Select data from sap tables RLA

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Display SAP table details

RLAB01 - Function group AB01 screen fields

RLACCOUNT_DB_VAL - Application Data in cl_account_db_rl

RLACCOUNT_DB_VAL_REFS - Cross-References in cl_account_db_rl

RLACCT - Returnable packaging account

RLACCTAPP - Communication Area Returnable Packaging Logistics (Appn)

RLACCTDIA - Communication Area Returnable Packaging Logistics (Dialog)

RLACCTFIDIA - Communication Area Account Determination (Dialog)

RLACCTSEL - Communication Area Returnable Packaging Logistics (Selectn)

RLACCT_I - Data Part rlacct

RLACLS_HEAD - Header Data for List of Returnable Packaging Accounts

RLACLS_ITEM - Item Data for List of Returnable Packaging Accounts

RLACPOHD - Account Posting Header

RLACPOHDAPP - Communication Area RP Account Posting Header (Appn)

RLACPOHDDIA - Communication Area RP Account Posting (Dialog)

RLACPOIT - Account Posting Record

RLACPOITAPP - Communication Area RP Account Posting (Application)

RLACPOITDIA - Communication Area RP Account Posting Item (Dialog)

RLACPOIT_ACCTBAL - Account Balance After Posting

RLACPOIT_ACCT_ENQ - Locking Structure for RP Acct Postings in Matching Process

RLACPOIT_ENQ - Structure for Lock Object E_RLACPOIT


RLACPOLNDIA - Communication Area ReturnPckg Account Posting Line (Multi)

RLACPOLNHDDIA - Communication Area for Header Data Posting Line (Dialog)

RLACPOLNSIDIA - Communication Area for Header Data Posting Line (Single)

RLACPORELDIA - Communication Area RP Account Posting Relationship (Dialog)

RLACPOSEL - Communication Area RP Account Posting (Selection)

RLACPOWRK - Communication Area Account Posting (WorkStruct)

RLACSTHD - Returnable Packaging Account Statement

RLACSTHDAPP - Communication Structure of RP Account Statement Header

RLACSTHDDIA - Communication Area for RP Account Statement (Dialog)

RLACSTHD_01 - Report (ALV) for Account Statements (Header)

RLACSTHD_EDI - Transfer Structure for Acct Statement Header in Inbound EDI


RLACSTHD_PRINT - Transfer Struct. f. Printing Acc. Statement (Header & Texts)

RLACSTIT - Transactions in Returnable Packaging Account Statement

RLACSTITAPP - Communication Structure of RP Account Statement Header

RLACSTITDIA - Communication Area Transactions for RP Acct Statemt (Dialog)

RLACSTIT_01 - Report (ALV) for Account Statements (Item)

RLACSTIT_EDI - transfer Structure for Acct Statement Item in Inbound EDI


RLACSTSEL - Communication Area RP Account Statement (Selection)

RLACSTTX_EDI - Transfer Structure for IDoc Texts

RLAGP - Structure for Sorting during Transfer Order Print in WM

RLAMBU - Help structure for asset line item


RLAMIN - Help structure for asset line item

RLAMNA - Asset Accounting: Input Fields Create New Asset on Posting

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