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VECAMIOPRCI - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_ADM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_GROUP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_HIE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_OBJADM - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_ORD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_REQ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_STXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_TSK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECM_VAL - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECONCARDH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

VECRM_ISU_PPROFS - Generated Table for View

VEC_ASSIGNMENT - Validation Method Assignment by Period and Entity

VEC_BASIC_RULE - Generated Table for View

VEC_CMT - Validation Consolidation Comment

VEC_DRR - Validation Engine: Data Release Request

VEC_LEAD_TABLE - Validation Lead Table

VEC_MTD - Validation Method

VEC_MTDT - Validation Method Text

VEC_MTD_GRP - Validation Method Group

VEC_MTD_GRPT - Validation Method Group Text

VEC_MTD_GRP_DR - Validation Method Group Drill-through Report

VEC_MTD_RULE - Validation Method Rules

VEC_OPD_DETIAL_LIST - Validation Result: Operand Detail

VEC_OPD_FILTER - Filter of Validation Rule

VEC_PERIODC - Validation Engine: Period category

VEC_RESULT - Validation Result table

VEC_RSLT_SNPSHT - Validation Result SnapShot of Method Structure

VEC_RULE - Validation Engine: Rule

VEC_RULET - Validation Engine: Rule Text

VEC_RULE_DT_REP - Drill through report for VEC validation rule

VEC_RULE_EXP - Validation Engine: Validation Rule Expression

VEC_RULE_TAMT - Validation Engine: Tagged Amount

VEC_RULE_TAMTT - Validation Engine: Tagged Amount Text

VEC_SCENARIO - Validation Scenario

VEC_SCENARIOT - Validation Scenario Text

VEC_SCEN_CDS_C - Scenario's Registered CDS View for Customer

VEC_SCEN_CDS_S - Scenario's Registered CDS View by SAP

VEC_SCEN_PARAM - Scenario Parameter Set

VEC_SCEN_USEL_S - Scenario's Registered Unified Selection by SAP

VEC_SEL - Validation Selection

VEC_SELT - Validation Selection Text


VEC_S_ADMIN_DATA - Administration data

VEC_S_AMDP_MTD_RULE - Method - Rule for amdp generation

VEC_S_ASSIGNLIST - Assignment list

VEC_S_ASSIGN_META - Task assignment meta

VEC_S_CONTEXT_FIELDS - Structure for All Fields to Identify Business Context

VEC_S_CONTROL_DATA - Drill through: control data

VEC_S_DRR_TR - DRR Structure with Texts

VEC_S_DYN_METHOD_ASSIGN - List strucuture for method assign in task maintainance

VEC_S_DYN_METHOD_ASSIGN_SELOPT - List strucuture for method assign in task maintainance



VEC_S_DYN_SELOPT - Dynpro structure: Select options

VEC_S_DYN_TASK - Dynpro structure: Task

VEC_S_ELEMENT_RESULT - structure for holding element result

VEC_S_ENTITIES_METHODS - Assigned methods list for the units

VEC_S_GLOBAL_PARAMS - Global parameters


VEC_S_IE_RESULT - Structure of Import Export Result

VEC_S_IE_UPLOAD_RESULT - Structure of Import Export Result

VEC_S_JSON_STRING_ODATA - Json String Format for Odata Function Import

VEC_S_MATH_FUNC_COMM - The comm structure of mathematic function

VEC_S_MATH_FUNC_ROUND - The comm structure of mathematic function

VEC_S_METHOD_LIST - Method assign detail

VEC_S_MSG - Structure for T100 Message

VEC_S_MTD_WHERE_USE_LIST - Method: where use liist

VEC_S_ODATA_JOB_RUN_LOG - Application job run log

VEC_S_ODATA_SH_FIELD - Fields for Dynamic Search Help (Odata Structure)

VEC_S_ODATA_VALUE_HELP_RESULT - Value Help Result for odata service

VEC_S_RESULT_CONTENT_ODATA - Structure for validation result content oData

VEC_S_RESULT_CONTENT_WITH_HIE - Structure of validation result content with hierarchy

VEC_S_RESULT_HEADER_ODATA - Structure for validation result header oData

VEC_S_RESULT_OPD_VALUE - validation result operand value

VEC_S_RESULT_OPD_VALUE_ODATA - Odata Structure of Validation Result Operand Value

VEC_S_RESULT_SCEN_ODATA - Odata Structure of Scenario Parameter list

VEC_S_RESULT_SCEN_PARAM - Scenario Parameter

VEC_S_RESULT_TASK_ODATA - Odata Structure for task with task type

VEC_S_RESULT_TASK_TR - Task with Task type

VEC_S_RESULT_TASK_TYPE_ODATA - Odata Structure of Task Type List

VEC_S_RESULT_TASK_TYPE_TR - Task type structure for result

VEC_S_RULE_ALL_INFO_ODATA - Structure of rule with all info

VEC_S_RULE_CATEGORY_SH - Search help structure of rule category

VEC_S_RULE_CDS_FLD_LIST_ODATA - Field list of Rule's CDS


VEC_S_RULE_DP - Deep structure of rule

VEC_S_RULE_DTREP_ODATA - Odata Structure of Rule Drill Though Report

VEC_S_RULE_DTREP_TR - Structure of Drill Though Report

VEC_S_RULE_EXP_ODATA - The structure of rule expression

VEC_S_RULE_EXP_TR - The structure of rule expression

VEC_S_RULE_HEADER_ODATA - Structure of Rule Header

VEC_S_RULE_HEADER_TR - Structure of Rule Header

VEC_S_RULE_LEAD_TABLE - Leading table


VEC_S_RULE_METHOD_ODATA - Rule Where-used: Method

VEC_S_RULE_ORIGIN_ADMIN_DATA - Admin data structure with state

VEC_S_RULE_PARAM - Parameters structure of rule running

VEC_S_RULE_RST - Rule result structure

VEC_S_RULE_RST_MSG - Rule result message

VEC_S_RULE_SELCLSFLD_HIER_OD - Odata Structure of Unified Selection Class Field Hierarchy

VEC_S_RULE_SH_FLD_ODATA - Search Help Fields

VEC_S_RULE_SIMULATION_PARAM - Structure of Rule Simulation Import Parameters

VEC_S_RULE_SIMULATION_RETURN - Return of Rule Simulation

VEC_S_RULE_SIM_RET_ODATA - Return of the simulation function import

VEC_S_RULE_STATE_SH - Search Help Structure of STATE

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_DP - Deep structure of Tagged Amount

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_EXP_ODATA - The structure of tagged amount expression

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_EXP_TR - The structure of tagged amount expression

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_ODATA - Odata Structure of Rule Tagged Amount

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_DP - Deep structure of operand

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_FILTER_OD - Structure of Filter(Odata)

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_FILTER_TR - Validation Rule Filter

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_ODATA - The structure of rule expression

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_SEL_ODATA - The structure of Rule Operand Selection (Odata)

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_SEL_TR - The structure of Rule Operand Selection

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_TR - The structure of rule expression

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_USEL_ODATA - Structure of Selection Options(Odata)

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_OPD_USEL_TR - The structure of Rule Operand Selection

VEC_S_RULE_TAMT_TR - structure of Validation Engine Tagged Amount

VEC_S_RULE_VAR - Rule result variables

VEC_S_RULE_WHEREUSED_ODATA - Rule Where-used: Method and Compound Rule

VEC_S_R_BUKRS - Range Structure of Company Code

VEC_S_R_CREATEDAT - Range structre of createdat

VEC_S_R_DIMEN - Range Structure of Dimen

VEC_S_R_FISCYEARPER - Range Structure of Period/year

VEC_S_R_GROUP - Range Structure of GROUP

VEC_S_R_JOBCOUNT - Range Structure of JobCount

VEC_S_R_JOBNAME - Range Structure of JobName

VEC_S_R_KOKRS - Range Structure of Controlling Area

VEC_S_R_LEDGER - Range Structure of Consolidation Ledger

VEC_S_R_METHOD - Range Structure of METHOD

VEC_S_R_PRCTR - Range Structure of Profit Center

VEC_S_R_RBUSA - Range Structure of Business Area

VEC_S_R_RCNTR - Range Structure of Profit Center

VEC_S_R_RCOMP - Range Structure of Company

VEC_S_R_RITCLG - Range Structure of UC-CS Chart-of-Accounts

VEC_S_R_RLDNR - Range Structure of UC-CS Consolidation Ledger

VEC_S_R_RULE - Range Structure of Rule

VEC_S_R_RVERS - Range Structure of Consolidation version

VEC_S_R_SEGMENT - Range Structure of Segment

VEC_S_R_TASK - Range Structure of Validation Task ID

VEC_S_R_TASKTYPE - Range Structure of Validation Task Type

VEC_S_R_UNIT - Range Structure of Consolidation Unit

VEC_S_R_USER - Range Structure of User

VEC_S_R_USTATUS - Range Structure of Data Release Request Status

VEC_S_SCEN_CDS_ODATA - Odata Structure of Scenario CDS

VEC_S_SCEN_CDS_TR - Structure of scenario CDS name

VEC_S_SH_FIELD - Search Help Field for Dynamic Search Help

VEC_S_STP_PARAM - DB6: Stored Procedure Parameter

VEC_S_TASK_TYPE_TR - Validation Task Type

VEC_S_UPLOAD_CHECK - Check Upload Data Repeating

VEC_S_UPLOAD_CHOOSE - Check Upload Data Repeating

VEC_S_VALUE_HELP_RESULT - value help result


VEC_S_VALUE_PAIR - ( Name,Value ) pair

VEC_S_VARIABLE - Validation Variable


VEC_TAMT_EXP - Tagged Amount Expression

VEC_TAMT_OPDT - Operand text

VEC_TAMT_OPERAND - Validation Engine: Rule Expression

VEC_TASK - Validation Task

VEC_TASKT - Validation Task Description

VEC_TASKTYPE - Validation Task Type

VEC_TASKTYPET - Validation Task Type Description

VEC_TASK_RUN - Validation Asynchronize Run Information

VEC_TMP_UPLOAD - Validation Temporary Uploaded Result

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