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CPECTXHISTORY - Generated Table for View

CPEC_APPLSETTING - CPE - Application Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine

CPEC_BLOCKING - CPE Billing Block to be set for Document Items

CPEC_BLOCKING_T - CPE Billing Block - Description

CPEC_CALCRULE - CPE Term - Calculation Rule

CPEC_CALCRULE_T - CPE Term - Description of Calculation Rule

CPEC_CHNGCONTROL - CPE - Control of Reaction to Data Change

CPEC_CNVSRCUSED - CPE - Quantity Conversion Sources used per Document Categ.

CPEC_CONDTYPE - CPE Condition Type - CPE extensions

CPEC_CONVERSION - CPE - Conversion Rule

CPEC_CONVERSION_MIGR - CPE - Conversion Rule - Migration Structure

CPEC_CONVERS_T - CPE - Description of Conversion Rule

CPEC_CONVPLACE - CPE Conversion Place

CPEC_CONVPLACE_T - CPE Conversion Place: Description

CPEC_CONV_01 - Conversion Support: Assignment of QS/QT/QN to DCS/MIC...

CPEC_CONV_S_01 - Conversion Support: Save Table for CPEC_TERM

CPEC_CONV_S_03 - Conversion Support: Save Table for CPEC_QUOTRULE

CPEC_CONV_S_04 - Conversion Support: Save Table for CPEC_QUOTGRPPOS

CPEC_COVMOVE - Coverage - Movement Reason

CPEC_COVMOVE_T - Coverage - Description of Movement Reason

CPEC_DIFF_BILL - Differential Invoicing Billing Types for Billing Due List



CPEC_FA_APPL - Assignment of BRF+ Application to Pricing Procedure

CPEC_FA_FIELDREL - CPE - FA Field Relationships

CPEC_FA_FLDCAT - CPE FA Fieldattributes

CPEC_FA_FLDMAP - CPE FA Fieldmapping

CPEC_FA_FUNC - Assignment of BRF+ Functions to Pricing Procedure/Appl.

CPEC_FA_PRIORITY - Priority of Business Attributes for CPE Formula Assembly

CPEC_FILTER - CPE Caller - Filter for Pricing Fields to Be Sent

CPEC_FORMCONV - CPE Formula - Input for Conversion

CPEC_FORMCONV_MIGR - CPE - Formula Conversion - Migration Structure

CPEC_FORMROUND - CPE Formula - Input for Rounding

CPEC_FORMROUND_MIGR - CPE Formula - Input for Rounding - Migration Structure

CPEC_FORMSTATUS - CPE Formula - Status

CPEC_FORMSTATUST - CPE Formula - Status - Description


CPEC_FORMULA_MIGR - CPE - Formula Migration Structure

CPEC_FORMULA_T - CPE Formula - Description

CPEC_LOGSUBMOD - CPE Sub Module for Log

CPEC_LOGSUBMOD_T - CPE Log Sub Module: Description

CPEC_MAPPING - CPE Caller - Mapping of Business Data

CPEC_MM_FA_PROC - CPE in MM: Determination of Procedure for FA (deprecated)

CPEC_MM_VALFORM - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in MM

CPEC_MM_VALRULE - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in MM

CPEC_MM_VALTERM - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in MM

CPEC_PERIODDET - CPE Term - Period Determination Rule

CPEC_PERIODDET_MIGR - CPE - Term: Period Determination Rule - Migration Structure

CPEC_PERIODDET_T - CPE Term - Description of Period Determination Rule

CPEC_PERSTATUS - CPE Period Determination - Status

CPEC_PERSTATUST - CPE Period Determination - Status - Description

CPEC_PRCFIXRULE - CPE Term - Rule for Def. of Price Fixation Option

CPEC_PRCFIXRULET - CPE-Term - Description of Rule for Def. of Price Fix. Option

CPEC_PSMETHOD - Price Setting Method

CPEC_PSMETHOD_T - Price Setting Method Description

CPEC_PSMSTATUS - Status of a Price Setting Method

CPEC_PSMSTATUS_T - Status Description of a Price Setting Method

CPEC_PSM_ACTIVE - Activation of Price Setting Methods

CPEC_PSM_OTYPE - Definition of Order Request Types

CPEC_QTYCNVSRC - CPE - Quantity Conversion Source

CPEC_QTYCNVSRC_T - CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Source

CPEC_QUANCONV - CPE - Quantity Conversion Rule

CPEC_QUANCONV_T - CPE - Description of Quantity Conversion Rule

CPEC_QUOTGROUP - Quotation Group

CPEC_QUOTGROUP_T - Description of Quotation Group

CPEC_QUOTGRPPOS - CPE Term - Position in Quotation Group

CPEC_QUOTNAME - Quotation Name

CPEC_QUOTNAME_T - Description of Quotation Name

CPEC_QUOTRULE - CPE Quotation Rule

CPEC_QUOTRULE_T - CPE Description of Quotation Rule

CPEC_QUOTSRC - Quotation Source

CPEC_QUOTSRC_T - Description of Quotation Source

CPEC_QUOTTYPE - Quotation Type

CPEC_QUOTTYPE_T - Description of Quotation Type

CPEC_REFDATEROUT - CPE Term - Reference Date and Time Routine

CPEC_REFDATERT_T - CPE Term - Description of Reference Date and Time Routine

CPEC_RFCDEST - CPE Caller - RFC Destination for CPE Call

CPEC_ROUNDRULE - CPE - Rounding Rule

CPEC_ROUNDRULE_T - CPE - Description of Rounding Rule


CPEC_ROUTINE_T - CPE Routine: Description

CPEC_RULES_INIT - Approach for CPE Rules as Master Data or Customizing

CPEC_SD_BLOCKING - CPE Billing Blocks: Assignment to SD Blocking Reason

CPEC_SD_FA_PROC - CPE in SD: Determination of Procedure for FA (deprecated)

CPEC_SD_VALFORM - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Formula in SD

CPEC_SD_VALRULE - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term Rule in SD

CPEC_SD_VALTERM - Area of Validity for Commodity Pricing Term in SD

CPEC_SETTINGS - CPE - General Settings for the Commodity Pricing Engine

CPEC_SURCHARGE - CPE Term - Surcharge Rule

CPEC_SURCHARGE_MIGR - CPE - Term: Surcharge Rule - Migration Structure

CPEC_SURCHARGE_T - CPE-Term - Description of Surcharge Rule


CPEC_TERMCONV - CPE Term - Conversion

CPEC_TERMCONV_MIGR - CPE - Term Conversion - Migration Structure

CPEC_TERMGRP - CPE Term - Grouping of Terms

CPEC_TERMGRP_MIGR - CPE - Grouping of Terms - Migration Structure

CPEC_TERMROUND - CPE Term - Rounding

CPEC_TERMROUND_MIGR - CPE - Term Rounding - Migration Structure

CPEC_TERMRULE - CPE Term - Term Rule

CPEC_TERMRULE_MIGR - CPE - Term Rule - Migration Structure

CPEC_TERMRULE_T - CPE Term - Description of Term Rule


CPEC_TERMSTATUST - CPE Term - Status - Description

CPEC_TERMTYPEFLD - CPE - Field Control Dependent on Term Type

CPEC_TERM_MIGR - CPE - Term - Migration Structure

CPEC_TERM_T - CPE Term - Description

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