Select data from sap tables T042Z

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T042Z - Payment Methods for Automatic Payment

T042ZA - Additional specifications for payment method

T042ZA_FORMAT - Different PMW Format

T042ZA_PREFTYP - Different PMW Format

T042ZD - Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country

T042ZDEXT - Screen Control Object

T042ZDT - Screen Control when Creating Payments in Country

T042ZEBPP - Biller Direct Payment Methods

T042ZEBPP_CCP - Custom Payment Method for CCP

T042ZEBPP_CCPT - Text Table for CCP Customer Payment Method

T042ZF - Allocation: Branch - (Paying) Company Code

T042ZFCL - Additional Payment Method Classifications for Payment Progm

T042ZT - Texts of Payment Methods for Automatic Payment

T042Z_AD - Assign Payment method to Acct Symbol

T042Z_BF - Detail data on payment method

T042Z_KEY - Key Fields: Methods of Payment for Automatic Settlement

T042Z_L_BF - List data on payment method

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