SAP WLBIDTPSC0 table - BI Workload: DTP - Source System details in SAP
SAP WLBIDTPSC0 table summary
Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 101Object Name: WLBIDTPSC0
Dictionary Type: Structure
Description: BI Workload: DTP - Source System
Field list for WLBIDTPSC0 table on an S/4 SAP system
Details |
WLBIDTPSC0-SRC table field - Name of the Data Source for a Data Transfer Process ▼Description: Name of the Data Source for a Data Transfer Process |
WLBIDTPSC0-SRCSYSTEM table field - Source System Connection ▼Description: Source System Connection |
WLBIDTPSC0-SRCTP table field - Type of Source Object of a Data Transfer Process ▼Description: Type of Source Object of a Data Transfer Process |
WLBIDTPSC0-NRTARGETS table field - Number of Different Target Objects ▼Description: Number of Different Target Objects |
WLBIDTPSC0-NRREQUESTS table field - Number of Executed DTP Requests ▼Description: Number of Executed DTP Requests |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETOTAL table field - Total Runtime of All DTPs (s) ▼Description: Total Runtime of All DTPs (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-NUMPACKAGE table field - Total Number of Data Packets ▼Description: Total Number of Data Packets |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETOTCUM table field - Cumulated Total Runtime of All DTP Data Packets (s) ▼Description: Cumulated Total Runtime of All DTP Data Packets (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMESRCPCT table field - Share of Total Runtime that is Runtime in Source System (%) ▼Description: Share of Total Runtime that is Runtime in Source System (%) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMEERFPCT table field - Share of Total Runtime That Is Error Filter Runtime (%) ▼Description: Share of Total Runtime That Is Error Filter Runtime (%) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETRFPCT table field - Share of Total Runtime That Is Transformation Time (%) ▼Description: Share of Total Runtime That Is Transformation Time (%) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETGTPCT table field - Share of Total Runtime that Is Target Object Time (%) ▼Description: Share of Total Runtime that Is Target Object Time (%) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMESRC table field - Total Runtme of DTP Extraction in Source System (s) ▼Description: Total Runtme of DTP Extraction in Source System (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMEERRF table field - Total Runtime for DTP Error Handling (s) ▼Description: Total Runtime for DTP Error Handling (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETRFN table field - Total Runtime for All DTP Transformations (s) ▼Description: Total Runtime for All DTP Transformations (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-TIMETGT table field - Total Runtime for Storing in Target Object (s) ▼Description: Total Runtime for Storing in Target Object (s) |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSSRCPH table field - Throughput: Number of Records Read in Source System per Hour ▼Description: Throughput: Number of Records Read in Source System per Hour |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSERFPH table field - Throughput: Number of Records in Error Filter per Hour ▼Description: Throughput: Number of Records in Error Filter per Hour |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTRFPH table field - Throughput: Number of Transformed Records per Hour ▼Description: Throughput: Number of Transformed Records per Hour |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTGTPH table field - Throughput: Number of Records Written to Target Object / h ▼Description: Throughput: Number of Records Written to Target Object / h |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECS_MAX table field - Maximum Number of Processed Records in a Data Packet ▼Description: Maximum Number of Processed Records in a Data Packet |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZE_MAX table field - Maximum Size of Processed Records in a Data Packet [Bytes] ▼Description: Maximum Size of Processed Records in a Data Packet [Bytes] |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSSRC table field - Number of Extracted Records in Source System ▼Description: Number of Extracted Records in Source System |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSSRCAVG table field - Average No. of Extracted Records in Source System / Request ▼Description: Average No. of Extracted Records in Source System / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSERRF_S table field - Total Number of Records in Error Filter at Start Time ▼Description: Total Number of Records in Error Filter at Start Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSERFSAVG table field - Average No. of Recs in Error Filter at Start Time / Request ▼Description: Average No. of Recs in Error Filter at Start Time / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSERRF_F table field - Total Number of Records in Error Filter at End Time ▼Description: Total Number of Records in Error Filter at End Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSERFFAVG table field - Average Number of Records in Error Filter at End / Request ▼Description: Average Number of Records in Error Filter at End / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTRFN_S table field - Total Number of Transformed Records at Start Time ▼Description: Total Number of Transformed Records at Start Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSTRFSAVG table field - Avg. No. of Records in Transformation / Request (Start Time) ▼Description: Avg. No. of Records in Transformation / Request (Start Time) |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTRFN_F table field - Total Number of Transformed Records at End Time ▼Description: Total Number of Transformed Records at End Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSTRFFAVG table field - Avg. No. of Records in Transformation at End Time / Request ▼Description: Avg. No. of Records in Transformation at End Time / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTGT_S table field - Number of Stored Records in Target Object at Start Time ▼Description: Number of Stored Records in Target Object at Start Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSTGTSAVG table field - Avg. No. of Recs for Target Object at Start Time / Request ▼Description: Avg. No. of Recs for Target Object at Start Time / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-RECSTGT_F table field - Number of Stored Records in Target Object at End Time ▼Description: Number of Stored Records in Target Object at End Time |
WLBIDTPSC0-RCSTGTFAVG table field - Avg. No. of Records for Target Object at End Time / Request ▼Description: Avg. No. of Records for Target Object at End Time / Request |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZESRC table field - Size of Extracted Packets from Source System (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of Extracted Packets from Source System (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZESRCAVG table field - Average Size of Packets in Source System / Request [Bytes] ▼Description: Average Size of Packets in Source System / Request [Bytes] |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZEERRF_S table field - Size of the Packets in Error Filter at Start Time (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of the Packets in Error Filter at Start Time (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZERFSAVG table field - Avg. Size of Packets in Error Filter/Request [Bytes] - Start ▼Description: Avg. Size of Packets in Error Filter/Request [Bytes] - Start |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZEERRF_F table field - Size of Packets in Error Filter at End Time (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of Packets in Error Filter at End Time (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZERFFAVG table field - Avg. Size of Packets in Error Filter / Request [Bytes] - End ▼Description: Avg. Size of Packets in Error Filter / Request [Bytes] - End |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZETRFN_S table field - Size of the Transformed Packets at Start Time (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of the Transformed Packets at Start Time (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZTRFSAVG table field - Avg.Sz. of Packets in Transformation / Request [Bytes]-Start ▼Description: Avg.Sz. of Packets in Transformation / Request [Bytes]-Start |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZETRFN_F table field - Size of the Transformed Packets at End Time (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of the Transformed Packets at End Time (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZTRFFAVG table field - Avg. Size of Packets in Transformation / Request [Bytes]-End ▼Description: Avg. Size of Packets in Transformation / Request [Bytes]-End |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZETGT_S table field - Size of the Stored Packets in Target Object (Bytes) ▼Description: Size of the Stored Packets in Target Object (Bytes) |
WLBIDTPSC0-SIZTGTSAVG table field - Avg.Packet Sz.for Writing to Target Object / Request [Bytes] ▼Description: Avg.Packet Sz.for Writing to Target Object / Request [Bytes] |
WLBIDTPSC0-LINECOLOR table field - BI Workload: Color Specification ▼Description: BI Workload: Color Specification |
Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 234 Warning: Undefined variable $ucsaptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 278 Warning: Undefined variable $obj1 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj2 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj3 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj4 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj5 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj6 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj7 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj8 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj9 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj10 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279 Warning: Undefined variable $obj11 in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 279
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