Select data from sap tables GROU

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Display SAP table details

GROUP3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP6 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUPATTR - Object Relationship Service group attribute

GROUPDESCR - Object Relationship description of a group

GROUPMEMB - Object Relationship Service group member

GROUPOBJ - Object Relationship Service: object in group

GROUP_AND_REF_TYPE - Family Pricing: Group and Reference

GROUP_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM - Proxy Structure (Generated)

GROUP_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP_CLASSIFICATION_SYSTEM4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

GROUP_INFO_TYPE - Assortment List Groups for a Store and Assortment List Type

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