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VHUADMIN - Management Structure for Data Elements for Packag. Logistics

VHUCHGHUS1 - Transfer Structure for SCREEN 1000

VHUCUSTINFO - Relevant Customer Data

VHUMIDT - Material identification HU - dialog structure

VHUMI_CONS - Transfer structure for consumption posting for HU

VHUMI_HULIST - List of Partial GI for HUs

VHUMI_HU_IDENT - Structure for identified handling units

VHUMI_PGISSUE_QTY - HU Input Structure for Partial GI

VHUMI_QTY - HU Quantity Input for Partial GI (Transfer Structure)

VHUPARTNER_ADDRESS - Address Data for Partner

VHURMAUS - Input/Output Fields for Entry of Scrap Quantities

VHURMDAT - Other Data for HU List

VHURMEA2 - Input/Output Fields for Dynpro 0550

VHURMEAE - Input/Output Fields for Process/Account Assignment Screen

VHURMHUC - Transfer Structure for Screen Quantity Change

VHURMHUD - HU List (Extended)

VHURMKZG - Indicator for HU Backflush

VHURMPAR - Input/Output Fields for Backflush Parameters

VHURMPRC - Input/Output Fields for Process

VHURMTCO - Special Output Fields for Table Control

VHU_ABRVW_RANGE - Structure for Range Table for Use Indicator

VHU_AUTO - Automotive-Specific Fields

VHU_AUTO_PACK_STOCK - Automotive-Specific Fields for Packing Stock

VHU_AUTO_REFERENCES - Automotive-Specific Additional Fields

VHU_AUTO_REF_ALVHD - Automotive-Specific Additional Fields

VHU_CUSTORDER - Sales Order Reference

VHU_DLVRY - Reference for Delivery

VHU_EKETHU - MM Order Schedule Line with HU Data

VHU_EKPOHU - MM Order Items with HU Data

VHU_FC_HUTREE - Field Catalog for Controlling HU Tree

VHU_HU_PICK_SCENARIO - Storage Type with Scenario which Has Been Determined

VHU_ITEM_HUTREE - Item Structure for Column Tree Used in HU Tree

VHU_LANGUAGE - Language Key for Text Items

VHU_ORG_DATA - Additional SD Data from Documents

VHU_PACKING_ITEM_HU - Automotive Enhancements 2.0

VHU_PINSTRUCTION - Packing instruction

VHU_PINST_DETAIL - Details of packing instruction

VHU_PKSTK_RANGE - Structure for Ranges Table for Packing Status Header

VHU_PURORD - Reference for Purchasing Document

VHU_REF - Automotive-Specific Additional Fields

VHU_REFERENCES - Transfer Structure for HU References


VHU_REFMAT - Automotive Enhancements for DI46C2

VHU_REF_MAT_USED - Reference Material in Packing Instructions

VHU_SUPPLEMENT_HUTREE - Structure for Additional Column Contents in HU Tree

VHU_V51VP - Automotive Enhancements 2.0

VHU_VEPOD - Automotive Enhancements 2.0

VHU_VL10_DLVY_HU - HU Data for Delivery for VL10 With HUs

VHU_VL10_HU - Additional Structure HU Data in VL10 Display

VHU_VL10_HUDATA_COND - Compressed HU data structure for VL10 with HUs

VHU_VL10_MM_ORDER_EXT - Internal Supplementary Tables for MM Order

VHU_VL10_PACKQTY - Packing Quantity (From Handling Units)

VHU_VL10_PACKQTY_EKPO - Structure for HU Data


VHU_VL10_PACKQTY_VBAP - Structure for HU Data

VHU_VL10_VBAP_UNPACK - Cumulation of Unpacked Delivery Quantities per Order Item

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