SAP U_27341 table - Generated Table for View details in SAP

SAP U_27341 table summary

Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101

Object Name: U_27341
Dictionary Type: Table view
Description: Generated Table for View

Field list for U_27341 table on an S/4 SAP system

U_27341-MANDT table field - Client

Description: Client
Field Name: MANDT
Data Element: MANDT
Data Type: CLNT
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: T000
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: MANDT
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field MANDT

U_27341-PDSNR table field - Sequential number for PDC messages

Description: Sequential number for PDC messages
Field Name: PDSNR
Data Element: PDSNR_D
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: PDSNR
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field PDSNR

U_27341-PERNR table field - Personnel Number

Description: Personnel Number
Field Name: PERNR
Data Element: PERNR_D
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: PERNR
MemoryID: PER
AppClass: PB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field PERNR

U_27341-INFTY table field - Infotype

Description: Infotype
Field Name: INFTY
Data Element: INFTY
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: T582A
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: INFOTYP
MemoryID: ITP
AppClass: PP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field INFTY

U_27341-SUBTY table field - Subtype

Description: Subtype
Field Name: SUBTY
Data Element: SUBTY
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: SUBTY
MemoryID: SUB
AppClass: PINF
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SUBTY

U_27341-OBJPS table field - Object Identification

Description: Object Identification
Field Name: OBJPS
Data Element: OBJPS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 2(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: OBJPS
MemoryID: OPS
AppClass: PB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field OBJPS

U_27341-SPRPS table field - Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record

Description: Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record
Field Name: SPRPS
Data Element: SPRPS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 1(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: SPRPS
AppClass: PINF
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SPRPS

U_27341-ENDDA table field - End Date

Description: End Date
Field Name: ENDDA
Data Element: ENDDA
Data Type: DATS
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: DATUM
AppClass: TEST
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field ENDDA

U_27341-BEGDA table field - Start Date

Description: Start Date
Field Name: BEGDA
Data Element: BEGDA
Data Type: DATS
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: DATUM
AppClass: TEST
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field BEGDA

U_27341-SEQNR table field - Number of Infotype Record With Same Key

Description: Number of Infotype Record With Same Key
Field Name: SEQNR
Data Element: SEQNR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: NUM03
AppClass: TEST
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SEQNR

U_27341-BUKRS table field - Company Code

Description: Company Code
Field Name: BUKRS
Data Element: BUKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: T001
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: BUKRS
MemoryID: BUK
AppClass: FB
SHLP: C_T001

See all SAP tables containing field BUKRS

U_27341-GSBER table field - Business Area

Description: Business Area
Field Name: GSBER
Data Element: GSBER
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TGSB
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: GSBER
MemoryID: GSB
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field GSBER

U_27341-KOKRS table field - Controlling Area

Description: Controlling Area
Field Name: KOKRS
Data Element: KOKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TKA01
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: CACCD
MemoryID: CAC
AppClass: KS
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KOKRS

U_27341-KOSTL table field - Cost Center

Description: Cost Center
Field Name: KOSTL
Data Element: KOSTL
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: CSKS
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: KOSTL
MemoryID: KOS
AppClass: KA
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field KOSTL

U_27341-AUFNR table field - Order Number

Description: Order Number
Field Name: AUFNR
Data Element: AUFNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table: AUFK
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: AUFNR
MemoryID: ANR
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field AUFNR

U_27341-KSTRG table field - Cost Object

Description: Cost Object
Field Name: KSTRG
Data Element: KSTRG
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table: CKPH
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: KSTRG
MemoryID: KTR
AppClass: KK
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KSTRG

U_27341-POSNR table field - Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)

Description: Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
Field Name: POSNR
Data Element: PS_PSP_PNR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table: PRPS
Conversion Routine: ABPSP
Domain Name: PS_POSNR
AppClass: CN
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ABPSP

See all SAP tables containing field POSNR

U_27341-NPLNR table field - Network Number for Account Assignment

Description: Network Number for Account Assignment
Field Name: NPLNR
Data Element: NPLNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table: AUFK
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: AUFNR
MemoryID: NET
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field NPLNR

U_27341-VORNR table field - Operation/Activity Number

Description: Operation/Activity Number
Field Name: VORNR
Data Element: VORNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: NUMCV
Domain Name: VORNR
MemoryID: VGN
AppClass: CP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: NUMCV

See all SAP tables containing field VORNR

U_27341-KDAUF table field - Sales Order Number

Description: Sales Order Number
Field Name: KDAUF
Data Element: KDAUF
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: VBUK
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: VBELN
MemoryID: AUN
AppClass: V
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field KDAUF

U_27341-KDPOS table field - Item number in Sales Order

Description: Item number in Sales Order
Field Name: KDPOS
Data Element: KDPOS
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: NUM06
MemoryID: KPO
AppClass: MD
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KDPOS

U_27341-PAOBJNR table field - Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)

Description: Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA)
Field Name: PAOBJNR
Data Element: RKEOBJNR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: RKEOBJNR
AppClass: KE
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field PAOBJNR

U_27341-PRZNR table field - Business Process

Description: Business Process
Field Name: PRZNR
Data Element: CO_PRZNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: CO_PRZNR
MemoryID: KWP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field PRZNR

U_27341-SBUKR table field - Company Code

Description: Company Code
Field Name: SBUKR
Data Element: BUKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: T001
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: BUKRS
MemoryID: BUK
AppClass: FB
SHLP: C_T001

See all SAP tables containing field SBUKR

U_27341-SGSBR table field - Business Area

Description: Business Area
Field Name: SGSBR
Data Element: GSBER
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TGSB
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: GSBER
MemoryID: GSB
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SGSBR

U_27341-SKOST table field - Cost Center

Description: Cost Center
Field Name: SKOST
Data Element: KOSTL
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: CSKS
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: KOSTL
MemoryID: KOS
AppClass: KA
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field SKOST

U_27341-LSTAR table field - Activity Type

Description: Activity Type
Field Name: LSTAR
Data Element: LSTAR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table: CSLA
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: LSTAR
MemoryID: LAR
AppClass: KS

See all SAP tables containing field LSTAR

U_27341-SGTXT table field - Item Text

Description: Item Text
Field Name: SGTXT
Data Element: SGTXT
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 50(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: TEXT50
AppClass: SLG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SGTXT


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