SAP T807H table - Rollup Header Information details in SAP
SAP T807H table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: T807H
Dictionary Type: Transparent table
Description: Rollup Header Information
Field list for T807H table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
T807H-MANDT table field - Client ▼Description: Client |
T807H-ROLLUP table field - Rollup (new) ▼Description: Rollup (new) |
T807H-STAB table field - Sender table ▼Description: Sender table |
T807H-ROLSET table field - Rollup Set ▼Description: Rollup Set |
T807H-SUMDIM table field - Hierarchy Dimension for Rollup ▼Description: Hierarchy Dimension for Rollup |
T807H-RTAB table field - Receiver Table ▼Description: Receiver Table |
T807H-RESSET table field - Reset Set ▼Description: Reset Set |
T807H-RESETRULE table field - Selection rule ▼Description: Selection rule |
T807H-GLSIP table field - Ind.: Write line items? ▼Description: Ind.: Write line items? |
T807H-ACCUM table field - Ind.: Add Values? ▼Description: Ind.: Add Values? |
T807H-BINELIM table field - Ind.:Elimination of internal business volume frm total bus? ▼Description: Ind.:Elimination of internal business volume frm total bus? |
T807H-ZERO table field - Ind.: Insert blank records? ▼Description: Ind.: Insert blank records? |
T807H-BRGRU table field - Authorization Group ▼Description: Authorization Group |
T807H-CNAM table field - Created By ▼Description: Created By |
T807H-CDAT table field - Creation date ▼Description: Creation date |
T807H-UNAM table field - Last Changed By ▼Description: Last Changed By |
T807H-UDAT table field - Date on which object was last changed ▼Description: Date on which object was last changed |
T807H-SNAM table field - Last Executed By ▼Description: Last Executed By |
T807H-SDAT table field - Date of the last execution ▼Description: Date of the last execution |
T807H-FIRSTEXIT table field - User Exit (S..: Standard Exits, U..: User Exits) ▼Description: User Exit (S..: Standard Exits, U..: User Exits) |
T807H-HIERSET table field - Hierarchy set ▼Description: Hierarchy set |
T807H-ROLL_PART table field - Summarize partner object ▼Description: Summarize partner object |
T807H-RFC_ROLL table field - Indicator: Rollup for distributed systems (export) ▼Description: Indicator: Rollup for distributed systems (export) |
T807H-NO_CLEAR_CURR table field - Ind: Do not initialize currency field ▼Description: Ind: Do not initialize currency field |
T807H-HINT table field - FI-SL: Hint for DB optimizer ▼Description: FI-SL: Hint for DB optimizer |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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