SAP V_T8JTPM table - Generated Table for View details in SAP

SAP V_T8JTPM table summary

Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101

Object Name: V_T8JTPM
Dictionary Type: Table view
Description: Generated Table for View

Field list for V_T8JTPM table on an S/4 SAP system

V_T8JTPM-RCLNT table field - Client

Description: Client
Field Name: RCLNT
Data Element: MANDT
Data Type: CLNT
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: T000
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: MANDT
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RCLNT

V_T8JTPM-RRCTY table field - Record Type

Description: Record Type
Field Name: RRCTY
Data Element: RRCTY
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 1(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: RRCTY
AppClass: FG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RRCTY

V_T8JTPM-RVERS table field - Version

Description: Version
Field Name: RVERS
Data Element: RVERS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: RVERS
MemoryID: GVS
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RVERS

V_T8JTPM-RYEAR table field - Fiscal Year

Description: Fiscal Year
Field Name: RYEAR
Data Element: GJAHR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: GJAHR
Domain Name: GJAHR
MemoryID: GJR
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: GJAHR

See all SAP tables containing field RYEAR

V_T8JTPM-ROBJNR table field - Object number for objects (account assignment elements)

Description: Object number for objects (account assignment elements)
Field Name: ROBJNR
Data Element: GOBJNR_R
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 18(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: OBJNR
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field ROBJNR

V_T8JTPM-COBJNR table field - Object number for transaction attributes

Description: Object number for transaction attributes
Field Name: COBJNR
Data Element: GOBJNR_C
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 18(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: OBJNR
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field COBJNR

V_T8JTPM-SOBJNR table field - Object number for partner objects (accnt assignmnt elements)

Description: Object number for partner objects (accnt assignmnt elements)
Field Name: SOBJNR
Data Element: GOBJNR_S
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 18(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: OBJNR
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field SOBJNR

V_T8JTPM-RTCUR table field - Currency Key

Description: Currency Key
Field Name: RTCUR
Data Element: RTCUR
Data Type: CUKY
length (Dec): 5(0)
Check table: TCURC
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WAERS
MemoryID: FWS
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RTCUR

V_T8JTPM-RUNIT table field - Base Unit of Measure

Description: Base Unit of Measure
Field Name: RUNIT
Data Element: MEINS
Data Type: UNIT
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: T006
Conversion Routine: CUNIT
Domain Name: MEINS
AppClass: MG
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: CUNIT

See all SAP tables containing field RUNIT

V_T8JTPM-DRCRK table field - Debit/Credit Indicator

Description: Debit/Credit Indicator
Field Name: DRCRK
Data Element: SHKZG
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 1(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: SHKZG
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field DRCRK

V_T8JTPM-RPMAX table field - Period

Description: Period
Field Name: RPMAX
Data Element: RPMAX
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: RPMAX
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RPMAX

V_T8JTPM-POPER table field - Posting period

Description: Posting period
Field Name: POPER
Data Element: POPER
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: POPER
MemoryID: POPR
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field POPER

V_T8JTPM-PRODPER table field - Production Month

Description: Production Month
Field Name: PRODPER
Data Element: JVA_PROD_MONTH
Data Type: ACCP
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: BUPER
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field PRODPER

V_T8JTPM-RBUKRS table field - Company Code

Description: Company Code
Field Name: RBUKRS
Data Element: BUKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: BUKRS
MemoryID: BUK
AppClass: FB
SHLP: C_T001

See all SAP tables containing field RBUKRS

V_T8JTPM-TSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency
Field Name: TSLA
Data Element: TSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field TSLA

V_T8JTPM-HSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in local currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in local currency
Field Name: HSLA
Data Element: HSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field HSLA

V_T8JTPM-KSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in group currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in group currency
Field Name: KSLA
Data Element: KSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KSLA

V_T8JTPM-HSLC table field - Total of transactions of the period in local currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in local currency
Field Name: HSLC
Data Element: HSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field HSLC

V_T8JTPM-KSLC table field - Total of transactions of the period in group currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in group currency
Field Name: KSLC
Data Element: KSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field KSLC

V_T8JTPM-MSLA table field - Total of the transactions of period in units of measure

Description: Total of the transactions of period in units of measure
Field Name: MSLA
Data Element: MSLXX
Data Type: QUAN
length (Dec): 15(3)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: MENGV8
AppClass: KA
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field MSLA

V_T8JTPM-C_TSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in transaction currency
Field Name: C_TSLA
Data Element: TSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field C_TSLA

V_T8JTPM-C_HSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in local currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in local currency
Field Name: C_HSLA
Data Element: HSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field C_HSLA

V_T8JTPM-C_KSLA table field - Total of transactions of the period in group currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in group currency
Field Name: C_KSLA
Data Element: KSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field C_KSLA

V_T8JTPM-C_HSLC table field - Total of transactions of the period in local currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in local currency
Field Name: C_HSLC
Data Element: HSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field C_HSLC

V_T8JTPM-C_KSLC table field - Total of transactions of the period in group currency

Description: Total of transactions of the period in group currency
Field Name: C_KSLC
Data Element: KSLXX9_CS
Data Type: CURR
length (Dec): 17(2)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: WERTV9
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field C_KSLC

V_T8JTPM-RJVNAM table field - Joint venture

Description: Joint venture
Field Name: RJVNAM
Data Element: JV_NAME
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 6(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: JV_NAME
MemoryID: JVV
AppClass: FGJ
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RJVNAM

V_T8JTPM-REGROU table field - Equity group

Description: Equity group
Field Name: REGROU
Data Element: JV_EGROUP
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: JV_EGROUP
MemoryID: GJE
AppClass: FGJ
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field REGROU

V_T8JTPM-RACCT table field - Account Number

Description: Account Number
Field Name: RACCT
Data Element: RACCT
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: SKA1
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: SAKNR
MemoryID: ACC
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RACCT

V_T8JTPM-RBUSA table field - Business Area

Description: Business Area
Field Name: RBUSA
Data Element: GSBER
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TGSB
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: GSBER
MemoryID: GSB
AppClass: FB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RBUSA

V_T8JTPM-RCNTR table field - Cost Center

Description: Cost Center
Field Name: RCNTR
Data Element: KOSTL
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: KOSTL
MemoryID: KOS
AppClass: KA
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RCNTR

V_T8JTPM-RORDNR table field - Order Number

Description: Order Number
Field Name: RORDNR
Data Element: AUFNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table: AUFK
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: AUFNR
MemoryID: ANR
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RORDNR

V_T8JTPM-RPROJK table field - Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)

Description: Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
Field Name: RPROJK
Data Element: PS_PSP_PNR
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table: PRPS
Conversion Routine: ABPSP
Domain Name: PS_POSNR
AppClass: CN
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ABPSP

See all SAP tables containing field RPROJK

V_T8JTPM-RPRCTR table field - Profit Center

Description: Profit Center
Field Name: RPRCTR
Data Element: PRCTR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: PRCTR
MemoryID: PRC
AppClass: KE
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RPRCTR

V_T8JTPM-RANLN1 table field - Main Asset Number

Description: Main Asset Number
Field Name: RANLN1
Data Element: ANLN1
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: ANLN1
MemoryID: AN1
AppClass: AA
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RANLN1

V_T8JTPM-RANLN2 table field - Asset Subnumber

Description: Asset Subnumber
Field Name: RANLN2
Data Element: ANLN2
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: ANLN2
MemoryID: AN2
AppClass: AA
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RANLN2

V_T8JTPM-RANBWA table field - Asset Transaction Type

Description: Asset Transaction Type
Field Name: RANBWA
Data Element: ANBWA
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 3(0)
Check table: TABW
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: BWASL
AppClass: AB
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RANBWA

V_T8JTPM-RRECIN table field - Recovery Indicator

Description: Recovery Indicator
Field Name: RRECIN
Data Element: JV_RECIND
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 2(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: JV_RECIND
AppClass: FGJ
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RRECIN

V_T8JTPM-RPARTN table field - Partner account number

Description: Partner account number
Field Name: RPARTN
Data Element: JV_PART
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table: KNA1
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: KUNNR
AppClass: V
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field RPARTN

V_T8JTPM-RKOKRS table field - Controlling Area

Description: Controlling Area
Field Name: RKOKRS
Data Element: KOKRS
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table: TKA01
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: CACCD
MemoryID: CAC
AppClass: KS
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field RKOKRS

V_T8JTPM-NPLNR table field - Network Number for Account Assignment

Description: Network Number for Account Assignment
Field Name: NPLNR
Data Element: NPLNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 12(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: ALPHA
Domain Name: AUFNR
MemoryID: NET
AppClass: SAP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: ALPHA

See all SAP tables containing field NPLNR

V_T8JTPM-VORNR table field - Operation/Activity Number

Description: Operation/Activity Number
Field Name: VORNR
Data Element: VORNR
Data Type: CHAR
length (Dec): 4(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine: NUMCV
Domain Name: VORNR
MemoryID: VGN
AppClass: CP
SHLP Field:
ConvExit: NUMCV

See all SAP tables containing field VORNR

V_T8JTPM-AUFPL table field - Task List Number for Operations in Order

Description: Task List Number for Operations in Order
Field Name: AUFPL
Data Element: AUFPL_CH
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 10(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: AUFPL
AppClass: CO
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field AUFPL

V_T8JTPM-APLZL table field - General Counter for Order

Description: General Counter for Order
Field Name: APLZL
Data Element: APLZL_CH
Data Type: NUMC
length (Dec): 8(0)
Check table:
Conversion Routine:
Domain Name: CO_APLZL
SHLP Field:

See all SAP tables containing field APLZL


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