Select data from sap tables T_ACS

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Display SAP table details

TCACSF - Commissions: Field Catalog Search

TCACSFA - Commissions: Field Catalog Search, Table Assignment

TCACSFD - Commissions: Field Catalog Search, Feature Dependencies

TCACS_002C - Languages Used For Each Commission Application

TCACS_070F - Correspondence Types - Client-Specific Customizing

TCACS_AC - Activity

TCACS_ACCAS - Commissions: Account Assignment Type

TCACS_ACCAST - Commissions: Account Assignment Type - Texts

TCACS_ACT - Activity Types

TCACS_ACTAGR_SGN - Comn.: Activity Agreement Assignment


TCACS_ACTGRP_T - Activity Groups Text

TCACS_ACTT - Activity: Text

TCACS_ACT_CHAR - Comn.: Activity Type Characteristic

TCACS_ACT_T - Name of Activity Types

TCACS_ADD - Additional Indicator


TCACS_ADDT - Additional Indicator Text

TCACS_AGR - Value Table for Domain CACS_AGR_TYP

TCACS_AGRTYP - Agreement Types for Each Application

TCACS_AGR_T - Text Table for Value Table of Domain CACS_AGR_TYP

TCACS_AGT_CL - Obsolete

TCACS_ANRED - Conversion of Form of Address: HR -> Business Partner


TCACS_APPLAPR - Commission Application registered for Approval Process

TCACS_APPLCL - Assignment of Commission Applications to Clients

TCACS_APPLCOMP - Assignment Application <-> Components

TCACS_APPLCUST - Control Table for Calling Views and Handling in IMG

TCACS_APPLDEF - All Commission Applications

TCACS_APPLGEN - Generation Data from Commission Applications

TCACS_APPLGENCMP - Patch Status of Components at Time of Generation

TCACS_APPLINDU - Assignment Application <-> Processes

TCACS_APPLMAP - Bijective Display of APPL to Other IDs

TCACS_APPLNAMING - Naming of Applications

TCACS_APPLPACK - Packages from a Commission Application

TCACS_APPLPROC - Assignment Application <-> Processes

TCACS_APPLREGION - Regions Where Application Is Used

TCACS_APPL_T - Name of Commission Applications

TCACS_ARCH_AGE - Min. Retention Period Since Last Change (CHG_DATE) per Obj.

TCACS_ARCH_CAS - Commission Case Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System

TCACS_ARCH_DOC - Commission Doc Archiving: Min. Retention Period in System

TCACS_ASGRL - Assignment Role for Segment Assignment

TCACS_ASGRLT - Assignment Role for Segment Assignment: Texts

TCACS_ASSGN1 - Assignment Table - Commission Application <-> BDT Subobjects

TCACS_ASSGN2 - Assignment Table - Contract Type <-> Activity Filter

TCACS_AUT04 - Commissions: Existing Authorization Groups

TCACS_AUT04T - Commissions: Information on Authorization Groups

TCACS_AUT05 - Commissions: Assignment of Users to Authorization Group

TCACS_AUT08A - Table with Quantifying Authorizations for Amount Fields

TCACS_AUT08B - Table with Quantifying Authorizations for Volume Fields

TCACS_AUT08C - Table with Quantifying Authorizations for Free Fields

TCACS_AUT08D - Table with Quantifying Authorizations for Conditions

TCACS_AVAD1 - Type of AVAD message

TCACS_AVAD1T - Type of AVAD message: Text

TCACS_BASEPRD - Base Period, Values Table

TCACS_BASEPRD_T - Time Unit, Value Table

TCACS_BDLSET - Commissions: Store Various Settings for Contract Bundle

TCACS_BDLTP - Settings for Contract Bundle Type

TCACS_BDLTPT - Contract Bundle Type: Texts

TCACS_BDRCH - Reason for Change to Contract Bundle

TCACS_BDRCHT - Reason for Change to Contract Bundle

TCACS_BPCTRT - Assignment Table for Business Partner and Contract

TCACS_BR_FLDS - Business Rule Editor: Fields used for a particular ICM appl

TCACS_BR_SEL - Business Rule Editor: Selection Criteria for fields

TCACS_BUSCAS - Valid Business Transactions of Op. System (Incl.BOR Assignt)

TCACS_BUSCAS_T - Valid Business Transactions of Op. System (Incl.BOR Assignt)

TCACS_BUSCLAIM - Valid Entitlement Categories for Each Bus. Obj. Type/ Trans.

TCACS_BUSINESS - Assignment of Business Transactions to Business Objects

TCACS_BUSOBJ - Valid Business Objects of Operational System (incl.BOR Assg)

TCACS_BUSOBJ1 - Permitted Categories of Business Objects

TCACS_BUSOBJ1_T - Names of Business Objects

TCACS_BUSOBJ2 - Construction-Relevant Elements of A Business Object

TCACS_BUSOBJ_T - Allowed Business Objects Operational System (incl.BOR Assg)

TCACS_CALCTOOL - Settings for Calculation Tool

TCACS_CASE_BUF - Information if buffer should be used in Commission Case

TCACS_CAS_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Cases

TCACS_CATT00 - Test Group Directory

TCACS_CATT00T - Test Group Directory (Names)

TCACS_CATT01 - Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically

TCACS_CATT01T - Directory of Commission Cases to be Tested Automatically

TCACS_CATT11 - Directory of Fields That are not to be Tested

TCACS_CC_SWITCH - Activate Functions of Customer Connection Development


TCACS_CLT_T - Text Table for Value Table of CACSCLAIMTYPEDO

TCACS_COMPONENT - Tables for Available Components

TCACS_COMPPACK - Assignment Component <-> Package


TCACS_COND_FIELD - Field Selection for Condition Display with Priorities

TCACS_COND_INTF - Condition Technique Field Transports

TCACS_COND_VIEW - Obsolete: Assign Agreement Rule to Condition Type (SD)

TCACS_CONPOS - Constellation Element

TCACS_CONS - Constellations

TCACS_CONS_DEF - (Obsolete) Comn.: Assign Roles + C. Types to Constellations

TCACS_CONS_T - Name of Constellations

TCACS_CONTRACT - Partner Contract Categories

TCACS_CONTRACT_T - Partner Contract Categories

TCACS_CONVEXIT - Variable Display in Group Conversion Exit

TCACS_CONVGRP - Definition of Grouped Conversion Exits

TCACS_CONVGRPT - Definition of Grouped Conversion Exits

TCACS_CONVG_OK - Table of Checked Screen Layouts (Group Conversion Exit)


TCACS_COT_T - Text Table for Value Table CACSCALCOBJTYPE

TCACS_CSD001 - Dispatcher for Commission Interface: Control Table

TCACS_CTRCH - Reason for Changing Contract

TCACS_CTRCHT - Reason for Changing Contract

TCACS_CTROL - Assignment: Commission Contract Types to Participation Roles

TCACS_CTRTP - Commission Contract Type

TCACS_CTRTPT - Commission Contract Type: Texts

TCACS_CTRTREJ - Reason for Rejecting Contract

TCACS_CTRTREJT - Reason for Rejecting Contract

TCACS_CTTAGR - Which Agreement Types Are Allowed for Each Contract Type?


TCACS_CUSTREL - Customizing: Table Dependencies

TCACS_CUSTRELM - Customizing: Table Dependencies (Fields)

TCACS_CVGRB - Grouping for Version Comparison - Contract Bundle

TCACS_CVGRBT - Grouping for Version Comparison Contract Bundle: Texts

TCACS_CVGRP - Grouping for Version Comparison

TCACS_CVGRPT - Grouping for Version Comparison: Texts

TCACS_CVHDB - Settings for Version Comparison in Contract Bundle

TCACS_CVHDL - Settings for Version Comparison in Commission Contract

TCACS_CVOGRB - Grouping for Version Comparison - Contract Bundle

TCACS_CVOGRP - Grouping for Version Comparison

TCACS_DELPB - Function Modules Delete Parked Versions: Contract Bundle

TCACS_DELPV - Function Modules Delete Parked Versions: Contract

TCACS_DESFIELDS - Additional Fields for Generated Objects

TCACS_DEST_MAP - Destination Parameters and Their Values

TCACS_DETACC - Access Type

TCACS_DETACCT - Access Type Texts

TCACS_DETAFL - Access Type Characteristics

TCACS_DETCFG - Process Configuration of Calculating Object Type

TCACS_DETCHK - Process Checks of Calculating Object Type

TCACS_DETETA - Agreement Assignment of Entry Point

TCACS_DETETC - Process Checks of Entry Point

TCACS_DETETP - Entry Point

TCACS_DETETPT - Entry Point Texts

TCACS_DETETU - Access Type Assignment of Entry Point

TCACS_DISWAY - Dispatch Methods

TCACS_DISWAYT - Dispatch Methods

TCACS_DOCPOST - Settings for Document Posting

TCACS_DOCREJ - Reason for Rejecting Document

TCACS_DOCREJT - Reason for Rejecting Document

TCACS_DOCT - Commissions: Commission Document Category

TCACS_DOCTT - Commissions: Name of Document Category

TCACS_DOC_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Commission Documents

TCACS_DTREE1 - Tree Structure for Application Design

TCACS_DTREE1_T - Tree Structure for Application Design

TCACS_DTREE2 - Linking Points to Application Tree for Objects

TCACS_DTREE3 - Construction of Application: Composite Structures

TCACS_ELTDOCREV - Automatic Deactivation of ELT Document

TCACS_ELTNEGENT - Transfer Negative Entitlements in ELT

TCACS_ELTPOSTNEG - Transfer Reversal Posting in ELT

TCACS_ELTREM - ELT: Attributes of Remuneration Type

TCACS_ELTRU - ELT: Rule for Executing Entitlement/Liability Transfer

TCACS_ELTRU_T - ELT: Rule for Execution (Text Table)

TCACS_EU - Conversion Rule: Tables and Fields in FS-ICM

TCACS_EXITFM - Function Modules for Org Structure Determination from BW

TCACS_EXTCUSTTAB - External Customizing Tables

TCACS_FAMST - Conversion of Marital Status: HR -> Business Partner

TCACS_FHD_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers

TCACS_FILTER0 - Commission System Filter

TCACS_FILTER0_T - Commission System Filter

TCACS_FILTER1 - Commission System Filter

TCACS_FILTER10 - Filter: Std Agreements of Performance-Related Remunerations

TCACS_FILTER11 - Filter: Remuneration Types

TCACS_FILTER2 - Exception Procedure for Filtering

TCACS_FILTER20 - Filter: Activity Types

TCACS_FILTER2_T - Exception Handling for Filtering

TCACS_FILTERTY - Allowed Subfilter Types for Filter Types

TCACS_FITYP - Dispatcher of Commission Interface: Filter Information Types

TCACS_FITYPT - Dispatcher of Commission Interface: Filter Information Types

TCACS_FIT_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers

TCACS_FIXEDTABS - Customizing Tables Whose Names Have been Excepted/Transfer'd

TCACS_FIXEDTABSC - Customer-Specific Differences with CUSTCOPY

TCACS_FLDCHB - Table: Fields with Special Handling for 'Field Changes'

TCACS_FLDCHG - Table: Fields with Special Handling for 'Field Changes'

TCACS_FLDTP_COMP - Table for Checking the Compatibility between Data Elements

TCACS_FORMULA - Calculation formula

TCACS_FORMULA_T - Formula Description

TCACS_GENC1 - First Control Table for Generating Program

TCACS_GLOB - Global Settings of Application for Each Client

TCACS_GOACTRL - Cross-Application Generation Control

TCACS_GOACTRL_T - Text Table for Cross-Application Generation Control Table

TCACS_GOADE - Data Elements to be Excluded (Cross-Application Generation)

TCACS_GOAREG - Tables Whose Fields are (not) Cross Application

TCACS_GRAPHICS - Database Statistics Tool: Type of Graphic Display

TCACS_HIDEDOC01 - Hidden Tables/Structures in Document Creation/Display

TCACS_HIDEDOC02 - Hidden Fields in Document Creation/Display

TCACS_HRGP_CTRL - Control of HR -> Commission Contract Partner Interface

TCACS_ICMCRD - Assignment of Credentialing Application to ICM Application

TCACS_INCUST - Contains the Number of Valid Runtime Errors

TCACS_INDDIC - File Names of Dictionary Information Files

TCACS_INDUPACK - Assignment Industry <-> Package

TCACS_INDUSTRY - Available Industry Sectors


TCACS_INOPT - Commissions: Input Options

TCACS_INPLAN - Comn: Rule for Legal Right to Future Commission (Instllmts)

TCACS_INPL_T - Comn: Rule for Legal Right to Fut.Comn (Installments) - Name

TCACS_INVREL - Participant Determination for Commission Calculation

TCACS_ITITLE - Internal Title

TCACS_ITITLET - Internal Title: Texts

TCACS_KOART - Correspondence Type

TCACS_KOARTT - Correspondence Type: Texts

TCACS_LCKT - Check table for settlement lock type

TCACS_LOSIB - Inbound Types

TCACS_LOSIBT - Texts for Inbound Types

TCACS_LOSRT - Routing Table

TCACS_LOSRTT - Routing Table Texts

TCACS_LOS_CONNEC - Connection Between Methods (OTC) and Function (Tool)

TCACS_LOS_FUN - Tool Functions for the Logical Service

TCACS_LOS_FUN_T - Description of Tool Function for Logical Service

TCACS_LOS_FUTI - Non-Tool-Based Log. Service Functions

TCACS_LOS_FUTI_T - Non-Tool-Based Log. Service Functions Text Table

TCACS_LOS_METH - Assigned Method for Object Type Class for Logical Service

TCACS_LOS_METH_T - Description of Assigned Method for Object Type Class: LogSer

TCACS_LOS_OBJECT - Logical Service: Objects

TCACS_LOS_OTC - Object Type Class (OTC) for Logical Service

TCACS_LOS_OTC_T - Logical Service - Object Type Class: Description

TCACS_LOS_ST_ID - Logical Service: Technical Parameters of Standard Tool

TCACS_LOS_ST_OD - Logical Service: Parameters for Std Tool (Object-Dependent)

TCACS_LOS_ST_ODT - Logical Service: Parameters for Std Tool (for All Functions)

TCACS_LOS_TOOL - Tools for Logical Service

TCACS_LOS_TOOL_T - Logical Service - Tool: Description

TCACS_LS_METHOD - Comn: Assignment of Logical Services to Object Methods

TCACS_LS_SERVICE - Comn: Logical Service for Object Methods

TCACS_LS_TOOL - Comn: Tools for Logical Services

TCACS_LVRS - Commission Contract: Reason for Termination

TCACS_LVRS_T - Commission Contract: Reason for Leaving, Text

TCACS_MAP0 - Assignment Events

TCACS_MAP0_T - Assignment Events Mapping Tool

TCACS_MAP1 - Participating Objects in Assignment Event

TCACS_MAP20 - Assignment, Management

TCACS_MAP20_T - Assignment, Management

TCACS_MAP21 - Field Assignment

TCACS_MAP22 - Fields to be Protected in Copy Service

TCACS_MAPLC1 - Names of Locally Copied Structures of Other Systems

TCACS_MAPLC2 - Names of Locally Copied Data Elements of Other Systems

TCACS_MOD_VIEW - View Modifications

TCACS_MSG - Filter for Message Types (Message Control)

TCACS_MSG_T - Commissions: Message Types

TCACS_MTDTAB - Index of all Application Tables in Commissions

TCACS_NAMEID - Name Formation Rules in Commission System

TCACS_NDPRO - Customizing Table for Tree Profiles

TCACS_NDTYPE - Customizing Table for Tree Categories

TCACS_NOTREM - Assignment: Notification Rule - Remuneration Type

TCACS_NOTREM_T - Assignment: Notification Rule - Remun.Type Text Table

TCACS_NOTRET - Assignment: Notification Rule - Retention Rule

TCACS_NOTRET_T - Assignment: Notification Rule - Retention Rule Text Table

TCACS_NOTRU - Notification Rule

TCACS_NOTRU_T - Notification Rule: Text Table

TCACS_NOTTRIG - Notification: Target System

TCACS_NOTTRIG_T - Generated Text Table for Table TCACS_NOTTRIG

TCACS_NRRBD - Contract Bundle: Assign Number Ranges

TCACS_NRRBDT - Contract Bundle - Number Ranges: Texts

TCACS_NRRCT - Commission Contract: Assign Number Ranges

TCACS_NRRCTT - Texts: Commission Contract Number Ranges

TCACS_NSC_DOC - Replacements Carried Out

TCACS_NSC_FIELDS - Change of Namespace: Leading Table Fields

TCACS_NSC_MAP - Replacement Rule

TCACS_NSC_RANGE - Scope of Effect of Replacement

TCACS_NSC_TABEXC - Application-Specific Exceptions for Customizing Tables

TCACS_OAPCTRM - FOA: Methods of Process Controller

TCACS_OAPCTRM_T - FOA: Methods of Process Controller, Text

TCACS_OAPD - FOA Configuration: Definition of Assignment Process

TCACS_OAPDS - FOA Configuration: Definition Assignment Process, Scenario

TCACS_OAPD_T - FOA Configuration: Definition of Assignment Process, Text

TCACS_OAPL - FOA Configuration: Application Plug, Delivered Attributes

TCACS_OAPLC - FOA Configuration: Application Plug, Attribute Settings

TCACS_OAPLM - FOA Configuration: Call Methods in Application Plug

TCACS_OAPL_T - FOA Configuration: Plug Into Connected Application

TCACS_OAPSD - FOA Configuration: Assignment Process Step

TCACS_OAPSDS - FOA Configuration: Assignment Process Step in Scenario

TCACS_OAPSD_T - FOA Configuration: Assignment Process Step, Description

TCACS_OAPSSD - FOA Configuration: Process Step Sequence

TCACS_OARU - FOA Configuration: Assignment Rule

TCACS_OARUA - FOA Connection: Attributes of Assignment Rule in ICM

TCACS_OARU_T - FOA Configuration: Assignment Rule, Text

TCACS_OASC - FOA Configuration: Assignment Scenario

TCACS_OASC_T - FOA Configuration: Assignment Scenario, Text

TCACS_OASPUIG - FOA Configuration: Generated UI for Selection/Parameter

TCACS_OASPUIG_T - FOA Configuration: Generated UI for Selection/Parameter

TCACS_OASPUIS - FOA Configuration: Structure for Selection/Param. Defaults

TCACS_OASTTYP - FOA: Usage Type for Structure, Value Table

TCACS_OASTTYP_T - FOA: Usage Type for Structure, Value Table

TCACS_OATY - FOA Configuration: Assignment Type, Attribute Settings

TCACS_OATYC - FOA Configuration: Assignment Type, Attribute Settings

TCACS_OATY_T - FOA Configuration: Assignment type, Text

TCACS_OAWLD - FOA Configuration: Worklist for Object Assignment

TCACS_OAWLDS - FOA Configuration: Worklist Definition in Scenario

TCACS_OAWLD_T - FOA Configuration: Worklist for Object Assignment, Text

TCACS_OAWLM - FOA: Executable Methods of Worklist, Value Table

TCACS_OAWLM_T - FOA: Executable Methods of Worklist, Value Table

TCACS_OBJINST - Instances of Objects That Can Be Duplicated

TCACS_OBJINSTT - Instances of Objects That Can Be Duplicated

TCACS_OBJMETH - Methods for Object Types of a Commission Application

TCACS_OBJRELA - Relations Between the Field Lists of Generated Objects

TCACS_OBJSETS - Number of structures that create alternatives (see OBJREL)

TCACS_OBJTYPES - Types of Business Subobjects

TCACS_OBJTYPES_T - Type Description for Business Subobjects

TCACS_OBJ_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Triggering Objects

TCACS_OCCAGR - Staff Assignment Agreement

TCACS_OFFCLCRULE - Comn: Calculation Rules in Remuneration Clearing


TCACS_OFFGRPFLDS - Comn: Grouping Characteristics

TCACS_OFFGRPRULE - Comn: Grouping Rule in Remuneration Clearing


TCACS_OFFRULE - Comn: Remuneration Clearing Rule

TCACS_OFFRULING - Comn: Remuneration Clearing Regulation

TCACS_OFFRULIN_B - Comn: Remuneration Clearing Regulation

TCACS_OFFS - Comn: Offsetting

TCACS_OFFSELRULE - Comn: Selection Rule in Remunation Clearing


TCACS_OFFS_T - Comn: Name of Offsetting Types

TCACS_ORG - Evaluation Views and Function Modules for Authorization

TCACS_OTC02_BR - Tool level param of log. service tool : Busines Rule Editor

TCACS_OTC02_FE - Formula Editor: Tool level parameters for valuation process

TCACS_OTC03_OD - OTC 03 (Liability), Object-Specific Parameters

TCACS_OTC03_OF - OTC 03 (Liability), Obj.- And Function-Dependent Parameters

TCACS_OTC25_OD - OTC 25 (Stt. Schedule), Object-Dependent Parameters

TCACS_OTC27_OD - OTC 27 (Settlement Schedule), Object-Dependent Parameters

TCACS_OTC2A_CRD - Object-Specific Parameters for Credentialing

TCACS_OTHPOB - Function Modules for Importing External Items

TCACS_OTHPOS - Function Modules for Importing External Items

TCACS_OTREE - Hierarchy of Business Subobject Types

TCACS_PACKCONTC - OBSOLETE! Customizing Components of a Commission Package

TCACS_PACKCONTR - OBSOLETE! Repository Components of a Commission Package

TCACS_PACKDEF - List of All Packages

TCACS_PACKDEF_T - Descriptive Text for Packages

TCACS_PACKDEPEND - Dependencies Between Packages

TCACS_PACKNOMOD - Structures to be generated, without model

TCACS_PARCON - Global Settings for Participation Construction

TCACS_PATCH - Delivered Versions and Patches

TCACS_PATCH_A00 - Patch Manager: Shadow Table Patches

TCACS_PATCH_A01 - Patch Manager: Shadow Table Active Enhancements

TCACS_PATCH_A02 - Patch Manager: Shadow Table Active Packages

TCACS_PATCH_ENH - Delivered Versions and Patches (Assigned Enhancements)

TCACS_PATCH_INFO - Delivered Versions and Patches (Info Documents)

TCACS_PATCH_INFT - Delivered Versions and Patches (Info Documents)

TCACS_PATCH_PACK - Delivered Versions and Patches (Assigned Packages)

TCACS_PATCH_STEP - Delivered Versions and Patches (Steps)

TCACS_PATCH_T - Delivered Versions and Patches

TCACS_PATCH_U00 - Patch Manager: Upgrade Processes (Header Data)

TCACS_PATCH_U01 - Patch Manager: Upgrade Processes (Steps)

TCACS_PATCH_U02 - Patch Manager: Job Log

TCACS_PATCH_U03 - Patch Manager: Job Log (Steps of Job)

TCACS_PAYSERV - Services for Payment System

TCACS_PCACT - Participation Construction: Activities Template

TCACS_PCINV - Participation Construction: Participants Template

TCACS_PCMET - Participation Construction: Construction Methods

TCACS_PCMET_T - Participation Construction: Constr. Methods (Text Table)

TCACS_PC_MSG - Assignment of Problem Classes to Application

TCACS_PERIOD - Period Definition (Obsolete)

TCACS_PERIODRULE - Period Rules (Obsolete)

TCACS_PERIODRULT - Name of Period Rule (Obsolete)

TCACS_PERIOD_T - Period Definition (Obsolete)

TCACS_PORTREM - Portal / Hide Remuneration Types

TCACS_PORTREMF - Portal / Hide Remuneration Forms

TCACS_PRC - Assignment of Process Type and Process Method

TCACS_PRCT - Name of Assignment of Process Type to Process Method


TCACS_PRC_METH_T - Text Table for Value Table for Domain CACSPRCMETH

TCACS_PRC_TYPE - Process Type

TCACS_PRC_TYPET - Name of Process Type

TCACS_PRD - Period


TCACS_PRDRULET - Name of Period Rule

TCACS_PRDT - Name of Period

TCACS_PROA - FOA Connection: Process Rule for Object Assignment

TCACS_PROA_T - FOA Connection: Process Rule for Object Assignment, Text

TCACS_PROC - Commission System Processes

TCACS_PROCCOM - Commit Counter for Processes

TCACS_PROCDOC - Valid Document Types for Each Process in Commission System

TCACS_PROCESS - Table for Available Processes


TCACS_PROCP - Parts in the Commission Process

TCACS_PROCPACK - Assignment Process <-> Package

TCACS_PROCP_T - Parts in the Commission Process

TCACS_PROCS - Steps in the Commission Process Parts

TCACS_PROCSU - Results Types of Remuneration from Commission Case

TCACS_PROCSU_T - Assign Update to Results Types Remuneration in Comn Case

TCACS_PROCTYPES - Commission Case: Behavior In Event of Errors

TCACS_PROC_T - Commission System Processes

TCACS_PS_CU1 - Settings for Partnership Types

TCACS_PS_D4P - Determination for Partnerships

TCACS_PS_D4PT - Determination for Partnerships, Text Table

TCACS_PS_DED - Partnerships: Dedicated Commission Contracts

TCACS_PS_DET - Assign Characteristic Combination Type to Partnership Type

TCACS_PS_DS - Partnerships: Separation Rules

TCACS_PS_DSP - Assign Separation Rules to Partnership Type

TCACS_PS_DST - Name of Separation Rule

TCACS_PS_PC - Characteristics of Distribution Rules for Participations

TCACS_PS_SPC - Distribution Ratios for Participations

TCACS_PS_SPL - Assignment of Split Rate Method to Participations

TCACS_PS_SPLM - Methods for Determining Distribution Ratios

TCACS_PS_SPLMT - Methods for Determining Distribution Ratios, Texts

TCACS_RANK_ANON - Constants for Rendering Ranking Lists Anonymous

TCACS_RANK_REM - Ranking: Excluded Remuneration Types

TCACS_RANK_VAL - Ranking: Excluded Valuation Types

TCACS_RCP_RANGES - Comn: Number Ranges for Retroactive Case Processing

TCACS_RCP_STATUS - RCP: Permitted Statuses of Commission Cases

TCACS_REG1 - Template Tables and Template Structures for Generating

TCACS_REG2 - Registration of Programs/Function Groups for Generating

TCACS_REG3 - Template Views for Generation

TCACS_REG4 - Template Data Sources for Generation

TCACS_REGCHECKEX - Objects That Were Not Output As an Error in Reg. Check

TCACS_REGCT - Customizing Table Index

TCACS_REGEF - Events and Form Routines for Generated Maintenance Dialogs

TCACS_REGINCL - Includes for Modified, Generated Maintenance Dialogs

TCACS_REGIONPACK - Assignment of Regions to ICM Packages

TCACS_REGVF - Characteristics of View Fields

TCACS_REG_PART - Register Partner Namespace, Package for Generation

TCACS_RELGLB - Global Determination Configuration for Release Systems

TCACS_RELRU - Release Rule

TCACS_RELRUT - Release Rule Texts

TCACS_RELTYP - Release Types

TCACS_RELTYT - Texts for Release Types

TCACS_REM - Commission Remuneration Types

TCACS_REMCLA - Commissions: Remuneration Group

TCACS_REMCLM - Commissions: Matching of Remuneration Groups

TCACS_REMC_T - Commissions: Name of Remuneration Group

TCACS_REMF - Commissions: Remuneration Form

TCACS_REMFT - Commissions: Form of Remuneration

TCACS_REMINQ_STR - Structures for Remuneration Inquiry

TCACS_REMNAL - Indicator for Commission Remuneration

TCACS_REM_T - Commissions: Remuneration Types

TCACS_RESP - Comn.: Liability Types

TCACS_RESPACK - Reserved Areas for ISF Packages

TCACS_RESP_T - Comn.: Name of Liability Types

TCACS_RESULT - Result Types

TCACS_RESULT_T - Result types

TCACS_RETREM - Assignment of Remun.Type to Retention Rule Characteristics

TCACS_RETRU - Retention Rule

TCACS_RETRUT - Name of Retention Rule

TCACS_RGOA - FOA Connection: Rule Group for Object Assignment

TCACS_RGOA_T - FOA Connection: Rule Group for Object Assignment

TCACS_RGRPAD - Fields for Sorting Rule Group - Administration

TCACS_RGRPUS - Fields for Sorting Rule Group - Users

TCACS_ROLE - Possible Roles of Commission Contract Partner in Comn Case

TCACS_ROLE_T - Possible Roles of Commission Contract Partner in Comn Case

TCACS_RSLTYP - Allowed Result Types

TCACS_RSLTYPT - Allowed Result Types

TCACS_RULEOBJ - Assign Calculating Object to Services

TCACS_RULESERV - Agreement Rules Services

TCACS_RULES_KIT - Comn.: Service Tools

TCACS_SCAUTH - Assignment Showcase Role to Authorization Object

TCACS_SCROLE - Showcase Role

TCACS_SCROLET - Showcase Role (Text Table)

TCACS_SC_UI_ADM - Standard Contract: UI Enhancement Using Subroadmaps

TCACS_SC_UI_WDAB - Standard Contract: UI Enhancement Using Subroadmaps WDABAP

TCACS_SD01 - Parameter Condition Technique by Category (Application)

TCACS_SD02 - Parameter Condition Technique by Cat. and ID (Calc. Proced.)


TCACS_SEGTYPT - IFBA: Segment Type Texts

TCACS_SENDTYPE - Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters

TCACS_SENDTYPET - Commissions: Define Send Categories for Letters

TCACS_SESITST - Status of Settlement Schedule Item

TCACS_SESITST_T - Status of Settlement Schedule Item

TCACS_SESRU - Scheduling Rule

TCACS_SESRUT - Name of Scheduling Rule

TCACS_SESRU_C - Global Determination Configuration for Scheduling Rules

TCACS_SES_COMP - Compression structure per commission application

TCACS_SES_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Settlement Schedules

TCACS_SETT_LCK - Configuration Table for Settlement Locks for FT Approval

TCACS_SETT_LCKT - Text Table for Settlement Lock Configuration

TCACS_STCAPL - ICM: Standard Contract Control for Each Application

TCACS_STCCLASS - ICM Standard Contract: Implementation Classes By Context

TCACS_STDCNTXT - Standard Contract: Context of Standard Contract Object

TCACS_STDCNTXT_T - Standard Contract: Context of Contract Object (Text Table)

TCACS_STDMSGC - Overridable Messages in Standard Contract: Customer-Specific

TCACS_STDMSGS - Overridable Messages in Standard Contract: Template

TCACS_STDREP - Commissions: Assign Report Name to Service

TCACS_STL_TRG - Target System for Process Type and Process Method

TCACS_STMCOM - Settlement: Indicator and Counter

TCACS_STMF - Settlement Type

TCACS_STMFT - Settlement Type Form

TCACS_STMF_M - Commissions: Settlement Type Category

TCACS_STMTY - Settlement Type

TCACS_STMTYT - Name: Settlement Type

TCACS_STREE1 - Tree Structure for Field Selection

TCACS_STREE1_T - Descriptions in Tree Structure for Field Selection

TCACS_STREE2 - Link Points to Field List Tree for Help Objects

TCACS_STRETRU - Characteristic Attributes of Retention Rule

TCACS_STRETRUT - Name of Characteristic Attributes of Retention Rule

TCACS_S_FHD_RANGES - Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Headers

TCACS_S_FIT_RANGES - Number Ranges for Fulfillment Level Items

TCACS_S_LOSIB - Inbound Types

TCACS_S_LOSIBT - Texts for Inbound Types

TCACS_S_LOSRT - Routing Table

TCACS_S_LOSRTT - Routing Table Texts

TCACS_S_LOS_FUTI - Non-Tool-Based Log. Service Functions

TCACS_S_LOS_FUTI_T - Non-Tool-Based Log. Service Functions (Texts)

TCACS_S_OTC25_OD - OTC 25 (Stt.Schedule), Object-Dependent Paras (DB Interface)

TCACS_S_OTC27_OD - OTC 27 (Actual Commission), Object-Dep.Params (DB Interface)

TCACS_S_PRDT - Obsolete

TCACS_S_PS_CU1 - Structure for Table 'Settings for Partnership Types'

TCACS_S_PS_DET - See Assign Charact.Comb.Type to Partnership Type Table

TCACS_S_PS_DSP - Assign Separation Rules to Partnership Type

TCACS_S_PS_SPLM - TCACS_PS_SPLM plus Description

TCACS_S_RELRU - Release Rule

TCACS_S_RELRUT - Release Rule Texts

TCACS_S_RELTYP - Release Types

TCACS_S_RELTYT - Texts for Release Types


TCACS_S_RETRUT - OBSOLETE Name of Retention Rule

TCACS_S_SESITST - Status of Settlement Schedule Item

TCACS_S_SESRU - Scheduling Rule (Structure with Text)

TCACS_S_SESRUT_TXT - Text for Scheduling Rule Description

TCACS_S_SES_RANGES - Commissions: Number Ranges for Settlement Schedules

TCACS_S_SETT_LCK - Settlement lock: Like TCACS_SETT_LCK

TCACS_S_WFMGCM - Structure: Messages for Message Group

TCACS_S_WFMGCS - Structure: Message Group


TCACS_TCHECK - Control Table for Period Check

TCACS_TERMD - Cancellation date

TCACS_TERMDT - Notice Date: Texts

TCACS_TESTTOOLS - Directory of Available Test Methods


TCACS_TGA - Tgt Agrmts: Assign Elementary to Complex Target Types

TCACS_TGBDFL - Target Agreements: PFO Default Values

TCACS_TGC - Target Agreement: Target Category

TCACS_TGCLC - Target Agreement: Classification Category

TCACS_TGCLCT - Target Agreement: Classification Category Texts

TCACS_TGCLT - Target Agreement: Classification Type

TCACS_TGCLTT - Target Agreement: Classification Type Texts

TCACS_TGCT - Target Agreement: Target Category Texts

TCACS_TGPR - Target Agreements: Calculation Rules

TCACS_TGPRT - Target Agreement: Calculation Rule Texts

TCACS_TGS - Target Agreements: Elementary Target Types

TCACS_TGST - Target Agreements: Texts for Elementary Target Type

TCACS_TGSV - Tgt Agrmts: Permitted Units/Currencies for Element.Tgt Types

TCACS_TGT - Target Agreements: Complex Target Type

TCACS_TGTCLA - Target Agreements: Target Type Classification Assignments

TCACS_TGTPORT - Hide Complex and Related Elementary Target Types (Portal)

TCACS_TGTT - Target Agreement: Target Type Texts

TCACS_TMPL_EB - Exclude Field Groups for Contract Bundle Template

TCACS_TMPL_EX - Exclude Field Groups for Contract Template

TCACS_TMPL_TB - Field Group Texts for TCACS_TMPL_EB (Bundle)

TCACS_TMPL_TV - Texts - Field Groups for TCACS_TMPL_EX (Contract)

TCACS_TOFN - Period of notice

TCACS_TOFNT - Period of Notice: Texts

TCACS_TRCAS - Trigger for Additional Commission Case

TCACS_TRCAST - Name: Cause of Additional Commission Case

TCACS_TRIGID - Identification of Logical Target System of Settlement

TCACS_TRIGIDT - Description of Target System of Settlement

TCACS_TRIGSYS - Commissions: Settlement Target System

TCACS_TRISYS - Settlement Target System

TCACS_TRME - Triggering Method (incl. Assignment to Activity Types)

TCACS_TRME_T - Names of Triggering Methods

TCACS_TROBJ - ICM: Structure of Transportable Object

TCACS_TROBJ_TAB - ICM: Table List for Transportable Object

TCACS_UPD - Update Categories

TCACS_UPD_MODE - Customizing Table for Update Mode of Totals Tables

TCACS_UPD_MODUS - Customizing Table for Update Mode of Totals Tables

TCACS_UPD_T - Update Categories

TCACS_USRCAT - User Category

TCACS_USRCATT - User Category (Text Table)

TCACS_VAL - Comn.: Valuation Types

TCACS_VALAA - ICM: Valuation Type Assignment Attributes

TCACS_VALAS - ICM: Valuation Type Assignments

TCACS_VALSTAT1 - Allowed Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VALSTAT1_T - Allowed Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VALSTAT2 - Allowed Status Combinations Process/Item

TCACS_VALSTAT2_T - Allowed Status Combinations Process/Item

TCACS_VALTARG1 - Allowed Target/Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VALTARG1_T - Allowed Target/Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VALTARG2 - Allowed Target/Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VALTARG2_T - Allowed Target/Status Combinations Process/Version

TCACS_VAL_T - Comn.: Valuation Types

TCACS_V_PRDT - Generated Table for View

TCACS_V_SES_COMP - Generated Table for View

TCACS_WFAGD - ICM: Type of Processor Determination

TCACS_WFAGDT - ICM: Type of Processor Determination, Text Table

TCACS_WFMG - ICM Workflow: Message Group

TCACS_WFMGCM - Messages of Commission Case Processing in Message Group

TCACS_WFMGCS - Message Group in Commission Case Processing

TCACS_WFMGT - ICM: Text Table TCACS_WFMG (Message Groups)

TCACS_WORKA - Work Region

TCACS_WORKAT - Work Region: Texts

TCACS_XHCRES - ICM Standard Contract: Handling Class By Exception Class

TFACS - Factory calendar (display)

TRACS_AAREF_ACCSYMB - Relationship Between Account Assignment Ref. and Acct Symbol

TRACS_ACCIT_EXTENSION - Treasury: Append - Structure for ACCIT (FI Interface)

TRACS_ACCNT_KEYFIG_SOURCES - Source structure for Accounting relevant key figures

TRACS_ACCNT_KEYFIG_TARGETS - Source structure for Accounting relevant key figures

TRACS_ACC_DET_DATA - Account Determination: Result per Accounting Item

TRACS_ADTL_COMMON - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - General Factors

TRACS_ADTL_EA_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. Ext.Ac

TRACS_ADTL_EA_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data External Acc

TRACS_ADTL_EA_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.-Other Data EA Pos

TRACS_ADTL_EXP_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Heged Item

TRACS_ADTL_EXP_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Other Data - Hedge Item

TRACS_ADTL_EX_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. Ext.Ac

TRACS_ADTL_HI_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. Ext.Ac

TRACS_ADTL_HI_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Heged Item

TRACS_ADTL_HI_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Other Data - Hedge Item

TRACS_ADTL_LO_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Bus. Partner Loans

TRACS_ADTL_LO_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Master Data Loans

TRACS_ADTL_LO_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference - Other Data Loans

TRACS_ADTL_OC_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Reference- Bus.Part. OTC Trans

TRACS_ADTL_OC_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data OTC Trans

TRACS_ADTL_OC_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.-Other Data OTC Trans

TRACS_ADTL_SE_BUSINESS_PARTNER - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Bus. Part. Class Papers

TRACS_ADTL_SE_MASTER_DATA - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref.- Master Data Class Papers

TRACS_ADTL_SE_MISC - Determination of Acct Assgmnt Ref. - Other Data Class Papers

TRACS_ALV_PC - Treasury: Structure for SAP LV Display Position Context

TRACS_ALV_PC_FC - Structure for SAP LV Field Catalog Position Context

TRACS_AMOUNTS - Account Symbol with Posting Amounts

TRACS_AUTHORITY_CHECK - Treasury: Structure for Authorization Check Post / Reverse

TRACS_BUSTRANSID - Migration TRAC: Business Transaction ID Structure

TRACS_CHECK_RESULT - Structure to store information about an inconsistent entry

TRACS_DEALNUMBER - Migration: Structure - Company Code with Transaction Number

TRACS_DFTACC - Update Rules and Relevant G/L Accounts

TRACS_DIFF_EXCLUDES - Exclude Structure for Data Selection by Product Group

TRACS_DOCUMENT - Treasury: Include Structure for TRAC Documents

TRACS_DOCUMENT_I - Treasury: Include Structure for TRAC Documents

TRACS_EXIT_AAREF_VALUE - Transfer Structure for Value Ranges in AcctAssgnRef Determ.

TRACS_EXIT_BP - Business Partner

TRACS_EXIT_DOCUMENT - Input Parameters for BAdI Methods at Document Level

TRACS_EXIT_FLOW - Input Parameters for BAdI Methods at Flow Level

TRACS_EXT_ACCIT - Treasury Accounting Adaptor: Grouping Structure for ACCIT

TRACS_ID_PTRDBUSTRANS - Migration: BusTransID Structure and Reference to IF BusTrans

TRACS_LEDGER_INFO - Information on Ledger in General Ledger

TRACS_LOC_ACCITEM - Accounting Item - Country Specific Fields

TRACS_LOG_ACCITEM - Log Information for Line Item

TRACS_LOG_DOCUMENT - Log Information for Document

TRACS_LOG_REV_DATA - Reversal Data

TRACS_MIGR_POSTDOC - Migration: Structure for Assignment of AWKEY to FI Document

TRACS_PJ_DISPLAY - Transfer Structure: FMFINCODE Key Fields

TRACS_PJ_PRDATA - Payment request data for posting journal

TRACS_POS_CNTXT - Treasury: Include Structure for Position Context

TRACS_POS_CNTXT_I - Treasury: Include Structure for Position Context

TRACS_PRE_POST_DATA - Posting Data for Flow Display

TRACS_PRKEY_MIGR - Migration: BusTransID with PRKEY




TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_DOC - Log: Message for a Document

TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_FLW - Log: Message for a Flow

TRACS_PROT_MESSAGE_PRQ - Log: Message for a Payment Request


TRACS_PROT_POST_DATA - Log: All Information for Posting Log

TRACS_PROT_REV_DATA - Log: All Information for Reversal Log

TRACS_PR_QUERY - Transfer Structure for Request Service of Payment Partner

TRACS_QUERY_POSTING_ITEM - Treasury: Posting Line of a TRAC FI Posting

TRACS_SEL_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Values in Accounting Adaptor

TRACS_SEL_POSTING_DATA_CFM - Ranges for Posting Data CFM

TRACS_SEL_POSTING_DATA_FI - Ranges for Posting Data FI

TRACS_SEL_USER_DATA - Accounting Items

TRACS_SPAR - Application Log Message Parameter

TRACS_TAX_ACCITEM - Accounting Item - Tax Fields

TRACS_TM_QUERY - Query of Transaction Management

TRACS_TRDOC_AWKEY - Accounting Entry with AWKEY Field

TRACS_TZAF - Migration: Structure for Table TZAF

TRACS_VTBFHAPO - Migration: Structure VTBFHAPO_MIGR with Flow Number

TRACS_VWBEVI - Migration: Structure VWBEVI with Flow Number

TRACS_VWFL3 - Migration: Structure VWFL3


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