |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_PIPELINE table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Pipeline ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Pipeline |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_TRUCK table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Truck ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Truck |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_TANK table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Tank ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Tank |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_NET_TANK table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Net tank cleaning ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Net tank cleaning |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_OIL_DISP_NET_TANK table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Net Tank Remarks ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Net Tank Remarks |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_CIRC table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Circulating ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Circulating |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_OIL_DISP_CIRC table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Circulatioin Remarks ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Circulatioin Remarks |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_LOST table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lost ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lost |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_SEDMNT table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Sedimentation ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Sedimentation |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_OIL_DISP_SEDMNT table field - Regulatory Reporting: Dispostition Sedimentation Re ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Dispostition Sedimentation Re |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_OPER_CHG table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Operator Change ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Operator Change |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_ROAD_OIL table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Road Oil ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Road Oil |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_LEASE_USE table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lease Use ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lease Use |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_LOST_FORM table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lost to Formation ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Lost to Formation |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_OTHER_NM table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Other by name ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Other by name |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-EXP_OIL_DISP_OTHER table field - Regulatory Reoprting: Other Explanation ▼Description: Regulatory Reoprting: Other Explanation |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_SKIM table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Skim ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Skim |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-OIL_DISP_SCRUBBER table field - Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Scrubber ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Oil Disposition Scrubber |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-END_INV table field - Regulatory Reporting: Ending Inventory ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Ending Inventory |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-FIELD_NAME table field - Regulatory Reporting: Field Name ▼Description: Regulatory Reporting: Field Name |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-LEASE_NAME table field - Regulatory Reoprting: Lease Name ▼Description: Regulatory Reoprting: Lease Name |
ROIUREP_TX_PR_EDI-GAS_WL_NO table field - Character field of length 6 ▼Description: Character field of length 6 |
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