Select data from sap tables T_BP

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Display SAP table details

T5BP1 - Control of Personal Calendar (B)

T5BP10 - Mapping of absence categories to internal absence types

T5BP2 - Grace period and regulations (B)

T5BP3 - Responses personnel calendar

T5BP4 - Absence splitting table

T5BP5 - Absence neighboring definition

T5BP6 - Rules for absence collision

T5BP7 - Internal absence code definition table

T5BP8 - Absence category attributes

T5BP9 - Absence processing BE: illness attributes table.

T5BPBS01 - Description of pay scale rules

T5BPBS02 - Description of payscale rule Jumps

T5BPBS03 - Check-table for Domain P12P_RANK

T5BPBS03T - Text-table associated with T5BPBS03

T5BPBS07 - Employee's function status (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 197)

T5BPBS07T - Employee's function status (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 197):text

T5BPBS08 - Code Article 29 - AR 25/11/91 (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 271)

T5BPBS08T - Code Article 29 - AR 25/11/91 (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 271):text

T5BPBS09 - Grade of EE : security contract (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 320)

T5BPBS09T - Grade of EE:security contract (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 320):text

T5BPBS10 - Check table for domain P12P_CA_ARTYPE

T5BPBS10T - Text table for domain P12P_CA_ARTYPE

T5BPBS13 - Link Job <-> Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073)

T5BPBS13C - Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073)

T5BPBS13G - Grade

T5BPBS13GT - Grade Texts

T5BPBS13T - Employee function code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 073):text

T5BPBS27X - Organisational units and Employee's activity Code (NACE)

T5BPBS27XC - Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076)

T5BPBS27XD - Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076)

T5BPBS27XDT - Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076) Description

T5BPBS27XT - Employee's activity Code (ONSSAPL / RSZPPO 076):text

T5BPBS9P - Institutions for Belgian Public Sector

T5BPC - Postal Codes

T5BPCT - Postal Code Name

T5BPM - Absence modifier definition table BE

T5BPX - Text table for internal absence codes BE

T5BPY - Text table for BEMOD (absence processing modifier BE)

TABPHYSACC - Table statistics: physical database accesses

TABPHYSACC64 - Table Statistics: Physical Database Accesses

TCBP - Gantt chart settings

TCBPF - Field Assignment PPB Structure -> DB Structure

TCBPT - Text for settings in Gantt chart

TCBP_MLG - General logical model data

TCBP_MLS - General model data for SOP

TCBP_MOD - Contains all supply chain planning models

TCBP_MODT - Texts for models

TCBP_MRPFLAGS - Flags that control CBMRP planning

TCBP_MRP_DESC - Description for the MRP elements

TCBP_MSV - SOP versions

TCBP_MTG - General technical model data

TCBP_MTV - Version specific data

TCBP_PARDEF - Planning Parameters

TCBP_PLACT - Contains the definition of planning actions

TCBP_PLACTT - Texts for planning actions

TCBP_PLCONF - Planning configuration definition table

TCBP_PLIST - CBP Planning List

TCBP_PLSTEPS - Contains the definition of planning action steps

TCBP_PROBCAT - Problem Categories

TCBP_PROBCATT - Texts for problem categories

TCBP_SOPROF - Supply Chain Planning Interface Profile Table

TCBP_SOPROFT - Texts for SCPI Planning Profile

TCBP_SYS - List of active systems

TEBPPADDRESS - Contact Person Key for the Partner

TEBPPCAT - Log Categories Control Part SAP

TEBPPCATCOCD - Inactive Company Code for each Log Category

TEBPPCATCUST - Log Categories Control Part Customer


TEBPPCATT - Text Table for Log Entries

TEBPPCOMMFLAG - Notification Methods for Communication Events

TEBPPCOMMPRD - Assign Communication Event to a Time Period Group

TEBPPEXTSTATUS - External description of the invoice


TEBPPINQUIRYRES - Reason code of the vendor inquiry


TEBPPINQUIRYSW - Switches to select vendor inquiry system

TEBPPPERIOD - Biller Direct Notification Periods

TEBPPPERIODT - Texts for Time Period Groups

TEBPPPMNTDESCR - SAPScript used for payment descrption per company

TEBPP_COMMEVENT - Communication Event in Biller Direct

TEBPP_COMMEVENTT - Texts for Communication Events in Biller Direct

TEBPP_REC_INV - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing

TEBPP_REC_INV_A - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: Archive

TEBPP_REC_INV_C - Biller Direct: Set Bill Receipt Processing

TEBPP_REC_INV_I - SAP Biller Direct: Bill Receipt Processing: IDoc

TEBPV - Table for Tape Formats NO LONGER USED!!! WILL BE DELETED!!!

TEBP_ADR_ADD - Supplementary Table for TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TO

TEBP_ADR_SHIP_TO - Link Address Number of Business Partner to Ship-To Party

TJBP_DIST_DERI - Additions to Derivations in Distribution

TNBPGROUP - Business Partner Grouping for HC-Specific Roles

TNBPMIG03 - Mapping Table for Title Customizing

TNBPMIG04 - Mapping Table for Prefix Customizing

TNBPMIG05 - Mapping Table for Affix Customizing

TNBPMIG06 - Mapping Table for FOA Customizing

TNBPMIG07 - Mapping Table for Marital Status Customizing

TNBPMIGCTRL - Store Migration Phase

TNBPMIGDUP - Mapping Information for Duplicate SAP BPs

TNBPMIGFIASSN - Store IS-H Object and FI Customer Assignment

TNBPMIGINVALFI - Store Invalid FI Assignments

TNBPMIGNRMAP - Number Range Mapping for BP Migration

TNBPMIGPARAMS - Parameters for BP Migration

TNBPMIGPNTNOK - Mapping Information of IS-H Pat., BP Pat. and NOK Data

TNBPMIGPROVPAT - Mapping Information of Pat. with Prov. Master Data

TNBPOMCTRL - Control table for the SAP BP and OM conversion

TNBP_ACCTY - Assignment of Access Types to Business Partners

TVBPROC - Business Transaction for ATP

TVBPROCT - ATP: Texts for Business Transaction

TWBP - Assortment list profile

TWBPOSTTYPE - Trading Expenses: Posting Type

TWBPOSTTYPET - Trading Expenses: Posting Type

TWBPOSTYPASSIGN - Assignment Of Posting Type To Posting Type Group

TWBPOSTYPGROUP - Trading Expenses: Posting Type Group

TWBPOSTYPGROUPT - Trading Expenses: Posting Type Group

TWBPT - Assortment list profile description

TZBPV - Control table for CH regulatory reporting (BPV)

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