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U_22626-MANDT table field - Client
Description: Client Field Name: MANDT Data Element: MANDT Data Type: CLNT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T000 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MANDT MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MANDT
U_22626-IMKEY table field - Internal Key for Real Estate Object
Description: Internal Key for Real Estate Object Field Name: IMKEY Data Element: IMKEY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: IMKEY Domain Name: IMKEY MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: IMKEY See all SAP tables containing field IMKEY
U_22626-DTRANS table field - Flow data key: System date
Description: Flow data key: System date Field Name: DTRANS Data Element: VVDTRANS Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DTRANS
U_22626-TTRANS table field - Transaction data key: system time
Description: Transaction data key: system time Field Name: TTRANS Data Element: VVTTRANS Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: UZEIT MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TTRANS
U_22626-NTRANS table field - Transaction data key: Consecutive number
Description: Transaction data key: Consecutive number Field Name: NTRANS Data Element: VVNTRANS Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: NUMC4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NTRANS
U_22626-SBEWART table field - Flow Type
Description: Flow Type Field Name: SBEWART Data Element: SBEWART Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SBEWART MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SBEWART
U_22626-BUKRS table field - Company Code
Description: Company Code Field Name: BUKRS Data Element: BUKRS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BUKRS MemoryID: BUK AppClass: FB SHLP: C_T001 SHLP Field: BUKRS ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BUKRS
U_22626-SMIVE table field - Lease-Out Number
Description: Lease-Out Number Field Name: SMIVE Data Element: SMIVE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 13(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: VVSMIVE MemoryID: MIV AppClass: FVVW SHLP: MRTA SHLP Field: SMIVE ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field SMIVE
U_22626-SWENR table field - Business Entity Number
Description: Business Entity Number Field Name: SWENR Data Element: SWENR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: VIOB01 Conversion Routine: SWENR Domain Name: SWENR MemoryID: WEH AppClass: FVVI SHLP: MCWE SHLP Field: SWENR ConvExit: SWENR See all SAP tables containing field SWENR
U_22626-SMENR table field - Number of Rental Unit
Description: Number of Rental Unit Field Name: SMENR Data Element: SMENR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: VIMI01 Conversion Routine: SMENR Domain Name: SMENR MemoryID: MEH AppClass: FVVI SHLP: MCME SHLP Field: SMENR ConvExit: SMENR See all SAP tables containing field SMENR
U_22626-SSTATI table field - Status of data record
Description: Status of data record Field Name: SSTATI Data Element: SSTATI Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: STATI MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SSTATI
U_22626-SCWHR table field - Settlement Currency
Description: Settlement Currency Field Name: SCWHR Data Element: SCWHR Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SCWHR
U_22626-BCWHR table field - Settlement Amount
Description: Settlement Amount Field Name: BCWHR Data Element: BCWHR Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BCWHR
U_22626-BMWST table field - Value-added tax amount included
Description: Value-added tax amount included Field Name: BMWST Data Element: BMWST Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WRTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BMWST
U_22626-BHWHR table field - Amount in local currency
Description: Amount in local currency Field Name: BHWHR Data Element: BHWHR Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BHWHR
U_22626-SBWHR table field - Position Currency (Currency of Position Amount)
Description: Position Currency (Currency of Position Amount) Field Name: SBWHR Data Element: SBWHR Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SBWHR
U_22626-BBWHR table field - Amount in position currency
Description: Amount in position currency Field Name: BBWHR Data Element: BBWHR Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BBWHR
U_22626-MWSKZ table field - Tax on sales/purchases code
Description: Tax on sales/purchases code Field Name: MWSKZ Data Element: MWSKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: T007A Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MWSKZ MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MWSKZ
U_22626-MWART table field - Tax Type
Description: Tax Type Field Name: MWART Data Element: MWART Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MWART MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MWART
U_22626-DFAELL table field - Due date
Description: Due date Field Name: DFAELL Data Element: DFAELL Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DFAELL
U_22626-DDISPO table field - Payment Date
Description: Payment Date Field Name: DDISPO Data Element: DDISPO Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DDISPO
U_22626-DVALUT table field - Calculation Date
Description: Calculation Date Field Name: DVALUT Data Element: DVALUT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DVALUT
U_22626-SPLANIST table field - Plan/actual record/record to be released indicator
Description: Plan/actual record/record to be released indicator Field Name: SPLANIST Data Element: SPLANIST Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SPLANIST MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SPLANIST
U_22626-SXBLNR table field - Debit position identification -> Acctng reference doc. no.
Description: Debit position identification -> Acctng reference doc. no. Field Name: SXBLNR Data Element: SXBLNR1 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 16(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XBLNR1 MemoryID: AppClass: MB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SXBLNR
U_22626-SSOLHAB table field - Debit/credit indicator
Description: Debit/credit indicator Field Name: SSOLHAB Data Element: VVSSOLHAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVSSOLHAB MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SSOLHAB
U_22626-SSTORNO table field - Reversal indicator
Description: Reversal indicator Field Name: SSTORNO Data Element: SSTORNO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SSTORNO MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SSTORNO
U_22626-RSOLL table field - Account for debit posting
Description: Account for debit posting Field Name: RSOLL Data Element: RSOLL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: SAKNR MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field RSOLL
U_22626-RHABEN table field - Account for credit posting
Description: Account for credit posting Field Name: RHABEN Data Element: RHABEN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: SAKNR MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field RHABEN
U_22626-RBANKK table field - Bank account
Description: Bank account Field Name: RBANKK Data Element: RBANKK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: SAKNR MemoryID: BKT AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field RBANKK
U_22626-KUNNR table field - Customer Number
Description: Customer Number Field Name: KUNNR Data Element: KUNNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: KUNNR MemoryID: KUN AppClass: V SHLP: C_KUNNR SHLP Field: KUNNR ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field KUNNR
U_22626-KOSTL table field - Cost Center
Description: Cost Center Field Name: KOSTL Data Element: KOSTL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: KOSTL MemoryID: KOS AppClass: KA SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field KOSTL
U_22626-BVTYP table field - Partner bank type
Description: Partner bank type Field Name: BVTYP Data Element: BVTYP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: BVTYP MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BVTYP
U_22626-ZLSCH table field - Payment Method
Description: Payment Method Field Name: ZLSCH Data Element: DZLSCH Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: T042Z Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZLSCH
U_22626-ZAHLS table field - Block Key for Payment
Description: Block Key for Payment Field Name: ZAHLS Data Element: DZAHLS Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: T008 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZAHLS
U_22626-FDLEV table field - Planning Level
Description: Planning Level Field Name: FDLEV Data Element: FDLEV Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: T036 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: FDLEV MemoryID: FFE AppClass: FF SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FDLEV
U_22626-FDUPD table field - Flag as to whether record enters cash management + forecast
Description: Flag as to whether record enters cash management + forecast Field Name: FDUPD Data Element: FDUPD Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: KENZX MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FDUPD
U_22626-SANLF table field - Product Category
Description: Product Category Field Name: SANLF Data Element: SANLF Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVSANLF MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SANLF
U_22626-GSART table field - Product Type
Description: Product Type Field Name: GSART Data Element: VVSART Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: TZPA Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVSART MemoryID: SAN AppClass: SHLP: VVSART_APPL_BAS SHLP Field: GSART ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GSART
U_22626-GSBER table field - Business Area
Description: Business Area Field Name: GSBER Data Element: GSBER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: GSBER MemoryID: GSB AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GSBER
U_22626-JONLAEN table field - Indicator for fixing a flow record
Description: Indicator for fixing a flow record Field Name: JONLAEN Data Element: JONLAEN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVSONLAEN MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JONLAEN
U_22626-RERF table field - Entered By
Description: Entered By Field Name: RERF Data Element: RERF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SYCHAR12 MemoryID: AppClass: SYST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RERF
U_22626-DERF table field - First Entered On
Description: First Entered On Field Name: DERF Data Element: DERF Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DERF
U_22626-TERF table field - Time of Creation
Description: Time of Creation Field Name: TERF Data Element: TERF Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TIMES MemoryID: AppClass: PP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TERF
U_22626-REHER table field - Source of Initial Entry
Description: Source of Initial Entry Field Name: REHER Data Element: REHER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR10 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field REHER
U_22626-RBEAR table field - Employee ID
Description: Employee ID Field Name: RBEAR Data Element: RBEAR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SYCHAR12 MemoryID: AppClass: SYST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RBEAR
U_22626-DBEAR table field - Last Edited On
Description: Last Edited On Field Name: DBEAR Data Element: DBEAR Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DBEAR
U_22626-TBEAR table field - Last Edited At
Description: Last Edited At Field Name: TBEAR Data Element: TBEAR Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TIMES MemoryID: AppClass: PP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TBEAR
U_22626-RBHER table field - Editing Source
Description: Editing Source Field Name: RBHER Data Element: RBHER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR10 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RBHER
U_22626-SWOHER table field - Source of flow record
Description: Source of flow record Field Name: SWOHER Data Element: SWOHER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR1 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SWOHER
U_22626-SBEWZITI table field - Flow category
Description: Flow category Field Name: SBEWZITI Data Element: SBEWZITI Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TZB03 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SBEWZITI MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SBEWZITI
U_22626-BBASIS table field - Calculation Base Amount
Description: Calculation Base Amount Field Name: BBASIS Data Element: BBASIS Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BBASIS
U_22626-DBERVON table field - Start of Calculation Period
Description: Start of Calculation Period Field Name: DBERVON Data Element: DBERVON Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DBERVON
U_22626-DBERBIS table field - End of Calculation Period
Description: End of Calculation Period Field Name: DBERBIS Data Element: DBERBIS Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DBERBIS
U_22626-SSORTZIT table field - Sort indicator for interest/repayment schedule calculations
Description: Sort indicator for interest/repayment schedule calculations Field Name: SSORTZIT Data Element: SSORTZIT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR1 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SSORTZIT
U_22626-NFOLGE table field - Display sequence of condition types within the group
Description: Display sequence of condition types within the group Field Name: NFOLGE Data Element: NFOLGE Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVNFOLGE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NFOLGE
U_22626-ATAGE table field - Number of Days
Description: Number of Days Field Name: ATAGE Data Element: VVATAGE Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: INT6 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ATAGE
U_22626-ABASTAGE table field - Number of base days in a calculation period
Description: Number of base days in a calculation period Field Name: ABASTAGE Data Element: ABASTAGE Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: INT6 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ABASTAGE
U_22626-SZBMETH table field - Interest Calculation Method
Description: Interest Calculation Method Field Name: SZBMETH Data Element: SZBMETH Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SZBMETH MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SZBMETH
U_22626-SREFBEW table field - Reference flow type
Description: Reference flow type Field Name: SREFBEW Data Element: SREFBEW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SBEWART MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SREFBEW
U_22626-DTRANSREF table field - Flow data key: System date
Description: Flow data key: System date Field Name: DTRANSREF Data Element: VVDTRANS Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DTRANSREF
U_22626-TTRANSREF table field - Transaction data key: system time
Description: Transaction data key: system time Field Name: TTRANSREF Data Element: VVTTRANS Data Type: TIMS length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: UZEIT MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TTRANSREF
U_22626-NTRANSREF table field - Transaction data key: Consecutive number
Description: Transaction data key: Consecutive number Field Name: NTRANSREF Data Element: VVNTRANS Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: NUMC4 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NTRANSREF
U_22626-BUDAT table field - Posting Date in the Document
Description: Posting Date in the Document Field Name: BUDAT Data Element: BUDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BUDAT
U_22626-BNWHR table field - Nominal amount
Description: Nominal amount Field Name: BNWHR Data Element: BNWHR Data Type: CURR length (Dec): 13(2) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERTV7 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BNWHR
U_22626-SNWHR table field - Currency of nominal amount
Description: Currency of nominal amount Field Name: SNWHR Data Element: SNWHR Data Type: CUKY length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: TCURC Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WAERS MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SNWHR
U_22626-SKOART table field - Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records)
Description: Condition Type (Smallest Subdivision of Condition Records) Field Name: SKOART Data Element: SKOART Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TZK01 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: SKOART MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SKOART
U_22626-SVWNR table field - Management Contract Number
Description: Management Contract Number Field Name: SVWNR Data Element: VVSVWNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 13(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: VVSVWNR MemoryID: VWV AppClass: SHLP: MCVW SHLP Field: SVWNR ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field SVWNR
U_22626-INTRENO table field - Internal Real Estate Master Data Code
Description: Internal Real Estate Master Data Code Field Name: INTRENO Data Element: VVINTRENO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 13(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVINTRENO MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field INTRENO
U_22626-AWTYP table field - Reference procedure
Description: Reference procedure Field Name: AWTYP Data Element: AWTYP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 5(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: AWTYP MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AWTYP
U_22626-AWKEY table field - Reference Key
Description: Reference Key Field Name: AWKEY Data Element: AWKEY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: AWKEY MemoryID: AppClass: FB SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AWKEY
U_22626-IMKEY2 table field - Second Real Estate object for property management postings
Description: Second Real Estate object for property management postings Field Name: IMKEY2 Data Element: IMKEY2 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: IMKEY Domain Name: IMKEY MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: IMKEY See all SAP tables containing field IMKEY2
U_22626-INTRENO2 table field - Second real estate object for property management postings
Description: Second real estate object for property management postings Field Name: INTRENO2 Data Element: VVINTRENO2 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 13(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: VVINTRENO MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field INTRENO2
U_22626-LIFNR table field - Account Number of Supplier
Description: Account Number of Supplier Field Name: LIFNR Data Element: LIFNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: LIFNR MemoryID: LIF AppClass: FB SHLP: KRED_C SHLP Field: LIFNR ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field LIFNR
U_22626-SGRNR table field - Land Number for BE
Description: Land Number for BE Field Name: SGRNR Data Element: SGRNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: SGRNR Domain Name: SGRNR MemoryID: GRS AppClass: FVVI SHLP: MCGR SHLP Field: SGRNR ConvExit: SGRNR See all SAP tables containing field SGRNR
U_22626-SGENR table field - Building Number
Description: Building Number Field Name: SGENR Data Element: SGENR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: SGENR Domain Name: SGENR MemoryID: GEB AppClass: FVVI SHLP: MCGE SHLP Field: SGENR ConvExit: SGENR See all SAP tables containing field SGENR
U_22626-JLOESCH table field - Record planned for Real Estate archiving
Description: Record planned for Real Estate archiving Field Name: JLOESCH Data Element: VVJLOEAR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: JLOESCH MemoryID: AppClass: FVV SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field JLOESCH